const Host = { SAME_ORIGIN: "same-origin", CROSS_ORIGIN: "cross-origin", }; const PolicyHeader = { CSP: "", CSP_MULTIPLE: "", REQUIRED_CSP: "", ALLOW_CSP_FROM: "", }; const IframeLoad = { EXPECT_BLOCK: true, EXPECT_LOAD: false, }; function getOrigin() { var url = new URL("http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/"); return url.origin; } function getCrossOrigin() { var url = new URL("http://{{domains[天気の良い日]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/"); return url.toString(); } function getSecureCrossOrigin() { // Since wptserve spins up servers on non-default port, 'self' matches // http://[host]:[specified-port] and https://[host]:[specified-port], but not // https://[host]:[https-port]. So, we use the http port for this https origin // in order to verify that a secure variant of a non-secure URL matches 'self'. var url = new URL("https://{{domains[天気の良い日]}}:{{ports[http][0]}}"); return url.toString(); } function generateURL(host, path, include_second_level_iframe, second_level_iframe_csp) { var url = new URL("http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/content-security-policy/embedded-enforcement/support/"); url.hostname = host == Host.SAME_ORIGIN ? "{{host}}" : "{{domains[天気の良い日]}}"; url.pathname += path; if (include_second_level_iframe) { url.searchParams.append("include_second_level_iframe", ""); if (second_level_iframe_csp) url.searchParams.append("second_level_iframe_csp", second_level_iframe_csp); } return url; } function generateURLString(host, path) { return generateURL(host, path, false, "").toString(); } function generateURLStringWithSecondIframeParams(host, path, second_level_iframe_csp) { return generateURL(host, path, true, second_level_iframe_csp).toString(); } function generateRedirect(host, target) { var url = new URL("http://{{host}}:{{ports[http][0]}}/common/" + encodeURIComponent(target)); url.hostname = host == Host.SAME_ORIGIN ? "{{host}}" : "{{domains[天気の良い日]}}"; return url.toString(); } function generateUrlWithPolicies(host, policy) { var url = generateURL(host, PolicyHeader.CSP_MULTIPLE); if (policy != null) url.searchParams.append("policy", policy); return url; } function generateUrlWithAllowCSPFrom(host, allowCspFrom) { var url = generateURL(host, PolicyHeader.ALLOW_CSP_FROM); if (allowCspFrom != null) url.searchParams.append("allow_csp_from", allowCspFrom); return url; } function assert_required_csp(t, url, csp, expected) { var i = document.createElement('iframe'); if(csp) i.csp = csp; i.src = url; window.addEventListener('message', t.step_func(e => { if (e.source != i.contentWindow || !('required_csp' in return; if (expected.indexOf(['required_csp']) == -1) assert_unreached('Child iframes have unexpected csp:"' +['required_csp'] + '"'); expected.splice(expected.indexOf(['required_csp']), 1); if (['test_header_injection'] != null) assert_unreached('HTTP header injection was successful'); if (expected.length == 0) t.done(); })); document.body.appendChild(i); } function assert_iframe_with_csp(t, url, csp, shouldBlock, urlId, blockedURI, checkImageLoaded) { const i = document.createElement('iframe'); url.searchParams.append("id", urlId); i.src = url.toString(); if (csp != null) i.csp = csp; var loaded = {}; var onLoadReceived = {}; window.addEventListener("message", function (e) { if (e.source != i.contentWindow) return; if (["loaded"]) loaded[["id"]] = true; }); if (shouldBlock) { // Assert iframe does not load and is inaccessible. window.onmessage = t.step_func(function(e) { if (e.source != i.contentWindow) return; assert_unreached('No message should be sent from the frame.'); }); i.onload = t.step_func(function () { // Delay the check until after the postMessage has a chance to execute. setTimeout(t.step_func_done(function () { assert_equals(loaded[urlId], undefined); }), 500); assert_throws_dom("SecurityError", () => { var x = i.contentWindow.location.href; }); }); } else if (blockedURI) { // Assert iframe loads with an expected violation. window.addEventListener('message', t.step_func(e => { if (e.source != i.contentWindow) return; if (! return; assert_equals(["blockedURI"], blockedURI); t.done(); })); } else { // Assert iframe loads. Wait for the load event, the postMessage from the // script and the img load event. let img_loaded = !checkImageLoaded; window.addEventListener('message', t.step_func(e => { if (e.source != i.contentWindow) return; if ( === "img loaded") img_loaded = true; if (loaded[urlId] && onLoadReceived[urlId] && img_loaded) { t.done(); } })); i.onload = t.step_func(function () { onLoadReceived[urlId] = true; if (loaded[urlId] && onLoadReceived[urlId] && img_loaded) { t.done(); } }); } document.body.appendChild(i); }