/* * Copyright 2013 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ package org.webrtc; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** Java wrapper for a C++ DataChannelInterface. */ public class DataChannel { /** Java wrapper for WebIDL RTCDataChannel. */ public static class Init { public boolean ordered = true; // Optional unsigned short in WebIDL, -1 means unspecified. public int maxRetransmitTimeMs = -1; // Optional unsigned short in WebIDL, -1 means unspecified. public int maxRetransmits = -1; public String protocol = ""; public boolean negotiated; // Optional unsigned short in WebIDL, -1 means unspecified. public int id = -1; @CalledByNative("Init") boolean getOrdered() { return ordered; } @CalledByNative("Init") int getMaxRetransmitTimeMs() { return maxRetransmitTimeMs; } @CalledByNative("Init") int getMaxRetransmits() { return maxRetransmits; } @CalledByNative("Init") String getProtocol() { return protocol; } @CalledByNative("Init") boolean getNegotiated() { return negotiated; } @CalledByNative("Init") int getId() { return id; } } /** Java version of C++ DataBuffer. The atom of data in a DataChannel. */ public static class Buffer { /** The underlying data. */ public final ByteBuffer data; /** * Indicates whether `data` contains UTF-8 text or "binary data" * (i.e. anything else). */ public final boolean binary; @CalledByNative("Buffer") public Buffer(ByteBuffer data, boolean binary) { this.data = data; this.binary = binary; } } /** Java version of C++ DataChannelObserver. */ public interface Observer { /** The data channel's bufferedAmount has changed. */ @CalledByNative("Observer") public void onBufferedAmountChange(long previousAmount); /** The data channel state has changed. */ @CalledByNative("Observer") public void onStateChange(); /** * A data buffer was successfully received. NOTE: `buffer.data` will be * freed once this function returns so callers who want to use the data * asynchronously must make sure to copy it first. */ @CalledByNative("Observer") public void onMessage(Buffer buffer); } /** Keep in sync with DataChannelInterface::DataState. */ public enum State { CONNECTING, OPEN, CLOSING, CLOSED; @CalledByNative("State") static State fromNativeIndex(int nativeIndex) { return values()[nativeIndex]; } } private long nativeDataChannel; private long nativeObserver; @CalledByNative public DataChannel(long nativeDataChannel) { this.nativeDataChannel = nativeDataChannel; } /** Register `observer`, replacing any previously-registered observer. */ public void registerObserver(Observer observer) { checkDataChannelExists(); if (nativeObserver != 0) { nativeUnregisterObserver(nativeObserver); } nativeObserver = nativeRegisterObserver(observer); } /** Unregister the (only) observer. */ public void unregisterObserver() { checkDataChannelExists(); nativeUnregisterObserver(nativeObserver); nativeObserver = 0; } public String label() { checkDataChannelExists(); return nativeLabel(); } public int id() { checkDataChannelExists(); return nativeId(); } public State state() { checkDataChannelExists(); return nativeState(); } /** * Return the number of bytes of application data (UTF-8 text and binary data) * that have been queued using SendBuffer but have not yet been transmitted * to the network. */ public long bufferedAmount() { checkDataChannelExists(); return nativeBufferedAmount(); } /** Close the channel. */ public void close() { checkDataChannelExists(); nativeClose(); } /** Send `data` to the remote peer; return success. */ public boolean send(Buffer buffer) { checkDataChannelExists(); // TODO(fischman): this could be cleverer about avoiding copies if the // ByteBuffer is direct and/or is backed by an array. byte[] data = new byte[buffer.data.remaining()]; buffer.data.get(data); return nativeSend(data, buffer.binary); } /** Dispose of native resources attached to this channel. */ public void dispose() { checkDataChannelExists(); JniCommon.nativeReleaseRef(nativeDataChannel); nativeDataChannel = 0; } @CalledByNative long getNativeDataChannel() { return nativeDataChannel; } private void checkDataChannelExists() { if (nativeDataChannel == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("DataChannel has been disposed."); } } private native long nativeRegisterObserver(Observer observer); private native void nativeUnregisterObserver(long observer); private native String nativeLabel(); private native int nativeId(); private native State nativeState(); private native long nativeBufferedAmount(); private native void nativeClose(); private native boolean nativeSend(byte[] data, boolean binary); };