#! /bin/bash -vex set -x -e echo "running as" $(id) #### # Taskcluster friendly wrapper for performing fx desktop builds via mozharness. #### # Inputs, with defaults : MOZHARNESS_SCRIPT ${MOZHARNESS_SCRIPT} : MOZHARNESS_CONFIG ${MOZHARNESS_CONFIG} : MOZHARNESS_CONFIG_PATHS ${MOZHARNESS_CONFIG_PATHS} : MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS ${MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS} : MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS ${MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS} : TOOLTOOL_CACHE ${TOOLTOOL_CACHE:=/builds/worker/tooltool-cache} : MOZ_SCM_LEVEL ${MOZ_SCM_LEVEL:=1} : NEED_XVFB ${NEED_XVFB:=false} : MH_CUSTOM_BUILD_VARIANT_CFG ${MH_CUSTOM_BUILD_VARIANT_CFG} : MH_BRANCH ${MH_BRANCH:=mozilla-central} : MH_BUILD_POOL ${MH_BUILD_POOL:=staging} : WORKSPACE ${WORKSPACE:=/builds/worker/workspace} : MOZ_OBJDIR ${MOZ_OBJDIR:=$WORKSPACE/obj-build} set -v fail() { echo # make sure error message is on a new line echo "[build-linux.sh:error]" "${@}" exit 1 } export MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_NO_REPORT=1 export TINDERBOX_OUTPUT=1 # use "simple" package names so that they can be hard-coded in the task's # extras.locations export MOZ_SIMPLE_PACKAGE_NAME=target # test required parameters are supplied if [[ -z ${MOZHARNESS_SCRIPT} ]]; then fail "MOZHARNESS_SCRIPT is not set"; fi if [[ -z "${MOZHARNESS_CONFIG}" && -z "${EXTRA_MOZHARNESS_CONFIG}" ]]; then fail "MOZHARNESS_CONFIG or EXTRA_MOZHARNESS_CONFIG is not set"; fi # run XVfb in the background, if necessary if $NEED_XVFB; then . /builds/worker/scripts/xvfb.sh cleanup() { local rv=$? cleanup_xvfb exit $rv } trap cleanup EXIT INT start_xvfb '1024x768x24' 2 fi # set up mozharness configuration, via command line, env, etc. debug_flag="" if [ 0$DEBUG -ne 0 ]; then debug_flag='--debug' fi custom_build_variant_cfg_flag="" if [ -n "${MH_CUSTOM_BUILD_VARIANT_CFG}" ]; then custom_build_variant_cfg_flag="--custom-build-variant-cfg=${MH_CUSTOM_BUILD_VARIANT_CFG}" fi # $TOOLTOOL_CACHE bypasses mozharness completely and is read by tooltool_wrapper.sh to set the # cache. However, only some mozharness scripts use tooltool_wrapper.sh, so this may not be # entirely effective. export TOOLTOOL_CACHE export MOZ_OBJDIR config_path_cmds="" for path in ${MOZHARNESS_CONFIG_PATHS}; do config_path_cmds="${config_path_cmds} --extra-config-path ${GECKO_PATH}/${path}" done # support multiple, space delimited, config files config_cmds="" for cfg in $MOZHARNESS_CONFIG; do config_cmds="${config_cmds} --config ${cfg}" done # if MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS is given, only run those actions (completely overriding default_actions # in the mozharness configuration) if [ -n "$MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS" ]; then actions="" for action in $MOZHARNESS_ACTIONS; do actions="$actions --$action" done fi # if MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS is given, append them to mozharness command line run if [ -n "$MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS" ]; then options="" for option in $MOZHARNESS_OPTIONS; do options="$options --$option" done fi cd /builds/worker $GECKO_PATH/mach python -- \ $GECKO_PATH/testing/${MOZHARNESS_SCRIPT} \ ${config_path_cmds} \ ${config_cmds} \ $debug_flag \ $custom_build_variant_cfg_flag \ $actions \ $options \ --log-level=debug \ --work-dir=$WORKSPACE \ --branch=${MH_BRANCH} \ --build-pool=${MH_BUILD_POOL}