// META: global=window,dedicatedworker,jsshell // META: script=/wasm/jsapi/wasm-module-builder.js // META: script=assertions.js let functions = {}; setup(() => { const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder .addFunction("fn", kSig_v_d) .addBody([]) .exportFunc(); builder .addFunction("fn2", kSig_v_v) .addBody([]) .exportFunc(); const buffer = builder.toBuffer() const module = new WebAssembly.Module(buffer); const instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, {}); functions = instance.exports; }); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 5 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.get()); }, "Missing arguments: get"); test(t => { const thisValues = [ undefined, null, true, "", Symbol(), 1, {}, WebAssembly.Table, WebAssembly.Table.prototype, ]; const argument = { valueOf: t.unreached_func("Should not touch the argument (valueOf)"), toString: t.unreached_func("Should not touch the argument (toString)"), }; const fn = WebAssembly.Table.prototype.get; for (const thisValue of thisValues) { assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => fn.call(thisValue, argument), `this=${format_value(thisValue)}`); } }, "Branding: get"); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 5 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set()); }, "Missing arguments: set"); test(t => { const thisValues = [ undefined, null, true, "", Symbol(), 1, {}, WebAssembly.Table, WebAssembly.Table.prototype, ]; const argument = { valueOf: t.unreached_func("Should not touch the argument (valueOf)"), toString: t.unreached_func("Should not touch the argument (toString)"), }; const fn = WebAssembly.Table.prototype.set; for (const thisValue of thisValues) { assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => fn.call(thisValue, argument, null), `this=${format_value(thisValue)}`); } }, "Branding: set"); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 5 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null, null, null, null, null]); const {fn, fn2} = functions; assert_equals(table.set(0, fn), undefined, "set() returns undefined."); table.set(2, fn2); table.set(4, fn); assert_equal_to_array(table, [fn, null, fn2, null, fn]); table.set(0, null); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null, null, fn2, null, fn]); }, "Basic"); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 5 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null, null, null, null, null]); const {fn, fn2} = functions; table.set(0, fn); table.set(2, fn2); table.set(4, fn); assert_equal_to_array(table, [fn, null, fn2, null, fn]); table.grow(4); assert_equal_to_array(table, [fn, null, fn2, null, fn, null, null, null, null]); }, "Growing"); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 5 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null, null, null, null, null]); const {fn} = functions; // -1 is the wrong type hence the type check on entry gets this // before the range check does. assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(-1, fn)); assert_throws_js(RangeError, () => table.set(5, fn)); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null, null, null, null, null]); }, "Setting out-of-bounds"); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null]); const invalidArguments = [ undefined, true, false, "test", Symbol(), 7, NaN, {}, ]; for (const argument of invalidArguments) { assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(0, argument), `set(${format_value(argument)})`); } assert_equal_to_array(table, [null]); }, "Setting non-function"); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null]); const fn = function() {}; assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(0, fn)); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null]); }, "Setting non-wasm function"); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null]); const fn = () => {}; assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(0, fn)); assert_equal_to_array(table, [null]); }, "Setting non-wasm arrow function"); const outOfRangeValues = [ undefined, NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, -1, 0x100000000, 0x1000000000, "0x100000000", { valueOf() { return 0x100000000; } }, ]; for (const value of outOfRangeValues) { test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.get(value)); }, `Getting out-of-range argument: ${format_value(value)}`); test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(value, null)); }, `Setting out-of-range argument: ${format_value(value)}`); } test(() => { const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); let called = 0; const value = { valueOf() { called++; return 0; }, }; assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(value, {})); assert_equals(called, 1); }, "Order of argument conversion"); test(() => { const {fn} = functions; const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument); assert_equals(table.get(0, {}), null); assert_equals(table.set(0, fn, {}), undefined); }, "Stray argument"); test(() => { const builder = new WasmModuleBuilder(); builder .addFunction("fn", kSig_v_v) .addBody([]) .exportFunc(); const bin = builder.toBuffer(); const fn = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(bin)).exports.fn; const argument = { "element": "anyfunc", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument, fn); assert_equals(table.get(0), fn); table.set(0); assert_equals(table.get(0), null); table.set(0, fn); assert_equals(table.get(0), fn); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(0, {})); assert_throws_js(TypeError, () => table.set(0, 37)); }, "Arguments for anyfunc table set"); test(() => { const testObject = {}; const argument = { "element": "externref", "initial": 1 }; const table = new WebAssembly.Table(argument, testObject); assert_equals(table.get(0), testObject); table.set(0); assert_equals(table.get(0), undefined); table.set(0, testObject); assert_equals(table.get(0), testObject); table.set(0, 37); assert_equals(table.get(0), 37); }, "Arguments for externref table set");