import { testElement, writingModes, testCSSValues, testComputedValues, makeDeclaration } from "./test-shared.js"; // Values to use while testing const testValues = { "length": ["1px", "2px", "3px", "4px", "5px"], "color": ["rgb(1, 1, 1)", "rgb(2, 2, 2)", "rgb(3, 3, 3)", "rgb(4, 4, 4)", "rgb(5, 5, 5)"], "border-style": ["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "groove"], }; /** * Creates a group of physical and logical box properties, such as * * { physical: { * left: "margin-left", right: "margin-right", * top: "margin-top", bottom: "margin-bottom", * }, logical: { * inlineStart: "margin-inline-start", inlineEnd: "margin-inline-end", * blockStart: "margin-block-start", blockEnd: "margin-block-end", * }, shorthands: { * "margin": ["margin-top", "margin-right", "margin-bottom", "margin-left"], * "margin-inline": ["margin-inline-start", "margin-inline-end"], * "margin-block": ["margin-block-start", "margin-block-end"], * }, type: ["length"], prerequisites: "...", property: "margin-*" } * * @param {string} property * A string representing the property names, like "margin-*". * @param {Object} descriptor * @param {string|string[]} descriptor.type * Describes the kind of values accepted by the property, like "length". * Must be a key or a collection of keys from the `testValues` object. * @param {Object={}} descriptor.prerequisites * Represents property declarations that are needed by `property` to work. * For example, border-width properties require a border style. */ export function createBoxPropertyGroup(property, descriptor) { const logical = {}; const physical = {}; const shorthands = {}; for (const axis of ["inline", "block"]) { const shorthand = property.replace("*", axis); const longhands = []; shorthands[shorthand] = longhands; for (const side of ["start", "end"]) { const logicalSide = axis + "-" + side; const camelCase = logicalSide.replace(/-(.)/g, (match, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()); const longhand = property.replace("*", logicalSide); logical[camelCase] = longhand; longhands.push(longhand); } } const isInset = property === "inset-*"; let prerequisites = ""; for (const physicalSide of ["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]) { physical[physicalSide] = isInset ? physicalSide : property.replace("*", physicalSide); prerequisites += makeDeclaration(descriptor.prerequisites, physicalSide); } shorthands[property.replace("-*", "")] = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"].map(physicalSide => physical[physicalSide]); const type = [].concat(descriptor.type); return {logical, physical, shorthands, type, prerequisites, property}; } /** * Creates a group physical and logical box-corner properties. * * @param {string} property * A string representing the property names, like "border-*-radius". * @param {Object} descriptor * @param {string|string[]} descriptor.type * Describes the kind of values accepted by the property, like "length". * Must be a key or a collection of keys from the `testValues` object. * @param {Object={}} descriptor.prerequisites * Represents property declarations that are needed by `property` to work. * For example, border-width properties require a border style. */ export function createCornerPropertyGroup(property, descriptor) { const logical = {}; const physical = {}; const shorthands = {}; for (const logicalCorner of ["start-start", "start-end", "end-start", "end-end"]) { const prop = property.replace("*", logicalCorner); const [block_side, inline_side] = logicalCorner.split("-"); const b = "block" + block_side.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + block_side.slice(1); const i = "inline" + inline_side.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + inline_side.slice(1); const index = b + "-" + i; // e.g. "blockStart-inlineEnd" logical[index] = prop; } let prerequisites = ""; for (const physicalCorner of ["top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right"]) { const prop = property.replace("*", physicalCorner); physical[physicalCorner] = prop; prerequisites += makeDeclaration(descriptor.prerequisites, physicalCorner); } const type = [].concat(descriptor.type); return {logical, physical, shorthands, type, prerequisites, property}; } /** * Creates a group of physical and logical sizing properties. * * @param {string} prefix * One of "", "max-" or "min-". */ export function createSizingPropertyGroup(prefix) { return { logical: { inline: `${prefix}inline-size`, block: `${prefix}block-size`, }, physical: { horizontal: `${prefix}width`, vertical: `${prefix}height`, }, type: ["length"], prerequisites: makeDeclaration({display: "block"}), property: (prefix ? prefix.slice(0, -1) + " " : "") + "sizing", }; } /** * Tests a grup of logical and physical properties in different writing modes. * * @param {Object} group * An object returned by createBoxPropertyGroup or createSizingPropertyGroup. */ export function runTests(group) { const values = testValues[group.type[0]].map(function(_, i) { return => testValues[type][i]).join(" "); }); const logicals = Object.values(group.logical); const physicals = Object.values(group.physical); const shorthands = group.shorthands ? Object.entries(group.shorthands) : null; const is_corner = == "border-*-radius"; test(function() { const expected = []; for (const [i, logicalProp] of logicals.entries()) {, values[i]); expected.push([logicalProp, values[i]]); } testCSSValues("logical properties in inline style",, expected); }, `Test that logical ${} properties are supported.