const reportID = "{{$id:uuid()}}"; /* * NEL tests have to run serially, since the user agent maintains a global cache * of Reporting and NEL policies, and we don't want the policies for multiple * tests to interfere with each other. These functions (along with a Python * handler in implement a simple spin lock. */ function obtainNELLock() { return fetch("/network-error-logging/support/" + reportID); } function releaseNELLock() { return fetch("/network-error-logging/support/" + reportID); } function nel_test(callback, name, properties) { promise_test(async t => { await obtainNELLock(); await clearReportingAndNELConfigurations(); await callback(t); await releaseNELLock(); }, name, properties); } function nel_iframe_test(callback, name, properties) { promise_test(async t => { await obtainNELLock(); await clearReportingAndNELConfigurationsInIframe(); await callback(t); await releaseNELLock(); }, name, properties); } /* * Helper functions for constructing domain names that contain NEL policies. */ function _monitoredDomain(subdomain) { if (subdomain == "www") { return "{{hosts[alt][www]}}" } else if (subdomain == "www1") { return "{{hosts[alt][www1]}}" } else if (subdomain == "www2") { return "{{hosts[alt][www2]}}" } else if (subdomain == "nonexistent") { return "{{hosts[alt][nonexistent]}}" } else { return "{{hosts[alt][]}}" } } function _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, suffix) { return "https://" + _monitoredDomain(subdomain) + ":{{ports[https][0]}}/network-error-logging/support/" + suffix; } /* * Fetches a resource whose headers define a basic NEL policy (i.e., with no * include_subdomains flag). We ensure that we request the resource from a * different origin than is used for the main test case HTML file or for report * uploads. This minimizes the number of reports that are generated for this * policy. */ function getURLForResourceWithBasicPolicy(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "pass.png?id="+reportID+"&success_fraction=1.0"); } function fetchResourceWithBasicPolicy(subdomain) { const url = getURLForResourceWithBasicPolicy(subdomain); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } function fetchResourceWithZeroSuccessFractionPolicy(subdomain) { const url = _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "pass.png?id="+reportID+"&success_fraction=0.0"); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } /* * Similar to the above methods, but fetch resources in an iframe. Allows matching * full context of reports sent from an iframe that's same-site relative to the domains * a policy set. */ function loadResourceWithBasicPolicyInIframe(subdomain) { return loadResourceWithPolicyInIframe( getURLForResourceWithBasicPolicy(subdomain)); } function loadResourceWithZeroSuccessFractionPolicyInIframe(subdomain) { return loadResourceWithPolicyInIframe( _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "pass.png?id="+reportID+"&success_fraction=0.0")); } function clearResourceWithBasicPolicyInIframe(subdomain) { return loadResourceWithPolicyInIframe( getURLForClearingConfiguration(subdomain)); } function loadResourceWithPolicyInIframe(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const frame = document.createElement('iframe'); frame.src = url; frame.onload = () => resolve(frame); frame.onerror = () => reject('failed to load ' + url); document.body.appendChild(frame); }); } /* * Fetches a resource whose headers define an include_subdomains NEL policy. */ function getURLForResourceWithIncludeSubdomainsPolicy(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "subdomains-pass.png?id="+reportID); } function fetchResourceWithIncludeSubdomainsPolicy(subdomain) { const url = getURLForResourceWithIncludeSubdomainsPolicy(subdomain); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } /* * Fetches a resource whose headers do NOT define a NEL policy. This may or may * not generate a NEL report, depending on whether you've already successfully * requested a resource from the same origin that included a NEL policy. */ function getURLForResourceWithNoPolicy(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "no-policy-pass.png"); } function fetchResourceWithNoPolicy(subdomain) { const url = getURLForResourceWithNoPolicy(subdomain); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } /* * Fetches a resource that doesn't exist. This may or may not generate a NEL * report, depending on whether you've already successfully requested a resource * from the same origin that included a NEL policy. */ function getURLForMissingResource(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "nonexistent.png"); } function fetchMissingResource(subdomain) { const url = getURLForMissingResource(subdomain); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } /* * Fetches a resource that can be cached without validation. */ function getURLForCachedResource(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "cached-for-one-minute.png"); } function fetchCachedResource(subdomain) { const url = getURLForCachedResource(subdomain); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } /* * Fetches a resource that can be cached but requires validation. */ function getURLForValidatedCachedResource(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, ""); } function fetchValidatedCachedResource(subdomain) { const url = getURLForValidatedCachedResource(subdomain); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } /* * Fetches a resource that redirects once before returning a successful * response. */ function getURLForRedirectedResource(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, ""+reportID); } function fetchRedirectedResource(subdomain) { const url = getURLForRedirectedResource(subdomain); return fetch(url, {mode: "no-cors"}); } /* * Fetches resources that clear out any existing Reporting or NEL configurations * for all origins that any test case might use. */ function getURLForClearingConfiguration(subdomain) { return _getNELResourceURL(subdomain, "clear-policy-pass.png?id="+reportID); } async function clearReportingAndNELConfigurations(subdomain) { await Promise.all([ fetch(getURLForClearingConfiguration(""), {mode: "no-cors"}), fetch(getURLForClearingConfiguration("www"), {mode: "no-cors"}), fetch(getURLForClearingConfiguration("www1"), {mode: "no-cors"}), fetch(getURLForClearingConfiguration("www2"), {mode: "no-cors"}), ]); return; } async function clearReportingAndNELConfigurationsInIframe(subdomain) { await Promise.all([ clearResourceWithBasicPolicyInIframe(""), clearResourceWithBasicPolicyInIframe("www"), clearResourceWithBasicPolicyInIframe("www1"), clearResourceWithBasicPolicyInIframe("www2"), ]); return; } /* * Returns whether all of the fields in obj1 also exist in obj2 with the same * values. (Put another way, returns whether obj1 and obj2 are equal, ignoring * any extra fields in obj2.) */ function _isSubsetOf(obj1, obj2) { for (const prop in obj1) { if (typeof obj1[prop] === 'object') { if (typeof obj2[prop] !== 'object') { return false; } if (!_isSubsetOf(obj1[prop], obj2[prop])) { return false; } } else if (obj1[prop] != obj2[prop]) { return false; } } return true; } /* * Verifies that a report was uploaded that contains all of the fields in * expected. */ async function reportExists(expected, retain_reports) { var timeout = document.querySelector("meta[name=timeout][content=long]") ? 50 : 1; var reportLocation = "/reporting/resources/" + timeout + "&reportID=" + reportID; if (retain_reports) reportLocation += "&retain=1"; const response = await fetch(reportLocation); const json = await response.json(); for (const report of json) { if (_isSubsetOf(expected, report)) { return true; } } return false; } /* * Verifies that reports were uploaded that contains all of the fields in * expected. */ async function reportsExist(expected_reports, retain_reports) { const timeout = 10; let reportLocation = "/reporting/resources/" + timeout + "&reportID=" + reportID; if (retain_reports) reportLocation += "&retain"; // There must be the report of pass.png, so adding 1. const min_count = expected_reports.length + 1; reportLocation += "&min_count=" + min_count; const response = await fetch(reportLocation); const json = await response.json(); for (const expected of expected_reports) { const found = json.some((report) => { return _isSubsetOf(expected, report); }); if (!found) return false; } return true; }