[navigate-top-to-aboutblank.https.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, CRASH] if (os == "android") and not fission: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT, CRASH] [OK, TIMEOUT, CRASH] [Navigate top to about:blank from iframe with opener COOP: |header(Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy,same-origin), iframe origin: https://www1.web-platform.test:8443] expected: FAIL [Navigate top to about:blank from iframe with opener COOP: |header(Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy,same-origin), iframe origin: https://web-platform.test:8443] expected: FAIL [Navigate top to about:blank from iframe with opener COOP: |header(Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy,same-origin-allow-popups), iframe origin: https://www1.web-platform.test:8443] expected: FAIL