/* * Copyright 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ package org.webrtc; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture; import android.opengl.GLES11Ext; import android.opengl.GLES20; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.HandlerThread; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import org.webrtc.EglBase.Context; import org.webrtc.TextureBufferImpl.RefCountMonitor; import org.webrtc.VideoFrame.TextureBuffer; /** * Helper class for using a SurfaceTexture to create WebRTC VideoFrames. In order to create WebRTC * VideoFrames, render onto the SurfaceTexture. The frames will be delivered to the listener. Only * one texture frame can be in flight at once, so the frame must be released in order to receive a * new frame. Call stopListening() to stop receiveing new frames. Call dispose to release all * resources once the texture frame is released. */ public class SurfaceTextureHelper { /** * Interface for monitoring texture buffers created from this SurfaceTexture. Since only one * texture buffer can exist at a time, this can be used to monitor for stuck frames. */ public interface FrameRefMonitor { /** A new frame was created. New frames start with ref count of 1. */ void onNewBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer); /** Ref count of the frame was incremented by the calling thread. */ void onRetainBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer); /** Ref count of the frame was decremented by the calling thread. */ void onReleaseBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer); /** Frame was destroyed (ref count reached 0). */ void onDestroyBuffer(TextureBuffer textureBuffer); } private static final String TAG = "SurfaceTextureHelper"; /** * Construct a new SurfaceTextureHelper sharing OpenGL resources with `sharedContext`. A dedicated * thread and handler is created for handling the SurfaceTexture. May return null if EGL fails to * initialize a pixel buffer surface and make it current. If alignTimestamps is true, the frame * timestamps will be aligned to rtc::TimeNanos(). If frame timestamps are aligned to * rtc::TimeNanos() there is no need for aligning timestamps again in * PeerConnectionFactory.createVideoSource(). This makes the timestamps more accurate and * closer to actual creation time. */ public static SurfaceTextureHelper create(final String threadName, final EglBase.Context sharedContext, boolean alignTimestamps, final YuvConverter yuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor frameRefMonitor) { final HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread(threadName); thread.start(); final Handler handler = new Handler(thread.getLooper()); // The onFrameAvailable() callback will be executed on the SurfaceTexture ctor thread. See: // http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/com.google.android/android/5.1.1_r1/android/graphics/SurfaceTexture.java#195. // Therefore, in order to control the callback thread on API lvl < 21, the SurfaceTextureHelper // is constructed on the `handler` thread. return ThreadUtils.invokeAtFrontUninterruptibly(handler, new Callable() { @Nullable @Override public SurfaceTextureHelper call() { try { return new SurfaceTextureHelper( sharedContext, handler, alignTimestamps, yuvConverter, frameRefMonitor); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logging.e(TAG, threadName + " create failure", e); return null; } } }); } /** * Same as above with alignTimestamps set to false and yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter. * * @see #create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor) */ public static SurfaceTextureHelper create( final String threadName, final EglBase.Context sharedContext) { return create(threadName, sharedContext, /* alignTimestamps= */ false, new YuvConverter(), /*frameRefMonitor=*/null); } /** * Same as above with yuvConverter set to new YuvConverter. * * @see #create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor) */ public static SurfaceTextureHelper create( final String threadName, final EglBase.Context sharedContext, boolean alignTimestamps) { return create( threadName, sharedContext, alignTimestamps, new YuvConverter(), /*frameRefMonitor=*/null); } /** * Create a SurfaceTextureHelper without frame ref monitor. * * @see #create(String, EglBase.Context, boolean, YuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor) */ public static SurfaceTextureHelper create(final String threadName, final EglBase.Context sharedContext, boolean alignTimestamps, YuvConverter yuvConverter) { return create( threadName, sharedContext, alignTimestamps, yuvConverter, /*frameRefMonitor=*/null); } private final RefCountMonitor textureRefCountMonitor = new RefCountMonitor() { @Override public void onRetain(TextureBufferImpl textureBuffer) { if (frameRefMonitor != null) { frameRefMonitor.onRetainBuffer(textureBuffer); } } @Override public void onRelease(TextureBufferImpl textureBuffer) { if (frameRefMonitor != null) { frameRefMonitor.onReleaseBuffer(textureBuffer); } } @Override public void onDestroy(TextureBufferImpl textureBuffer) { returnTextureFrame(); if (frameRefMonitor != null) { frameRefMonitor.onDestroyBuffer(textureBuffer); } } }; private final Handler handler; private final EglBase eglBase; private final SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture; private final int oesTextureId; private final YuvConverter yuvConverter; @Nullable private final TimestampAligner timestampAligner; private final FrameRefMonitor frameRefMonitor; // These variables are only accessed from the `handler` thread. @Nullable private VideoSink listener; // The possible states of this class. private boolean hasPendingTexture; private volatile boolean isTextureInUse; private boolean isQuitting; private int frameRotation; private int textureWidth; private int textureHeight; // `pendingListener` is set in setListener() and the runnable is posted to the handler thread. // setListener() is not allowed to be called again before stopListening(), so this is thread safe. @Nullable private VideoSink pendingListener; final Runnable setListenerRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Logging.d(TAG, "Setting listener to " + pendingListener); listener = pendingListener; pendingListener = null; // May have a pending frame from the previous capture session - drop it. if (hasPendingTexture) { // Calling updateTexImage() is neccessary in order to receive new frames. updateTexImage(); hasPendingTexture = false; } } }; private