# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. """ Script that launches profiles creation. """ import os import shutil import asyncio import mozversion from condprof.creator import ProfileCreator from condprof.desktop import DesktopEnv from condprof.android import AndroidEnv from condprof.changelog import Changelog from condprof.scenarii import scenarii from condprof.util import logger, get_current_platform, extract_from_dmg from condprof.customization import get_customizations, find_customization from condprof.client import read_changelog, ProfileNotFoundError class Runner: def __init__( self, profile, firefox, geckodriver, archive, device_name, strict, force_new, visible, skip_logs=False, remote_test_root="/sdcard/test_root/", ): self.force_new = force_new self.profile = profile self.geckodriver = geckodriver self.archive = archive self.device_name = device_name self.strict = strict self.visible = visible self.skip_logs = skip_logs self.remote_test_root = remote_test_root self.env = {} # unpacking a dmg # XXX do something similar if we get an apk (but later) # XXX we want to do # adb install -r target.apk # and get the installed app name if firefox is not None and firefox.endswith("dmg"): target = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(firefox), "firefox.app") extract_from_dmg(firefox, target) firefox = os.path.join(target, "Contents", "MacOS", "firefox") self.firefox = firefox self.android = self.firefox is not None and self.firefox.startswith( "org.mozilla" ) def prepare(self, scenario, customization): self.scenario = scenario self.customization = customization # early checks to avoid extra work if self.customization != "all": if find_customization(self.customization) is None: raise IOError("Cannot find customization %r" % self.customization) if self.scenario != "all" and self.scenario not in scenarii: raise IOError("Cannot find scenario %r" % self.scenario) if not self.android and self.firefox is not None: logger.info("Verifying Desktop Firefox binary") # we want to verify we do have a firefox binary # XXX so lame if not os.path.exists(self.firefox): if "MOZ_FETCHES_DIR" in os.environ: target = os.path.join(os.environ["MOZ_FETCHES_DIR"], self.firefox) if os.path.exists(target): self.firefox = target if not os.path.exists(self.firefox): raise IOError("Cannot find %s" % self.firefox) mozversion.get_version(self.firefox) logger.info(os.environ) if self.archive: self.archive = os.path.abspath(self.archive) logger.info("Archives directory is %s" % self.archive) if not os.path.exists(self.archive): os.makedirs(self.archive, exist_ok=True) logger.info("Verifying Geckodriver binary presence") if shutil.which(self.geckodriver) is None and not os.path.exists( self.geckodriver ): raise IOError("Cannot find %s" % self.geckodriver) if not self.skip_logs: try: if self.android: plat = "%s-%s" % ( self.device_name, self.firefox.split("org.mozilla.")[-1], ) else: plat = get_current_platform() self.changelog = read_changelog(plat) logger.info("Got the changelog from TaskCluster") except ProfileNotFoundError: logger.info("changelog not found on TaskCluster, creating a local one.") self.changelog = Changelog(self.archive) else: self.changelog = [] def _create_env(self): if self.android: klass = AndroidEnv else: klass = DesktopEnv return klass( self.profile, self.firefox, self.geckodriver, self.archive, self.device_name ) def display_error(self, scenario, customization): logger.error("%s x %s failed." % (scenario, customization), exc_info=True) # TODO: this might avoid the exceptions that slip through in automation # if self.strict: # raise async def one_run(self, scenario, customization): """Runs one single conditioned profile. Create an instance of the environment and run the ProfileCreator. """ self.env = self._create_env() return await ProfileCreator( scenario, customization, self.archive, self.changelog, self.force_new, self.env, skip_logs=self.skip_logs, remote_test_root=self.remote_test_root, ).run(not self.visible) async def run_all(self): """Runs the conditioned profile builders""" if self.scenario != "all": selected_scenario = [self.scenario] else: selected_scenario = scenarii.keys() # this is the loop that generates all combinations of profile # for the current platform when "all" is selected res = [] failures = 0 for scenario in selected_scenario: if self.customization != "all": try: res.append(await self.one_run(scenario, self.customization)) except Exception: failures += 1 self.display_error(scenario, self.customization) else: for customization in get_customizations(): logger.info("Customization %s" % customization) try: res.append(await self.one_run(scenario, customization)) except Exception: failures += 1 self.display_error(scenario, customization) return failures, [one_res for one_res in res if one_res] def save(self): self.changelog.save(self.archive) def run( archive, firefox=None, scenario="all", profile=None, customization="all", visible=False, archives_dir="/tmp/archives", force_new=False, strict=True, geckodriver="geckodriver", device_name=None, ): runner = Runner( profile, firefox, geckodriver, archive, device_name, strict, force_new, visible ) runner.prepare(scenario, customization) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: failures, results = loop.run_until_complete(runner.run_all()) logger.info("Saving changelog in %s" % archive) runner.save() if failures > 0: raise Exception("At least one scenario failed") except Exception as e: raise e finally: loop.close()