# The WebRTC API The public API of the WebRTC library consists of the api/ directory and its subdirectories. No other files should be depended on by webrtc users. Before starting to code against the API, it is important to understand some basic concepts, such as: * Memory management, including webrtc's reference counted objects * [Thread management](threading_design.md) ## Using WebRTC through the PeerConnection class The [PeerConnectionInterface](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/webrtc/api/peer_connection_interface.h?q=webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface) class is the recommended way to use the WebRTC library. It is closely modeled after the Javascript API documented in the [WebRTC specification](https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/). PeerConnections are created using the [PeerConnectionFactoryInterface](https://source.chromium.org/search?q=webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryInterface). There are two levels of customization available: * Pass a PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies object to the function that creates a PeerConnectionFactory. This object defines factories for a lot of internal objects inside the PeerConnection, so that users can override them. All PeerConnections using this interface will have the same options. * Pass a PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration object to the CreatePeerConnectionOrError() function on the PeerConnectionFactoryInterface. These customizations will apply only to a single PeerConnection. Most functions on the PeerConnection interface are asynchronous, and take a callback that is executed when the function is finished. The callbacks are mostly called on the thread that is passed as the "signaling thread" field of the PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies, or the thread that called PeerConnectionFactory::CreatePeerConnectionOrError() if no thread is given. See each class' module documentation for details. ## Using WebRTC components without the PeerConnection class This needs to be done carefully, and in consultation with the WebRTC team. There are non-obvious dependencies between many of the components.