# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE: # Strings here are used to create events and tasks with start and end times # based on email content. # None of the strings are displayed in the user interface. # # You don't have to fill all from.*, until.*, *.prefix and *.suffix patterns. # It's ok to leave some empty. # Please consider declensions and gender if your language has them. # Don't just translate directly. The number of variants doesn't have to be # the same as in en-US. All of 0, 1, 2, etc is allowed in patterns except alphabet # pattern. You can and should add language specific variants. # # There are two different ways to find a start time text in email: # 1) it matches a from.* pattern and does not have end.prefix or end.suffix next to it # 2) it matches until.* pattern and has start.prefix or start.suffix next to it # Similar inverse logic applies to end times. # These rules enable using prefix and suffix values with only start.* or only until.* # patterns localized for some languages and thus not having to repeat the same # values in both. # # Patterns are partially space-insensitive. # "deadline is" pattern will find both "deadlineis" and "deadline is" # but "deadlineis" won't find "deadline is" or "deadline is". # Therefore you should include all spaces that are valid within a pattern. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (start.prefix): # datetimes with these in front are extracted as start times # can be a list of values, separate variants by | start.prefix =de | de la | de les | des de | des de la | des de les | a partir de | a partir de la | a partir de les | entre | entre la | entre les # LOCALIZATION NOTE (start.suffix): # datetimes followed by these are extracted as start times start.suffix = a la | a les | fins la | fins les | fins a la | fins a les | - | i | i la | i les # LOCALIZATION NOTE (end.prefix): # datetimes with these in front are extracted as end times end.prefix = a la | a les | fins la | fins les | - | i | venciment: | venciment | acaba | data límit | data límit: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (end.suffix): # datetimes followed by these are extracted as end times # can be a list of values, separate variants by | end.suffix = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (no.datetime.prefix): # datetimes with these in front won't be used # specify full words here no.datetime.prefix = la setmana passada | la darrera setmana | enviat | correu | correu electrònic | en lloc de | > | desafortunadament | en | no # LOCALIZATION NOTE (no.datetime.suffix): # datetimes followed by these won't be used no.datetime.suffix = de la darrera setmana | : | correu | correu electrònic | > | & | eur | euros | $ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.*): # can be a list of values, separate variants by | # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.today): # must not be empty! from.today = avui from.tomorrow = demà # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.*): # can be a list of values, separate variants by | until.tomorrow = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.ordinal.date): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x # should not have "#1" as this would match any single number in email to a time from.ordinal.date = #1er | #1n | #1r | #1t | #1è # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.ordinal.date): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x until.ordinal.date = from.noon = migdia until.noon =migdia # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 # should not have "#1" as this would match any single number in email to a time from.hour = a la #1 | a les #1 | pels volts de la #1 | pels volts de les #1 | al voltant de la #1 | al voltant de les #1 | #1 - | #1 a | #1 fins # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 # should also list how to find end of a timeframe until.hour = - #1 | a #1 | a la #1 | a les #1 | fins a la #1 | fins a les #1 | fins la #1 | fins les #1 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour.am): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 from.hour.am = #1 am | #1 a.m # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour.am): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 # should also list how to find end of a timeframe until.hour.am = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour.pm): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 from.hour.pm = #1 pm | #1 p.m | #1 p # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour.pm): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 and number.0-number.23 # should also list how to find end of a timeframe until.hour.pm = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.half.hour.before): # denotes times 30 minutes before next full hour from.half.hour.before = mitja hora abans de la #1 | mitja hora abans de les #1 | dos quarts d'#1 | dos quarts de #1 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.half.hour.before): # denotes times 30 minutes before next full hour until.half.hour.before = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.half.hour.after): # denotes times 30 minutes after last full hour from.half.hour.after = #1 i mitja # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.half.hour.after): # denotes times 30 minutes after last full hour until.half.hour.after = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour.minutes): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 # #2 = matches numbers 0-59 from.hour.minutes = #1:#2 | #1.