/* * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "call/rtp_video_sender.h" #include #include #include #include #include "absl/algorithm/container.h" #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" #include "api/array_view.h" #include "api/task_queue/task_queue_factory.h" #include "api/transport/field_trial_based_config.h" #include "api/video_codecs/video_codec.h" #include "call/rtp_transport_controller_send_interface.h" #include "modules/pacing/packet_router.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/include/rtp_rtcp_defines.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_rtcp_impl2.h" #include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/rtp_sender.h" #include "modules/utility/maybe_worker_thread.h" #include "modules/video_coding/include/video_codec_interface.h" #include "rtc_base/checks.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" #include "rtc_base/task_queue.h" #include "rtc_base/trace_event.h" namespace webrtc { namespace webrtc_internal_rtp_video_sender { RtpStreamSender::RtpStreamSender( std::unique_ptr rtp_rtcp, std::unique_ptr sender_video, std::unique_ptr fec_generator) : rtp_rtcp(std::move(rtp_rtcp)), sender_video(std::move(sender_video)), fec_generator(std::move(fec_generator)) {} RtpStreamSender::~RtpStreamSender() = default; } // namespace webrtc_internal_rtp_video_sender namespace { static const int kMinSendSidePacketHistorySize = 600; // We don't do MTU discovery, so assume that we have the standard ethernet MTU. static const size_t kPathMTU = 1500; using webrtc_internal_rtp_video_sender::RtpStreamSender; bool PayloadTypeSupportsSkippingFecPackets(absl::string_view payload_name, const FieldTrialsView& trials) { const VideoCodecType codecType = PayloadStringToCodecType(std::string(payload_name)); if (codecType == kVideoCodecVP8 || codecType == kVideoCodecVP9) { return true; } if (codecType == kVideoCodecGeneric && absl::StartsWith(trials.Lookup("WebRTC-GenericPictureId"), "Enabled")) { return true; } return false; } bool ShouldDisableRedAndUlpfec(bool flexfec_enabled, const RtpConfig& rtp_config, const FieldTrialsView& trials) { // Consistency of NACK and RED+ULPFEC parameters is checked in this function. const bool nack_enabled = rtp_config.nack.rtp_history_ms > 0; // Shorthands. auto IsRedEnabled = [&]() { return rtp_config.ulpfec.red_payload_type >= 0; }; auto IsUlpfecEnabled = [&]() { return rtp_config.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type >= 0; }; bool should_disable_red_and_ulpfec = false; if (absl::StartsWith(trials.Lookup("WebRTC-DisableUlpFecExperiment"), "Enabled")) { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Experiment to disable sending ULPFEC is enabled."; should_disable_red_and_ulpfec = true; } // If enabled, FlexFEC takes priority over RED+ULPFEC. if (flexfec_enabled) { if (IsUlpfecEnabled()) { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Both FlexFEC and ULPFEC are configured. Disabling ULPFEC."; } should_disable_red_and_ulpfec = true; } // Payload types without picture ID cannot determine that a stream is complete // without retransmitting FEC, so using ULPFEC + NACK for H.264 (for instance) // is a waste of bandwidth since FEC packets still have to be transmitted. // Note that this is not the case with FlexFEC. if (nack_enabled && IsUlpfecEnabled() && !PayloadTypeSupportsSkippingFecPackets(rtp_config.payload_name, trials)) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Transmitting payload type without picture ID using " "NACK+ULPFEC is a waste of bandwidth since ULPFEC packets " "also have to be retransmitted. Disabling ULPFEC."; should_disable_red_and_ulpfec = true; } // Verify payload types. if (IsUlpfecEnabled() ^ IsRedEnabled()) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Only RED or only ULPFEC enabled, but not both. Disabling both."; should_disable_red_and_ulpfec = true; } return should_disable_red_and_ulpfec; } // TODO(brandtr): Update this function when we support multistream protection. std::unique_ptr MaybeCreateFecGenerator( Clock* clock, const RtpConfig& rtp, const std::map& suspended_ssrcs, int simulcast_index, const FieldTrialsView& trials) { // If flexfec is configured that takes priority. if (rtp.flexfec.payload_type >= 0) { RTC_DCHECK_GE(rtp.flexfec.payload_type, 0); RTC_DCHECK_LE(rtp.flexfec.payload_type, 127); if (rtp.flexfec.ssrc == 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "FlexFEC is enabled, but no FlexFEC SSRC given. " "Therefore disabling FlexFEC."; return nullptr; } if (rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.empty()) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "FlexFEC is enabled, but no protected media SSRC given. " "Therefore disabling FlexFEC."; return nullptr; } if (rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.size() > 1) { RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "The supplied FlexfecConfig contained multiple protected " "media streams, but our implementation currently only " "supports protecting a single media stream. " "To avoid confusion, disabling FlexFEC completely."; return nullptr; } if (absl::c_find(rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs, rtp.ssrcs[simulcast_index]) == rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.end()) { // Media SSRC not among flexfec protected SSRCs. return nullptr; } const RtpState* rtp_state = nullptr; auto it = suspended_ssrcs.find(rtp.flexfec.ssrc); if (it != suspended_ssrcs.end()) { rtp_state = &it->second; } RTC_DCHECK_EQ(1U, rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs.size()); return std::make_unique( rtp.flexfec.payload_type, rtp.flexfec.ssrc, rtp.flexfec.protected_media_ssrcs[0], rtp.mid, rtp.extensions, RTPSender::FecExtensionSizes(), rtp_state, clock); } else if (rtp.ulpfec.red_payload_type >= 0 && rtp.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type >= 0 && !ShouldDisableRedAndUlpfec(/*flexfec_enabled=*/false, rtp, trials)) { // Flexfec not configured, but ulpfec is and is not disabled. return std::make_unique( rtp.ulpfec.red_payload_type, rtp.ulpfec.ulpfec_payload_type, clock); } // Not a single FEC is given. return nullptr; } std::vector CreateRtpStreamSenders( Clock* clock, const RtpConfig& rtp_config, const RtpSenderObservers& observers, int rtcp_report_interval_ms, Transport* send_transport, RtcpBandwidthObserver* bandwidth_callback, RtpTransportControllerSendInterface* transport, const std::map& suspended_ssrcs, RtcEventLog* event_log, RateLimiter* retransmission_rate_limiter, FrameEncryptorInterface* frame_encryptor, const CryptoOptions& crypto_options, rtc::scoped_refptr frame_transformer, const FieldTrialsView& trials, TaskQueueFactory* task_queue_factory) { RTC_DCHECK_GT(rtp_config.ssrcs.size(), 0); RTC_DCHECK(task_queue_factory); RtpRtcpInterface::Configuration configuration; configuration.clock = clock; configuration.audio = false; configuration.receiver_only = false; configuration.outgoing_transport = send_transport; configuration.intra_frame_callback = observers.intra_frame_callback; configuration.rtcp_loss_notification_observer = observers.rtcp_loss_notification_observer; configuration.bandwidth_callback = bandwidth_callback; configuration.network_state_estimate_observer = transport->network_state_estimate_observer(); configuration.transport_feedback_callback = transport->transport_feedback_observer(); configuration.rtt_stats = observers.rtcp_rtt_stats; configuration.rtcp_packet_type_counter_observer = observers.rtcp_type_observer; configuration.report_block_data_observer = observers.report_block_data_observer; configuration.paced_sender = transport->packet_sender(); configuration.send_bitrate_observer = observers.bitrate_observer; configuration.send_side_delay_observer = observers.send_delay_observer; configuration.send_packet_observer = observers.send_packet_observer; configuration.event_log = event_log; configuration.retransmission_rate_limiter = retransmission_rate_limiter; configuration.rtp_stats_callback = observers.rtp_stats; configuration.frame_encryptor = frame_encryptor; configuration.require_frame_encryption = crypto_options.sframe.require_frame_encryption; configuration.extmap_allow_mixed = rtp_config.extmap_allow_mixed; configuration.rtcp_report_interval_ms = rtcp_report_interval_ms; configuration.field_trials = &trials; std::vector rtp_streams; RTC_DCHECK(rtp_config.rtx.ssrcs.empty() || rtp_config.rtx.ssrcs.size() == rtp_config.ssrcs.size()); // Some streams could have been disabled, but the rids are still there. // This will occur when simulcast has been disabled for a codec (e.g. VP9) RTC_DCHECK(rtp_config.rids.empty() || rtp_config.rids.size() >= rtp_config.ssrcs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_config.ssrcs.size(); ++i) { RTPSenderVideo::Config video_config; configuration.local_media_ssrc = rtp_config.ssrcs[i]; std::unique_ptr fec_generator = MaybeCreateFecGenerator(clock, rtp_config, suspended_ssrcs, i, trials); configuration.fec_generator = fec_generator.get(); configuration.rtx_send_ssrc = rtp_config.GetRtxSsrcAssociatedWithMediaSsrc(rtp_config.ssrcs[i]); RTC_DCHECK_EQ(configuration.rtx_send_ssrc.has_value(), !rtp_config.rtx.ssrcs.empty()); configuration.rid = (i < rtp_config.rids.size()) ? rtp_config.rids[i] : ""; configuration.need_rtp_packet_infos = rtp_config.lntf.enabled; std::unique_ptr rtp_rtcp( ModuleRtpRtcpImpl2::Create(configuration)); rtp_rtcp->SetSendingStatus(false); rtp_rtcp->SetSendingMediaStatus(false); rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(RtcpMode::kCompound); // Set NACK. rtp_rtcp->SetStorePacketsStatus(true, kMinSendSidePacketHistorySize); video_config.clock = configuration.clock; video_config.rtp_sender = rtp_rtcp->RtpSender(); video_config.frame_encryptor = frame_encryptor; video_config.require_frame_encryption = crypto_options.sframe.require_frame_encryption; video_config.enable_retransmit_all_layers = false; video_config.field_trials = &trials; const bool using_flexfec = fec_generator && fec_generator->GetFecType() == VideoFecGenerator::FecType::kFlexFec; const bool should_disable_red_and_ulpfec = ShouldDisableRedAndUlpfec(using_flexfec, rtp_config, trials); if (!should_disable_red_and_ulpfec && rtp_config.ulpfec.red_payload_type != -1) { video_config.red_payload_type = rtp_config.ulpfec.red_payload_type; } if (fec_generator) { video_config.fec_type = fec_generator->GetFecType(); video_config.fec_overhead_bytes = fec_generator->MaxPacketOverhead(); } video_config.frame_transformer = frame_transformer; video_config.task_queue_factory = task_queue_factory; auto sender_video = std::make_unique(video_config); rtp_streams.emplace_back(std::move(rtp_rtcp), std::move(sender_video), std::move(fec_generator)); } return rtp_streams; } absl::optional GetVideoCodecType(const RtpConfig& config) { if (config.raw_payload) { return absl::nullopt; } return PayloadStringToCodecType(config.payload_name); } bool TransportSeqNumExtensionConfigured(const RtpConfig& config) { return absl::c_any_of(config.extensions, [](const RtpExtension& ext) { return ext.uri == RtpExtension::kTransportSequenceNumberUri; }); } // Returns true when some coded video sequence can be decoded starting with // this frame without requiring any previous frames. // e.g. it is the same as a key frame when spatial scalability is not used. // When spatial scalability is used, then it is true for layer frames of // a key frame without inter-layer dependencies. bool IsFirstFrameOfACodedVideoSequence( const EncodedImage& encoded_image, const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info) { if (encoded_image._frameType != VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey) { return false; } if (codec_specific_info != nullptr) { if (codec_specific_info->generic_frame_info.has_value()) { // This function is used before // `codec_specific_info->generic_frame_info->frame_diffs` are calculated, // so need to use a more complicated way to check for presence of the // dependencies. return absl::c_none_of( codec_specific_info->generic_frame_info->encoder_buffers, [](const CodecBufferUsage& buffer) { return buffer.referenced; }); } if (codec_specific_info->codecType == VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecVP8 || codec_specific_info->codecType == VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecH264 || codec_specific_info->codecType == VideoCodecType::kVideoCodecGeneric) { // These codecs do not support intra picture dependencies, so a frame // marked as a key frame should be a key frame. return true; } } // Without depenedencies described in generic format do an educated guess. // It might be wrong for VP9 with spatial layer 0 skipped or higher spatial // layer not depending on the spatial layer 0. This corner case is unimportant // for current usage of this helper function. // Use <= to accept both 0 (i.e. the first) and nullopt (i.e. the only). return encoded_image.SpatialIndex() <= 0; } } // namespace RtpVideoSender::RtpVideoSender( Clock* clock, const std::map& suspended_ssrcs, const std::map& states, const RtpConfig& rtp_config, int rtcp_report_interval_ms, Transport* send_transport, const RtpSenderObservers& observers, RtpTransportControllerSendInterface* transport, RtcEventLog* event_log, RateLimiter* retransmission_limiter, std::unique_ptr fec_controller, FrameEncryptorInterface* frame_encryptor, const CryptoOptions& crypto_options, rtc::scoped_refptr frame_transformer, const