`); = ""; const shorthandValues = {}; for (const [shorthand, longhands] of shorthands || []) { let valueArray; if (group.type.length > 1) { valueArray = [values[0]]; } else { valueArray = testValues[group.type].slice(0, longhands.length); } shorthandValues[shorthand] = valueArray; const value = valueArray.join(" "); const expected = [[shorthand, value]]; for (let [i, longhand] of longhands.entries()) { expected.push([longhand, valueArray[group.type.length > 1 ? 0 : i]]); } test(function() {, value); testCSSValues("shorthand in inline style",, expected); const stylesheet = `.test { ${group.prerequisites} }`; testComputedValues("shorthand in computed style", stylesheet, expected); }, `Test that ${shorthand} shorthand sets longhands and serializes correctly.`); = ""; } for (const writingMode of writingModes) { for (const style of writingMode.styles) { const writingModeDecl = makeDeclaration(style); const associated = {}; for (const [logicalSide, logicalProp] of Object.entries(group.logical)) { let physicalProp; if (is_corner) { const [ block_side, inline_side] = logicalSide.split("-"); const physicalSide1 = writingMode[block_side]; const physicalSide2 = writingMode[inline_side]; let physicalCorner; // mirror "left-top" to "top-left" etc if (["top", "bottom"].includes(physicalSide1)) { physicalCorner = physicalSide1 + "-" + physicalSide2; } else { physicalCorner = physicalSide2 + "-" + physicalSide1; } physicalProp = group.physical[physicalCorner]; } else { physicalProp = group.physical[writingMode[logicalSide]]; } associated[logicalProp] = physicalProp; associated[physicalProp] = logicalProp; } // Test that logical properties are converted to their physical // equivalent correctly when all in the group are present on a single // declaration, with no overwriting of previous properties and // no physical properties present. We put the writing mode properties // on a separate declaration to test that the computed values of these // properties are used, rather than those on the same declaration. test(function() { let decl = group.prerequisites; const expected = []; for (const [i, logicalProp] of logicals.entries()) { decl += `${logicalProp}: ${values[i]}; `; expected.push([logicalProp, values[i]]); expected.push([associated[logicalProp], values[i]]); } testComputedValues("logical properties on one declaration, writing " + `mode properties on another, '${writingModeDecl}'`, `.test { ${writingModeDecl} } .test { ${decl} }`, expected); }, `Test that logical ${} properties share computed values ` + `with their physical associates, with '${writingModeDecl}'.`); // Test logical shorthand properties. if (shorthands) { test(function() { for (const [shorthand, longhands] of shorthands) { let valueArray = shorthandValues[shorthand]; const decl = group.prerequisites + `${shorthand}: ${valueArray.join(" ")}; `; const expected = []; for (let [i, longhand] of longhands.entries()) { const longhandValue = valueArray[group.type.length > 1 ? 0 : i]; expected.push([longhand, longhandValue]); expected.push([associated[longhand], longhandValue]); } testComputedValues("shorthand properties on one declaration, writing " + `mode properties on another, '${writingModeDecl}'`, `.test { ${writingModeDecl} } .test { ${decl} }`, expected); } }, `Test that ${} shorthands set the computed value of both ` + `logical and physical longhands, with '${writingModeDecl}'.`); } // Test that logical and physical properties are cascaded together, // honoring their relative order on a single declaration // (a) with a single logical property after the physical ones // (b) with a single physical property after the logical ones test(function() { for (const lastIsLogical of [true, false]) { const lasts = lastIsLogical ? logicals : physicals; const others = lastIsLogical ? physicals : logicals; for (const lastProp of lasts) { let decl = writingModeDecl + group.prerequisites; const expected = []; for (const [i, prop] of others.entries()) { decl += `${prop}: ${values[i]}; `; const valueIdx = associated[prop] === lastProp ? others.length : i; expected.push([prop, values[valueIdx]]); expected.push([associated[prop], values[valueIdx]]); } decl += `${lastProp}: ${values[others.length]}; `; testComputedValues(`'${lastProp}' last on single declaration, '${writingModeDecl}'`, `.test { ${decl} }`, expected); } } }, `Test that ${} properties honor order of appearance when both ` + `logical and physical associates are declared, with '${writingModeDecl}'.`); // Test that logical and physical properties are cascaded properly when // on different declarations // (a) with a logical property in the high specificity rule // (b) with a physical property in the high specificity rule test(function() { for (const highIsLogical of [true, false]) { let lowDecl = writingModeDecl + group.prerequisites; const high = highIsLogical ? logicals : physicals; const others = highIsLogical ? physicals : logicals; for (const [i, prop] of others.entries()) { lowDecl += `${prop}: ${values[i]}; `; } for (const highProp of high) { const highDecl = `${highProp}: ${values[others.length]}; `; const expected = []; for (const [i, prop] of others.entries()) { const valueIdx = associated[prop] === highProp ? others.length : i; expected.push([prop, values[valueIdx]]); expected.push([associated[prop], values[valueIdx]]); } testComputedValues(`'${highProp}', two declarations, '${writingModeDecl}'`, `#test { ${highDecl} } .test { ${lowDecl} }`, expected); } } }, `Test that ${} properties honor selector specificty when both ` + `logical and physical associates are declared, with '${writingModeDecl}'.`); } } }