#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ This is a script that generates the content and HTML files for Media Source codec config change LayoutTests. """ import json import os DURATION = 2 MEDIA_FORMATS = ['webm', 'mp4'] ENCODE_SETTINGS = [ ## Video-only files # Frame rate changes {'fs': '320x240', 'fr': 24, 'kfr': 8, 'c': '#ff0000', 'vbr': 128, 'abr': 0, 'asr': 0, 'ach': 0, 'afreq': 0}, {'fs': '320x240', 'fr': 30, 'kfr': 10, 'c': '#ff0000', 'vbr': 128, 'abr': 0, 'asr': 0, 'ach': 0, 'afreq': 0}, # Frame size change {'fs': '640x480', 'fr': 30, 'kfr': 10, 'c': '#00ff00', 'vbr': 128, 'abr': 0, 'asr': 0, 'ach': 0, 'afreq': 0}, # Bitrate change {'fs': '320x240', 'fr': 30, 'kfr': 10, 'c': '#ff00ff', 'vbr': 256, 'abr': 0, 'asr': 0, 'ach': 0, 'afreq': 0}, ## Audio-only files # Bitrate/Codebook changes {'fs': '0x0', 'fr': 0, 'kfr': 0, 'c': '#000000', 'vbr': 0, 'abr': 128, 'asr': 44100, 'ach': 1, 'afreq': 2000}, {'fs': '0x0', 'fr': 0, 'kfr': 0, 'c': '#000000', 'vbr': 0, 'abr': 192, 'asr': 44100, 'ach': 1, 'afreq': 4000}, ## Audio-Video files # Frame size change. {'fs': '320x240', 'fr': 30, 'kfr': 10, 'c': '#ff0000', 'vbr': 256, 'abr': 128, 'asr': 44100, 'ach': 1, 'afreq': 2000}, {'fs': '640x480', 'fr': 30, 'kfr': 10, 'c': '#00ff00', 'vbr': 256, 'abr': 128, 'asr': 44100, 'ach': 1, 'afreq': 2000}, # Audio bitrate change. {'fs': '640x480', 'fr': 30, 'kfr': 10, 'c': '#00ff00', 'vbr': 256, 'abr': 192, 'asr': 44100, 'ach': 1, 'afreq': 4000}, # Video bitrate change. {'fs': '640x480', 'fr': 30, 'kfr': 10, 'c': '#00ffff', 'vbr': 512, 'abr': 128, 'asr': 44100, 'ach': 1, 'afreq': 2000}, ] CONFIG_CHANGE_TESTS = [ ["v-framerate", 0, 1, "Tests %s video-only frame rate changes."], ["v-framesize", 1, 2, "Tests %s video-only frame size changes."], ["v-bitrate", 1, 3, "Tests %s video-only bitrate changes."], ["a-bitrate", 4, 5, "Tests %s audio-only bitrate changes."], ["av-framesize", 6, 7, "Tests %s frame size changes in multiplexed content."], ["av-audio-bitrate", 7, 8, "Tests %s audio bitrate changes in multiplexed content."], ["av-video-bitrate", 7, 9, "Tests %s video bitrate changes in multiplexed content."] ] CODEC_INFO = { "mp4": {"audio": "mp4a.40.2", "video": "avc1.4D4001"}, "webm": {"audio": "vorbis", "video": "vp8"} } HTML_TEMPLATE = """
""" def run(cmd_line): os.system(" ".join(cmd_line)) def generate_manifest(filename, media_filename, media_format, has_audio, has_video): major_type = "audio" if has_video: major_type = "video" codecs = [] if has_video: codecs.append(CODEC_INFO[media_format]["video"]) if has_audio: codecs.append(CODEC_INFO[media_format]["audio"]) mimetype = "%s/%s;codecs=\"%s\"" % (major_type, media_format, ",".join(codecs)) manifest = { 'url': media_filename, 'type': mimetype} f = open(filename, "wb") f.write(json.dumps(manifest, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) f.close() def generate_test_html(media_format, config_change_tests, encoding_ids): for test_info in config_change_tests: filename = "../../media-source/mediasource-config-change-%s-%s.html" % (media_format, test_info[0]) html = HTML_TEMPLATE % {'media_format': media_format, 'idA': encoding_ids[test_info[1]], 