FieldTrialsView& field_trials, TaskQueueFactory* task_queue_factory) : field_trials_(field_trials), use_frame_rate_for_overhead_(absl::StartsWith( field_trials_.Lookup("WebRTC-Video-UseFrameRateForOverhead"), "Enabled")), has_packet_feedback_(TransportSeqNumExtensionConfigured(rtp_config)), active_(false), fec_controller_(std::move(fec_controller)), fec_allowed_(true), rtp_streams_(CreateRtpStreamSenders(clock, rtp_config, observers, rtcp_report_interval_ms, send_transport, transport->GetBandwidthObserver(), transport, suspended_ssrcs, event_log, retransmission_limiter, frame_encryptor, crypto_options, std::move(frame_transformer), field_trials_, task_queue_factory)), rtp_config_(rtp_config), codec_type_(GetVideoCodecType(rtp_config)), transport_(transport), transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet_(0), encoder_target_rate_bps_(0), frame_counts_(rtp_config.ssrcs.size()), frame_count_observer_(observers.frame_count_observer) { transport_checker_.Detach(); RTC_DCHECK_EQ(rtp_config_.ssrcs.size(), rtp_streams_.size()); if (has_packet_feedback_) transport_->IncludeOverheadInPacedSender(); // SSRCs are assumed to be sorted in the same order as `rtp_modules`. for (uint32_t ssrc : rtp_config_.ssrcs) { // Restore state if it previously existed. const RtpPayloadState* state = nullptr; auto it = states.find(ssrc); if (it != states.end()) { state = &it->second; shared_frame_id_ = std::max(shared_frame_id_, state->shared_frame_id); } params_.push_back(RtpPayloadParams(ssrc, state, field_trials_)); } // RTP/RTCP initialization. for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_config_.extensions.size(); ++i) { const std::string& extension = rtp_config_.extensions[i].uri; int id = rtp_config_.extensions[i].id; RTC_DCHECK(RtpExtension::IsSupportedForVideo(extension)); for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->RegisterRtpHeaderExtension(extension, id); } } ConfigureSsrcs(suspended_ssrcs); if (!rtp_config_.mid.empty()) { for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->SetMid(rtp_config_.mid); } } bool fec_enabled = false; for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { // Simulcast has one module for each layer. Set the CNAME on all modules. stream.rtp_rtcp->SetCNAME(rtp_config_.c_name.c_str()); stream.rtp_rtcp->SetMaxRtpPacketSize(rtp_config_.max_packet_size); stream.rtp_rtcp->RegisterSendPayloadFrequency(rtp_config_.payload_type, kVideoPayloadTypeFrequency); if (stream.fec_generator != nullptr) { fec_enabled = true; } } // Currently, both ULPFEC and FlexFEC use the same FEC rate calculation logic, // so enable that logic if either of those FEC schemes are enabled. fec_controller_->SetProtectionMethod(fec_enabled, NackEnabled()); fec_controller_->SetProtectionCallback(this); // Construction happens on the worker thread (see Call::CreateVideoSendStream) // but subseqeuent calls to the RTP state will happen on one of two threads: // * The pacer thread for actually sending packets. // * The transport thread when tearing down and quering GetRtpState(). // Detach thread checkers. for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->OnPacketSendingThreadSwitched(); } } RtpVideoSender::~RtpVideoSender() { // TODO(bugs.webrtc.org/13517): Remove once RtpVideoSender gets deleted on the // transport task queue. transport_checker_.Detach(); SetActiveModulesLocked( std::vector(rtp_streams_.size(), /*active=*/false)); RTC_DCHECK(!registered_for_feedback_); } void RtpVideoSender::Stop() { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&transport_checker_); MutexLock lock(&mutex_); if (!active_) return; const std::vector active_modules(rtp_streams_.size(), false); SetActiveModulesLocked(active_modules); } void RtpVideoSender::SetActiveModules(const std::vector& active_modules) { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&transport_checker_); MutexLock lock(&mutex_); return SetActiveModulesLocked(active_modules); } void RtpVideoSender::SetActiveModulesLocked( const std::vector& active_modules) { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&transport_checker_); RTC_DCHECK_EQ(rtp_streams_.size(), active_modules.size()); active_ = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < active_modules.size(); ++i) { if (active_modules[i]) { active_ = true; } RtpRtcpInterface& rtp_module = *rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp; const bool was_active = rtp_module.Sending(); const bool should_be_active = active_modules[i]; // Sends a kRtcpByeCode when going from true to false. rtp_module.SetSendingStatus(active_modules[i]); if (was_active && !should_be_active) { // Disabling media, remove from packet router map to reduce size and // prevent