function runTest(config, qualifier) { var testname = testnamePrefix( qualifier, config.keysystem ) + ', setmediakeys multiple times with different mediakeys'; var configuration = getSimpleConfigurationForContent( config.content ); async_test (function (test) { var _video =, _access, _mediaKeys1, _mediaKeys2, _usingMediaKeys2 = false;; // Test MediaKeys assignment. assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, null); assert_equals(typeof _video.setMediaKeys, 'function'); function onFailure(error) { forceTestFailureFromPromise(test, error); } navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess(config.keysystem, [configuration]).then(function(access) { _access = access; return _access.createMediaKeys(); }).then(test.step_func(function(result) { _mediaKeys1 = result; assert_not_equals(_mediaKeys1, null); // Create a second mediaKeys. return _access.createMediaKeys(); })).then(test.step_func(function(result) { _mediaKeys2 = result; assert_not_equals(_mediaKeys2, null); // Set _mediaKeys1 on video. return _video.setMediaKeys(_mediaKeys1); })).then(test.step_func(function() { assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, _mediaKeys1); // Set _mediaKeys2 on video (switching MediaKeys). return _video.setMediaKeys(_mediaKeys2); })).then(test.step_func(function() { assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, _mediaKeys2); // Clear mediaKeys from video. return _video.setMediaKeys(null); })).then(test.step_func(function() { assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, null); // Set _mediaKeys1 on video again. return _video.setMediaKeys(_mediaKeys1); })).then(test.step_func(function() { assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, _mediaKeys1); return testmediasource(config); })).then(function(source) { // Set src attribute on Video Element _video.src = URL.createObjectURL(source); // According to the specification, support for changing the Media Keys object after // the src attribute on the video element has been set is optional. The following operation // may therefore either succeed or fail. We handle both cases. return _video.setMediaKeys(_mediaKeys2); }).then(test.step_func(function() { // Changing the Media Keys object succeeded _usingMediaKeys2 = true; assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, _mediaKeys2); // Return something so the promise resolves properly. return Promise.resolve(); }), test.step_func(function(error) { // Changing the Media Keys object failed _usingMediaKeys2 = false; assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, _mediaKeys1); // The specification allows either NotSupportedError or InvalidStateError depending on // whether the failure was because changing Media Keys object is not supported // or just not allowed at this time, respectively. assert_in_array(, ['InvalidStateError','NotSupportedError']); assert_not_equals(error.message, ''); // Return something so the promise resolves properly. return Promise.resolve(); })).then(function() { // According to the specification, support for clearing the Media Keys object associated // with the video element is optional. The following operation // may therefore either succeed or fail. We handle both cases. return _video.setMediaKeys(null); }).then(test.step_func(function() { // Clearing the media keys succeeded assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, null); test.done(); }), test.step_func(function(error) { // Clearing the media keys failed if(!_usingMediaKeys2) { assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, _mediaKeys1); } else { assert_equals(_video.mediaKeys, _mediaKeys2); } // The specification allows either NotSupportedError or InvalidStateError depending on // whether the failure was because changing Media Keys object is not supported // or just not allowed at this time, respectively. assert_in_array(, ['InvalidStateError','NotSupportedError']); assert_not_equals(error.message, ''); test.done(); })).catch(onFailure); }, testname); }