'idB': encoding_ids[test_info[2]], 'description': test_info[3] % (media_format)} f = open(filename, "wb") f.write(html) f.close() def main(): encoding_ids = [] for media_format in MEDIA_FORMATS: run(["mkdir ", media_format]) for settings in ENCODE_SETTINGS: video_bitrate = settings['vbr'] has_video = (video_bitrate > 0) audio_bitrate = settings['abr'] has_audio = (audio_bitrate > 0) bitrate = video_bitrate + audio_bitrate frame_size = settings['fs'] frame_rate = settings['fr'] keyframe_rate = settings['kfr'] color = settings['c'] sample_rate = settings['asr'] channels = settings['ach'] frequency = settings['afreq'] cmdline = ["ffmpeg", "-y"] id_prefix = "" id_params = "" if has_audio: id_prefix += "a" id_params += "-%sHz-%sch" % (sample_rate, channels) channel_layout = "FC" sin_func = "sin(%s*2*PI*t)" % frequency func = sin_func if channels == 2: channel_layout += "|BC" func += "|" + sin_func cmdline += ["-f", "lavfi", "-i", "aevalsrc=\"%s:s=%s:c=%s:d=%s\"" % (func, sample_rate, channel_layout, DURATION)] if has_video: id_prefix += "v" id_params += "-%s-%sfps-%skfr" % (frame_size, frame_rate, keyframe_rate) cmdline += ["-f", "lavfi", "-i", "color=%s:duration=%s:size=%s:rate=%s" % (color, DURATION, frame_size, frame_rate)] if has_audio: cmdline += ["-b:a", "%sk" % audio_bitrate] if has_video: cmdline += ["-b:v", "%sk" % video_bitrate] cmdline += ["-keyint_min", "%s" % keyframe_rate] cmdline += ["-g", "%s" % keyframe_rate] textOverlayInfo = "'drawtext=fontfile=Mono:fontsize=32:text=Time\\\\:\\\\ %{pts}" textOverlayInfo += ",drawtext=fontfile=Mono:fontsize=32:y=32:text=Size\\\\:\\\\ %s" % (frame_size) textOverlayInfo += ",drawtext=fontfile=Mono:fontsize=32:y=64:text=Bitrate\\\\:\\\\ %s" % (bitrate) textOverlayInfo += ",drawtext=fontfile=Mono:fontsize=32:y=96:text=FrameRate\\\\:\\\\ %s" % (frame_rate) textOverlayInfo += ",drawtext=fontfile=Mono:fontsize=32:y=128:text=KeyFrameRate\\\\:\\\\ %s" % (keyframe_rate) if has_audio: textOverlayInfo += ",drawtext=fontfile=Mono:fontsize=32:y=160:text=SampleRate\\\\:\\\\ %s" % (sample_rate) textOverlayInfo += ",drawtext=fontfile=Mono:fontsize=32:y=192:text=Channels\\\\:\\\\ %s" % (channels) textOverlayInfo += "'" cmdline += ["-vf", textOverlayInfo] encoding_id = "%s-%sk%s" % (id_prefix, bitrate, id_params) if len(encoding_ids) < len(ENCODE_SETTINGS): encoding_ids.append(encoding_id) filename_base = "%s/test-%s" % (media_format, encoding_id) media_filename = filename_base + "." + media_format manifest_filename = filename_base + "-manifest.json" cmdline.append(media_filename) run(cmdline) # Remux file so it conforms to MSE bytestream requirements. if media_format == "webm": tmp_filename = media_filename + ".tmp" run(["mse_webm_remuxer", media_filename, tmp_filename]) run(["mv", tmp_filename, media_filename]) elif media_format == "mp4": run(["MP4Box", "-dash", "250", "-rap", media_filename]) run(["mv", filename_base + "_dash.mp4", media_filename]) run(["rm", filename_base + "_dash.mpd"]) generate_manifest(manifest_filename, media_filename, media_format, has_audio, has_video) generate_test_html(media_format, CONFIG_CHANGE_TESTS, encoding_ids) if '__main__' == __name__: main()