'use strict'; const test_desc = 'Request for absent service without permission. Should ' + 'Reject with SecurityError even if services have been discovered already.'; const expected = new DOMException( 'Origin is not allowed to access the service. Tip: Add the service ' + 'UUID to \'optionalServices\' in requestDevice() options. ' + 'https://goo.gl/HxfxSQ', 'SecurityError'); let device; bluetooth_test(() => getHealthThermometerDeviceWithServicesDiscovered({ filters: [{services: ['health_thermometer']}] }) .then(_ => ({device} = _)) .then(() => Promise.all([ assert_promise_rejects_with_message( device.gatt.CALLS([ getPrimaryService(glucose.alias)| getPrimaryServices(glucose.alias)[UUID] ]), expected), assert_promise_rejects_with_message( device.gatt.FUNCTION_NAME(glucose.name), expected), assert_promise_rejects_with_message( device.gatt.FUNCTION_NAME(glucose.uuid), expected)])), test_desc);