[createcredential-passing.https.html] disabled: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1546662 expected: TIMEOUT [WebAuthn credential.create() Passing Tests] expected: TIMEOUT [passing credentials.create() with default arguments] expected: if debug and (os == "win"): FAIL TIMEOUT [passing credentials.create() with rpId (host and port)] expected: if debug and (os == "win"): FAIL NOTRUN [passing credentials.create() with rpId (hostname)] expected: if debug and (os == "win"): FAIL NOTRUN [passing credentials.create() without rp.icon] expected: if debug and (os == "win"): TIMEOUT NOTRUN [very short user id] expected: NOTRUN [max length user id] expected: NOTRUN [Uint8Array user id] expected: NOTRUN [Int8Array user id] expected: NOTRUN [Int16Array user id] expected: NOTRUN [Int32Array user id] expected: NOTRUN [Float32Array user id] expected: NOTRUN [DataView user id] expected: NOTRUN [passing credentials.create() without user.icon] expected: NOTRUN [Int16Array challenge] expected: NOTRUN [Int32Array challenge] expected: NOTRUN [Float32Array challenge] expected: NOTRUN [Float64Array challenge] expected: NOTRUN [DataView challenge] expected: NOTRUN [Absurdly large challenge] expected: NOTRUN [Bad pubKeyCredParams: pubKeyCredParams is empty Array] expected: NOTRUN [EC256 pubKeyCredParams] expected: NOTRUN [SelectEC256 pubKeyCredParams from a list] expected: NOTRUN [passing credentials.create() with no timeout] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection is undefined] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection is empty object] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection default values] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection attachment undefined] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection residentKey undefined] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection residentKey false] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection userVerification undefined] expected: NOTRUN [authenticatorSelection userVerification discouraged] expected: NOTRUN [attestation parameter: attestation is "none"] expected: NOTRUN [attestation parameter: attestation is "indirect"] expected: NOTRUN [attestation parameter: attestation is "direct"] expected: NOTRUN [attestation parameter: attestation is undefined] expected: NOTRUN [extensions undefined] expected: NOTRUN [extensions are empty object] expected: NOTRUN [extensions are dict of empty strings] expected: NOTRUN