any stray packets in the pacer from asynchronously arriving // to a disabled module. transport_->packet_router()->RemoveSendRtpModule(&rtp_module); // Clear the pacer queue of any packets pertaining to this module. transport_->packet_sender()->RemovePacketsForSsrc(rtp_module.SSRC()); if (rtp_module.RtxSsrc().has_value()) { transport_->packet_sender()->RemovePacketsForSsrc( *rtp_module.RtxSsrc()); } if (rtp_module.FlexfecSsrc().has_value()) { transport_->packet_sender()->RemovePacketsForSsrc( *rtp_module.FlexfecSsrc()); } } // If set to false this module won't send media. rtp_module.SetSendingMediaStatus(active_modules[i]); if (!was_active && should_be_active) { // Turning on media, register with packet router. transport_->packet_router()->AddSendRtpModule(&rtp_module, /*remb_candidate=*/true); } } if (!active_) { auto* feedback_provider = transport_->GetStreamFeedbackProvider(); if (registered_for_feedback_) { feedback_provider->DeRegisterStreamFeedbackObserver(this); registered_for_feedback_ = false; } } else if (!registered_for_feedback_) { auto* feedback_provider = transport_->GetStreamFeedbackProvider(); feedback_provider->RegisterStreamFeedbackObserver(rtp_config_.ssrcs, this); registered_for_feedback_ = true; } } bool RtpVideoSender::IsActive() { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&transport_checker_); MutexLock lock(&mutex_); return IsActiveLocked(); } bool RtpVideoSender::IsActiveLocked() { return active_ && !rtp_streams_.empty(); } EncodedImageCallback::Result RtpVideoSender::OnEncodedImage( const EncodedImage& encoded_image, const CodecSpecificInfo* codec_specific_info) { fec_controller_->UpdateWithEncodedData(encoded_image.size(), encoded_image._frameType); MutexLock lock(&mutex_); RTC_DCHECK(!rtp_streams_.empty()); if (!active_) return Result(Result::ERROR_SEND_FAILED); shared_frame_id_++; size_t stream_index = 0; if (codec_specific_info && (codec_specific_info->codecType == kVideoCodecVP8 || codec_specific_info->codecType == kVideoCodecH264 || codec_specific_info->codecType == kVideoCodecGeneric)) { // Map spatial index to simulcast. stream_index = encoded_image.SpatialIndex().value_or(0); } RTC_DCHECK_LT(stream_index, rtp_streams_.size()); uint32_t rtp_timestamp = encoded_image.Timestamp() + rtp_streams_[stream_index].rtp_rtcp->StartTimestamp(); // RTCPSender has it's own copy of the timestamp offset, added in // RTCPSender::BuildSR, hence we must not add the in the offset for this call. // TODO(nisse): Delete RTCPSender:timestamp_offset_, and see if we can confine // knowledge of the offset to a single place. if (!rtp_streams_[stream_index].rtp_rtcp->OnSendingRtpFrame( encoded_image.Timestamp(), encoded_image.capture_time_ms_, rtp_config_.payload_type, encoded_image._frameType == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey)) { // The payload router could be active but this module isn't sending. return Result(Result::ERROR_SEND_FAILED); } absl::optional expected_retransmission_time_ms; if (encoded_image.RetransmissionAllowed()) { expected_retransmission_time_ms = rtp_streams_[stream_index].rtp_rtcp->ExpectedRetransmissionTimeMs(); } if (IsFirstFrameOfACodedVideoSequence(encoded_image, codec_specific_info)) { // In order to use the dependency descriptor RTP header extension: // - Pass along any `FrameDependencyStructure` templates produced by the // encoder adapter. // - If none were produced the `RtpPayloadParams::*ToGeneric` for the // particular codec have simulated a dependency structure, so provide a // minimal set of templates. // - Otherwise, don't pass along any templates at all which will disable // the generation of a dependency descriptor. RTPSenderVideo& sender_video = *rtp_streams_[stream_index].sender_video; if (codec_specific_info && codec_specific_info->template_structure) { sender_video.SetVideoStructure(&*codec_specific_info->template_structure); } else if (absl::optional structure = params_[stream_index].GenericStructure( codec_specific_info)) { sender_video.SetVideoStructure(&*structure); } else { sender_video.SetVideoStructure(nullptr); } } bool send_result = rtp_streams_[stream_index].sender_video->SendEncodedImage( rtp_config_.payload_type, codec_type_, rtp_timestamp, encoded_image, params_[stream_index].GetRtpVideoHeader( encoded_image, codec_specific_info, shared_frame_id_), expected_retransmission_time_ms); if (frame_count_observer_) { FrameCounts& counts = frame_counts_[stream_index]; if (encoded_image._frameType == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameKey) { ++counts.key_frames; } else