# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Permission Dialog ## Variables: ## $host - the hostname that is initiating the request ## $scheme - the type of link that's being opened. ## $appName - Name of the application that will be opened. ## Permission Dialog ## Variables: ## $host (string) - The hostname that is initiating the request ## $scheme (string) - The type of link that's being opened. ## $appName (string) - Name of the application that will be opened. ## $extension (string) - Name of extension that initiated the request permission-dialog-description = ¿Permitir qu'esti sitiu abra l'enllaz { $scheme }? permission-dialog-description-app = ¿Permitir qu'esti sitiu abra l'enllaz { $scheme } con { $appName }? ## Please keep the emphasis around the hostname and scheme (ie the ## `` HTML tags). Please also keep the hostname as close to the start ## of the sentence as your language's grammar allows. ## Please keep the emphasis around the hostname and scheme (ie the ## `` HTML tags). Please also keep the hostname as close to the start ## of the sentence as your language's grammar allows. ## Variables: ## $host (string) - The hostname that is initiating the request ## $scheme (string) - The type of link that's being opened. ## permission-dialog-btn-choose-app = .label = Escoyer una aplicación .accessKey = a permission-dialog-unset-description = Vas tener d'escoyer una aplicación. ## Chooser dialog ## Variables: ## $scheme - the type of link that's being opened. ## Chooser dialog ## Variables: ## $scheme (string) - The type of link that's being opened. chooser-window = .title = Escoyeta d'una aplicación .style = min-width: 26em; min-height: 26em; chooser-dialog = .buttonlabelaccept = Abrir l'enllaz .buttonaccesskeyaccept = A chooser-dialog-description = Escoyeta d'una aplicación p'abrir l'enllaz { $scheme }. # Please keep the emphasis around the scheme (ie the `` HTML tags). chooser-dialog-remember = Usar siempres esta aplicación p'abrir enllaces { $scheme } chooser-dialog-remember-extra = { PLATFORM() -> [windows] Pues camudar esto nes opciones de { -brand-short-name } *[other] Pues camudar esto nes preferencies de { -brand-short-name } } choose-other-app-description = Escueyi otra aplicación choose-app-btn = .label = Escoyer… .accessKey = E choose-other-app-window-title = Otra aplicación…