# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. about-httpsonly-title-alert = Alerta del mou de namás HTTPS # Variables: # $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that failed to load. Example: www.example.com about-httpsonly-explanation-unavailable2 = Activesti'l mou de namás HTTPS p'ameyorar la seguranza y la versión HTTPS de { $websiteUrl } nun ta disponible. about-httpsonly-explanation-question = ¿Qué podría tar causando esto? about-httpsonly-explanation-nosupport = Ye probable que'l sitiu web nun sofite HTTPS. about-httpsonly-explanation-risk = Tamién ye posible qu'un atacador seya'l culpable. Si decides visitar el sitiu web, nun habríes introducir nengún datu confidencial como contraseñes, correos o tarxetes de creitu. about-httpsonly-explanation-continue = Si sigues, el mou de namás HTTPS va desactivase temporalmente pa esti sitiu. about-httpsonly-button-continue-to-site = Siguir col sitiu HTTP about-httpsonly-button-go-back = Dir p'atrás about-httpsonly-link-learn-more = Lleer más… ## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established ## Variables: ## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loded with these alternatives. Example: example.com ## Suggestion Box that only shows up if a secure connection to www can be established ## Variables: ## $websiteUrl (String) - Url of the website that can be securely loaded with these alternatives. Example: example.com about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-header = Alternativa posible about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-text = Hai una versión segura de www.{ $websiteUrl }. Pues visitar esta páxina en cuentes de { $websiteUrl }. about-httpsonly-suggestion-box-www-button = Dir pa www.{ $websiteUrl }