if (encoded_image._frameType == VideoFrameType::kVideoFrameDelta) { ++counts.delta_frames; } else { RTC_DCHECK(encoded_image._frameType == VideoFrameType::kEmptyFrame); } frame_count_observer_->FrameCountUpdated(counts, rtp_config_.ssrcs[stream_index]); } if (!send_result) return Result(Result::ERROR_SEND_FAILED); return Result(Result::OK, rtp_timestamp); } void RtpVideoSender::OnBitrateAllocationUpdated( const VideoBitrateAllocation& bitrate) { RTC_DCHECK_RUN_ON(&transport_checker_); MutexLock lock(&mutex_); if (IsActiveLocked()) { if (rtp_streams_.size() == 1) { // If spatial scalability is enabled, it is covered by a single stream. rtp_streams_[0].rtp_rtcp->SetVideoBitrateAllocation(bitrate); } else { std::vector> layer_bitrates = bitrate.GetSimulcastAllocations(); // Simulcast is in use, split the VideoBitrateAllocation into one struct // per rtp stream, moving over the temporal layer allocation. for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_streams_.size(); ++i) { // The next spatial layer could be used if the current one is // inactive. if (layer_bitrates[i]) { rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp->SetVideoBitrateAllocation( *layer_bitrates[i]); } else { // Signal a 0 bitrate on a simulcast stream. rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp->SetVideoBitrateAllocation( VideoBitrateAllocation()); } } } } } void RtpVideoSender::OnVideoLayersAllocationUpdated( const VideoLayersAllocation& allocation) { MutexLock lock(&mutex_); if (IsActiveLocked()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_streams_.size(); ++i) { VideoLayersAllocation stream_allocation = allocation; stream_allocation.rtp_stream_index = i; rtp_streams_[i].sender_video->SetVideoLayersAllocation( std::move(stream_allocation)); // Only send video frames on the rtp module if the encoder is configured // to send. This is to prevent stray frames to be sent after an encoder // has been reconfigured. rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp->SetSendingMediaStatus( absl::c_any_of(allocation.active_spatial_layers, [&i](const VideoLayersAllocation::SpatialLayer layer) { return layer.rtp_stream_index == static_cast(i); })); } } } bool RtpVideoSender::NackEnabled() const { const bool nack_enabled = rtp_config_.nack.rtp_history_ms > 0; return nack_enabled; } uint32_t RtpVideoSender::GetPacketizationOverheadRate() const { uint32_t packetization_overhead_bps = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_streams_.size(); ++i) { if (rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp->SendingMedia()) { packetization_overhead_bps += rtp_streams_[i].sender_video->PacketizationOverheadBps(); } } return packetization_overhead_bps; } void RtpVideoSender::DeliverRtcp(const uint8_t* packet, size_t length) { // Runs on a network thread. for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) stream.rtp_rtcp->IncomingRtcpPacket(packet, length); } void RtpVideoSender::ConfigureSsrcs( const std::map& suspended_ssrcs) { // Configure regular SSRCs. RTC_CHECK(ssrc_to_rtp_module_.empty()); for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_config_.ssrcs.size(); ++i) { uint32_t ssrc = rtp_config_.ssrcs[i]; RtpRtcpInterface* const rtp_rtcp = rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp.get(); // Restore RTP state if previous existed. auto it = suspended_ssrcs.find(ssrc); if (it != suspended_ssrcs.end()) rtp_rtcp->SetRtpState(it->second); ssrc_to_rtp_module_[ssrc] = rtp_rtcp; } // Set up RTX if available. if (rtp_config_.rtx.ssrcs.empty()) return; RTC_DCHECK_EQ(rtp_config_.rtx.ssrcs.size(), rtp_config_.ssrcs.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_config_.rtx.ssrcs.size(); ++i) { uint32_t ssrc = rtp_config_.rtx.ssrcs[i]; RtpRtcpInterface* const rtp_rtcp = rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp.get(); auto it = suspended_ssrcs.find(ssrc); if (it != suspended_ssrcs.end()) rtp_rtcp->SetRtxState(it->second); } // Configure RTX payload types. RTC_DCHECK_GE(rtp_config_.rtx.payload_type, 0); for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->SetRtxSendPayloadType(rtp_config_.rtx.payload_type, rtp_config_.payload_type); stream.rtp_rtcp->SetRtxSendStatus(kRtxRetransmitted | kRtxRedundantPayloads); } if (rtp_config_.ulpfec.red_payload_type != -1 && rtp_config_.