SurfaceTextureHelper(Context sharedContext, Handler handler, boolean alignTimestamps, YuvConverter yuvConverter, FrameRefMonitor frameRefMonitor) { if (handler.getLooper().getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("SurfaceTextureHelper must be created on the handler thread"); } this.handler = handler; this.timestampAligner = alignTimestamps ? new TimestampAligner() : null; this.yuvConverter = yuvConverter; this.frameRefMonitor = frameRefMonitor; eglBase = EglBase.create(sharedContext, EglBase.CONFIG_PIXEL_BUFFER); try { // Both these statements have been observed to fail on rare occasions, see BUG=webrtc:5682. eglBase.createDummyPbufferSurface(); eglBase.makeCurrent(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Clean up before rethrowing the exception. eglBase.release(); handler.getLooper().quit(); throw e; } oesTextureId = GlUtil.generateTexture(GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES); surfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture(oesTextureId); surfaceTexture.setOnFrameAvailableListener(st -> { if (hasPendingTexture) { Logging.d(TAG, "A frame is already pending, dropping frame."); } hasPendingTexture = true; tryDeliverTextureFrame(); }, handler); } /** * Start to stream textures to the given `listener`. If you need to change listener, you need to * call stopListening() first. */ public void startListening(final VideoSink listener) { if (this.listener != null || this.pendingListener != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("SurfaceTextureHelper listener has already been set."); } this.pendingListener = listener; handler.post(setListenerRunnable); } /** * Stop listening. The listener set in startListening() is guaranteded to not receive any more * onFrame() callbacks after this function returns. */ public void stopListening() { Logging.d(TAG, "stopListening()"); handler.removeCallbacks(setListenerRunnable); ThreadUtils.invokeAtFrontUninterruptibly(handler, () -> { listener = null; pendingListener = null; }); } /** * Use this function to set the texture size. Note, do not call setDefaultBufferSize() yourself * since this class needs to be aware of the texture size. */ public void setTextureSize(int textureWidth, int textureHeight) { if (textureWidth <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Texture width must be positive, but was " + textureWidth); } if (textureHeight <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Texture height must be positive, but was " + textureHeight); } surfaceTexture.setDefaultBufferSize(textureWidth, textureHeight); handler.post(() -> { this.textureWidth = textureWidth; this.textureHeight = textureHeight; tryDeliverTextureFrame(); }); } /** * Forces a frame to be produced. If no new frame is available, the last frame is sent to the * listener again. */ public void forceFrame() { handler.post(() -> { hasPendingTexture = true; tryDeliverTextureFrame(); }); } /** Set the rotation of the delivered frames. */ public void setFrameRotation(int rotation) { handler.post(() -> this.frameRotation = rotation); } /** * Retrieve the underlying SurfaceTexture. The SurfaceTexture should be passed in to a video * producer such as a camera or decoder. */ public SurfaceTexture getSurfaceTexture() { return surfaceTexture; } /** Retrieve the handler that calls onFrame(). This handler is valid until dispose() is called. */ public Handler getHandler() { return handler; } /** * This function is called when the texture frame is released. Only one texture frame can be in * flight at once, so this function must be called before a new frame is delivered. */ private void returnTextureFrame() { handler.post(() -> { isTextureInUse = false; if (isQuitting) { release(); } else { tryDeliverTextureFrame(); } }); } public boolean isTextureInUse() { return isTextureInUse; } /** * Call disconnect() to stop receiving frames. OpenGL resources are released and the handler is * stopped when the texture frame has been released. You are guaranteed to not receive any more * onFrame() after this function returns. */ public void dispose() { Logging.d(TAG, "dispose()"); ThreadUtils.invokeAtFrontUninterruptibly(handler, () -> { isQuitting = true; if (!isTextureInUse) { release(); } }); } /** * Posts to the correct thread to convert `textureBuffer` to I420. * * @deprecated Use toI420() instead. */ @Deprecated public VideoFrame.I420Buffer textureToYuv(final TextureBuffer textureBuffer) { return textureBuffer.toI420(); } private void updateTexImage() { // SurfaceTexture.updateTexImage apparently can compete and deadlock with eglSwapBuffers, // as observed on Nexus 5. Therefore, synchronize it with the EGL functions. // See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5702 for more info. synchronized (EglBase.lock) { surfaceTexture.updateTexImage(); } } private void tryDeliverTextureFrame() { if (handler.getLooper().getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong thread."); } if (isQuitting || !hasPendingTexture || isTextureInUse || listener == null) { return; } if (textureWidth == 0 || textureHeight == 0) { // Information about the resolution needs to be provided by a call to setTextureSize() before // frames are produced. Logging.w(TAG, "Texture size has not been set."); return; } isTextureInUse = true; hasPendingTexture = false; updateTexImage(); final float[] transformMatrix = new float[16]; surfaceTexture.getTransformMatrix(transformMatrix); long timestampNs = surfaceTexture.getTimestamp(); if (timestampAligner != null) { timestampNs = timestampAligner.translateTimestamp(timestampNs); } final VideoFrame.TextureBuffer buffer = new TextureBufferImpl(textureWidth, textureHeight, TextureBuffer.Type.OES, oesTextureId, RendererCommon.convertMatrixToAndroidGraphicsMatrix(transformMatrix), handler, yuvConverter, textureRefCountMonitor); if (frameRefMonitor != null) { frameRefMonitor.onNewBuffer(buffer); } final VideoFrame frame = new VideoFrame(buffer, frameRotation, timestampNs); listener.onFrame(frame); frame.release(); } private void release() { if (handler.getLooper().getThread() != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Wrong thread."); } if (isTextureInUse || !isQuitting) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected release."); } yuvConverter.release(); GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[] {oesTextureId}, 0); surfaceTexture.release(); eglBase.release(); handler.getLooper().quit(); if (timestampAligner != null) { timestampAligner.dispose(); } } }