#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from __future__ import print_function import collections import optparse import os import re import sys from pylib import constants from pylib.constants import host_paths # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order # Uses symbol.py from third_party/android_platform, not python's. with host_paths.SysPath( host_paths.ANDROID_PLATFORM_DEVELOPMENT_SCRIPTS_PATH, position=0): import symbol _RE_ASAN = re.compile( r""" (?P.*?) (?P\#\S*?) # position of the call in stack. # escape the char "#" due to the VERBOSE flag. \s+(\S*?)\s+ \( # match the char "(". (?P.*?) # library path. \+0[xX](?P.*?) # address of the symbol in hex. # the prefix "0x" is skipped. \) # match the char ")". """, re.VERBOSE) # This named tuple models a parsed Asan log line. AsanParsedLine = collections.namedtuple('AsanParsedLine', 'prefix,library,pos,rel_address') # This named tuple models an Asan log line. 'raw' is the raw content # while 'parsed' is None or an AsanParsedLine instance. AsanLogLine = collections.namedtuple('AsanLogLine', 'raw,parsed') def _ParseAsanLogLine(line): """Parse line into corresponding AsanParsedLine value, if any, or None.""" m = re.match(_RE_ASAN, line) if not m: return None return AsanParsedLine(prefix=m.group('prefix'), library=m.group('lib'), pos=m.group('pos'), rel_address='%08x' % int(m.group('addr'), 16)) def _FindASanLibraries(): asan_lib_dir = os.path.join(host_paths.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'third_party', 'llvm-build', 'Release+Asserts', 'lib') asan_libs = [] for src_dir, _, files in os.walk(asan_lib_dir): asan_libs += [os.path.relpath(os.path.join(src_dir, f)) for f in files if f.endswith('.so')] return asan_libs def _TranslateLibPath(library, asan_libs): for asan_lib in asan_libs: if os.path.basename(library) == os.path.basename(asan_lib): return '/' + asan_lib # pylint: disable=no-member return symbol.TranslateLibPath(library) def _PrintSymbolized(asan_input, arch): """Print symbolized logcat output for Asan symbols. Args: asan_input: list of input lines. arch: Target CPU architecture. """ asan_libs = _FindASanLibraries() # Maps library -> [ AsanParsedLine... ] libraries = collections.defaultdict(list) asan_log_lines = [] for line in asan_input: line = line.rstrip() parsed = _ParseAsanLogLine(line) if parsed: libraries[parsed.library].append(parsed) asan_log_lines.append(AsanLogLine(raw=line, parsed=parsed)) # Maps library -> { address -> [(symbol, location, obj_sym_with_offset)...] } all_symbols = collections.defaultdict(dict) for library, items in libraries.items(): libname = _TranslateLibPath(library, asan_libs) lib_relative_addrs = set([i.rel_address for i in items]) # pylint: disable=no-member info_dict = symbol.SymbolInformationForSet(libname, lib_relative_addrs, True, cpu_arch=arch) if info_dict: all_symbols[library] = info_dict for log_line in asan_log_lines: m = log_line.parsed if (m and m.library in all_symbols and m.rel_address in all_symbols[m.library]): # NOTE: all_symbols[lib][address] is a never-emtpy list of tuples. # NOTE: The documentation for SymbolInformationForSet() indicates # that usually one wants to display the last list item, not the first. # The code below takes the first, is this the best choice here? s = all_symbols[m.library][m.rel_address][0] print('%s%s %s %s' % (m.prefix, m.pos, s[0], s[1])) else: print(log_line.raw) def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option('-l', '--logcat', help='File containing adb logcat output with ASan stacks. ' 'Use stdin if not specified.') parser.add_option('--output-directory', help='Path to the root build directory.') parser.add_option('--arch', default='arm', help='CPU architecture name') options, _ = parser.parse_args() if options.output_directory: constants.SetOutputDirectory(options.output_directory) # Do an up-front test that the output directory is known. constants.CheckOutputDirectory() if options.logcat: asan_input = open(options.logcat, 'r') else: asan_input = sys.stdin _PrintSymbolized(asan_input.readlines(), options.arch) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())