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type != -1) { for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->SetRtxSendPayloadType( rtp_config_.ulpfec.red_rtx_payload_type, rtp_config_.ulpfec.red_payload_type); } } } void RtpVideoSender::OnNetworkAvailability(bool network_available) { for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->SetRTCPStatus(network_available ? rtp_config_.rtcp_mode : RtcpMode::kOff); } } std::map RtpVideoSender::GetRtpStates() const { std::map rtp_states; for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_config_.ssrcs.size(); ++i) { uint32_t ssrc = rtp_config_.ssrcs[i]; RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ssrc, rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp->SSRC()); rtp_states[ssrc] = rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp->GetRtpState(); // Only happens during shutdown, when RTP module is already inactive, // so OK to call fec generator here. if (rtp_streams_[i].fec_generator) { absl::optional fec_state = rtp_streams_[i].fec_generator->GetRtpState(); if (fec_state) { uint32_t ssrc = rtp_config_.flexfec.ssrc; rtp_states[ssrc] = *fec_state; } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < rtp_config_.rtx.ssrcs.size(); ++i) { uint32_t ssrc = rtp_config_.rtx.ssrcs[i]; rtp_states[ssrc] = rtp_streams_[i].rtp_rtcp->GetRtxState(); } return rtp_states; } std::map RtpVideoSender::GetRtpPayloadStates() const { MutexLock lock(&mutex_); std::map payload_states; for (const auto& param : params_) { payload_states[param.ssrc()] = param.state(); payload_states[param.ssrc()].shared_frame_id = shared_frame_id_; } return payload_states; } void RtpVideoSender::OnTransportOverheadChanged( size_t transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet) { MutexLock lock(&mutex_); transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet_ = transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet; size_t max_rtp_packet_size = std::min(rtp_config_.max_packet_size, kPathMTU - transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet_); for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->SetMaxRtpPacketSize(max_rtp_packet_size); } } void RtpVideoSender::OnBitrateUpdated(BitrateAllocationUpdate update, int framerate) { // Substract overhead from bitrate. MutexLock lock(&mutex_); size_t num_active_streams = 0; size_t overhead_bytes_per_packet = 0; for (const auto& stream : rtp_streams_) { if (stream.rtp_rtcp->SendingMedia()) { overhead_bytes_per_packet += stream.rtp_rtcp->ExpectedPerPacketOverhead(); ++num_active_streams; } } if (num_active_streams > 1) { overhead_bytes_per_packet /= num_active_streams; } DataSize packet_overhead = DataSize::Bytes( overhead_bytes_per_packet + transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet_); DataSize max_total_packet_size = DataSize::Bytes( rtp_config_.max_packet_size + transport_overhead_bytes_per_packet_); uint32_t payload_bitrate_bps = update.target_bitrate.bps(); if (has_packet_feedback_) { DataRate overhead_rate = CalculateOverheadRate(update.target_bitrate, max_total_packet_size, packet_overhead, Frequency::Hertz(framerate)); // TODO(srte): We probably should not accept 0 payload bitrate here. payload_bitrate_bps = rtc::saturated_cast(payload_bitrate_bps - overhead_rate.bps()); } // Get the encoder target rate. It is the estimated network rate - // protection overhead. // TODO(srte): We should multiply with 255 here. encoder_target_rate_bps_ = fec_controller_->UpdateFecRates( payload_bitrate_bps, framerate, rtc::saturated_cast(update.packet_loss_ratio * 256), loss_mask_vector_, update.round_trip_time.ms()); if (!fec_allowed_) { encoder_target_rate_bps_ = payload_bitrate_bps; // fec_controller_->UpdateFecRates() was still called so as to allow // `fec_controller_` to update whatever internal state it might have, // since `fec_allowed_` may be toggled back on at any moment. } // Subtract packetization overhead from the encoder target. If target rate // is really low, cap the overhead at 50%. This also avoids the case where // `encoder_target_rate_bps_` is 0 due to encoder pause event while the // packetization rate is positive since packets are still flowing. uint32_t packetization_rate_bps = std::min(GetPacketizationOverheadRate(), encoder_target_rate_bps_ / 2); encoder_target_rate_bps_ -= packetization_rate_bps; loss_mask_vector_.clear(); uint32_t encoder_overhead_rate_bps = 0; if (has_packet_feedback_) { // TODO(srte): The packet size should probably be the same as in the // CalculateOverheadRate call above (just max_total_packet_size), it doesn't // make sense to use different packet rates for different overhead // calculations. DataRate encoder_overhead_rate = CalculateOverheadRate( DataRate::BitsPerSec(encoder_target_rate_bps_), max_total_packet_size - DataSize::Bytes(overhead_bytes_per_packet), packet_overhead, Frequency::Hertz(framerate)); encoder_overhead_rate_bps = std::min( encoder_overhead_rate.bps(), update.target_bitrate.bps() - encoder_target_rate_bps_); } const uint32_t media_rate = encoder_target_rate_bps_ + encoder_overhead_rate_bps + packetization_rate_bps; RTC_DCHECK_GE(update.target_bitrate, DataRate::BitsPerSec(media_rate)); // `protection_bitrate_bps_` includes overhead. protection_bitrate_bps_ = update.target_bitrate.bps() - media_rate; } uint32_t RtpVideoSender::GetPayloadBitrateBps() const { return encoder_target_rate_bps_; } uint32_t RtpVideoSender::GetProtectionBitrateBps() const { return protection_bitrate_bps_; } std::vector RtpVideoSender::GetSentRtpPacketInfos( uint32_t ssrc, rtc::ArrayView sequence_numbers) const { for (const auto& rtp_stream : rtp_streams_) { if (ssrc == rtp_stream.rtp_rtcp->SSRC()) { return rtp_stream.rtp_rtcp->GetSentRtpPacketInfos(sequence_numbers); } } return std::vector(); } int RtpVideoSender::ProtectionRequest(const FecProtectionParams* delta_params, const FecProtectionParams* key_params, uint32_t* sent_video_rate_bps, uint32_t* sent_nack_rate_bps, uint32_t* sent_fec_rate_bps) { *sent_video_rate_bps = 0; *sent_nack_rate_bps = 0; *sent_fec_rate_bps = 0; for (const RtpStreamSender& stream : rtp_streams_) { stream.rtp_rtcp->SetFecProtectionParams(*delta_params, *key_params); auto send_bitrate = stream.rtp_rtcp->GetSendRates(); *sent_video_rate_bps += send_bitrate[RtpPacketMediaType::kVideo].bps(); *sent_fec_rate_bps += send_bitrate[RtpPacketMediaType::kForwardErrorCorrection].bps(); *sent_nack_rate_bps += send_bitrate[RtpPacketMediaType::kRetransmission].bps(); } return 0; } void RtpVideoSender::SetFecAllowed(bool fec_allowed) { MutexLock lock(&mutex_); fec_allowed_ = fec_allowed; } void RtpVideoSender::OnPacketFeedbackVector( std::vector packet_feedback_vector) { if (fec_controller_->UseLossVectorMask()) { MutexLock lock(&mutex_); for (const StreamPacketInfo& packet : packet_feedback_vector) { loss_mask_vector_.push_back(!packet.received); } } // Map from SSRC to all acked packets for that RTP module. std::map> acked_packets_per_ssrc; for (const StreamPacketInfo& packet : packet_feedback_vector) { if (packet.received && packet.ssrc) { acked_packets_per_ssrc[*packet.ssrc].push_back( packet.rtp_sequence_number); } } // Map from SSRC to vector of RTP sequence numbers that are indicated as // lost by feedback, without being trailed by any received packets. std::map> early_loss_detected_per_ssrc; for (const StreamPacketInfo& packet : packet_feedback_vector) { // Only include new media packets, not retransmissions/padding/fec. if (!packet.received && packet.ssrc && !packet.is_retransmission) { // Last known lost packet, might not be detectable as lost by remote // jitter buffer. early_loss_detected_per_ssrc[*packet.ssrc].push_back( packet.rtp_sequence_number); } else { // Packet received, so any loss prior to this is already detectable. early_loss_detected_per_ssrc.erase(*packet.ssrc); } } for (const auto& kv : early_loss_detected_per_ssrc) { const uint32_t ssrc = kv.first; auto it = ssrc_to_rtp_module_.find(ssrc); RTC_CHECK(it != ssrc_to_rtp_module_.end()); RTPSender* rtp_sender = it->second->RtpSender(); for (uint16_t sequence_number : kv.second) { rtp_sender->ReSendPacket(sequence_number); } } for (const auto& kv : acked_packets_per_ssrc) { const uint32_t ssrc = kv.first; auto it = ssrc_to_rtp_module_.find(ssrc); if (it == ssrc_to_rtp_module_.end()) { // No media, likely FEC or padding. Ignore since there's no RTP history to // clean up anyway. continue; } rtc::ArrayView rtp_sequence_numbers(kv.second); it->second->OnPacketsAcknowledged(rtp_sequence_numbers); } } void RtpVideoSender::SetEncodingData(size_t width, size_t height, size_t num_temporal_layers) { fec_controller_->SetEncodingData(width, height, num_temporal_layers, rtp_config_.max_packet_size); } DataRate RtpVideoSender::CalculateOverheadRate(DataRate data_rate, DataSize packet_size, DataSize overhead_per_packet, Frequency framerate) const { Frequency packet_rate = data_rate / packet_size; if (use_frame_rate_for_overhead_) { framerate = std::max(framerate, Frequency::Hertz(1)); DataSize frame_size = data_rate / framerate; int packets_per_frame = ceil(frame_size / packet_size); packet_rate = packets_per_frame * framerate; } return packet_rate.RoundUpTo(Frequency::Hertz(1)) * overhead_per_packet; } } // namespace webrtc