#2 | a la #1:#2 | a la #1.#2 | a les #1:#2 | a les #1.#2 | de la #1:#2 | de la #1.#2 | de les #1:#2 | de les #1.#2 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour.minutes): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 # #2 = matches numbers 0-59 until.hour.minutes =- #1:#2 | - #1.#2 | fins a la #1:#2 | fins a la #1.#2 | fins a les #1:#2 | fins a les #1.#2 | fins la #1:#2 | fins la #1.#2 | fins les #1:#2 | fins les #1.#2 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour.minutes.am): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 # #2 = matches numbers 0-59 from.hour.minutes.am = #1:#2 am | #1:#2 a.m | #1.#2 am | #1.#2 a.m # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour.minutes.am): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 # #2 = matches numbers 0-59 until.hour.minutes.am = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.hour.minutes.pm): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 # #2 = matches numbers 0-59 from.hour.minutes.pm = #1:#2 pm | #1:#2 p.m | #1:#2 p | #1.#2 pm | #1.#2 p.m | #1.#2 p # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.hour.minutes.pm): # #1 = matches numbers 0-23 # #2 = matches numbers 0-59 until.hour.minutes.pm = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.monthname.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x # #2 = matches monthname from.monthname.day = #1 #2 | #2 #1 | #1 de #2 | #1 d'#2 | #1er de #2 | #1n de #2 | #1r de #2 | #1t de #2 | #1è de #2 | #1er d'#2 | #1n d'#2 | #1r d'#2 | #1t d'#2 | #1è d'#2 | #1 - #2 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.monthname.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 # #2 = matches monthname until.monthname.day = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.month.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 # #2 = matches numbers 1-12 from.month.day = #1-#2 | #1/#2 | #1.#2 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.month.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 and number.x # #2 = matches numbers 1-12 until.month.day = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.year.month.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 # #2 = matches numbers 1-12 # #3 = matches 2/4 numbers from.year.month.day = #1/#2/#3 | #1-#2-#3 | #1.#2.#3 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.year.month.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 # #2 = matches numbers 1-12 # #3 = matches 2/4 numbers until.year.month.day = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.year.monthname.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 # #2 = matches monthname # #3 = matches 2/4 numbers from.year.monthname.day = #1 #2 #3 | #1 de #2 de #3 | #1 d'#2 de #3 | #1 de #2 del #3 | #1 d'#2 del #3 | #1er de #2 de #3 | #1er d'#2 de #3 | #1er de #2 del #3 | #1er d'#2 del #3 | #1n de #2 de #3 | #1n d'#2 de #3 | #1n de #2 del #3 | #1n d'#2 del #3 | #1r de #2 de #3 | #1r d'#2 de #3 | #1r de #2 del #3 | #1r d'#2 del #3 | #1t de #2 de #3 | #1t d'#2 de #3 | #1t de #2 del #3 | #1t d'#2 del #3 | #1è de #2 de #3 | #1è d'#2 de #3 | #1è de #2 del #3 | #1è d'#2 del #3 | #1/#2/#3 | #1-#2-#3 | #1.#2.#3 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.year.monthname.day): # #1 = matches numbers 1-31 # #2 = matches monthname # #3 = matches 2/4 numbers until.year.monthname.day = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.*): # can be a list of values, separate variants by | # LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.minutes): # #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31 duration.minutes = #1 minuts | #1 min | #1 mins # LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.hours): # #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31 duration.hours = #1 hora | #1 hores # LOCALIZATION NOTE (duration.days): # #1 = matches 1/2 numbers and number.0 - and number.31 duration.days = #1 dia | #1 dies # LOCALIZATION NOTE (month.*): # can be a list of values, separate variants by | month.1 = gener | gen | gen. month.2 = febrer | feb | feb. | febr | febr. month.3 = març | mar | mar. month.4 = abril | abr | abr. month.5 = maig | mai | mai. month.6 = juny | jun | jun. month.7 = juliol | jul | jul. month.8 = agost | ag | ag. | ago | ago. month.9 = setembre | set | set. month.10 = octubre | oct | oct. month.11 = novembre | nov | nov. month.12 = desembre | des | des. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.weekday.*): # used to derive start date based on weekdays mentioned # can be a list of values, separate variants by | # LOCALIZATION NOTE (from.weekday.0): # Regardless of what the first day of the week is in your country, 0 is Sunday here. from.weekday.0 = diumenge | diumenges | dg | dg. | diu. | dium. from.weekday.1 = dilluns | dl | dl. | dll | dll. | dill | dill. from.weekday.2 = dimarts | dt | dt. from.weekday.3 = dimecres | dc | dc. | dx | dx. from.weekday.4 = dijous | dj | dj. | dij | dij. from.weekday.5 = divendres | dv | dv. | div | div. from.weekday.6 = dissabte | dissabtes | ds | ds. | dss | dss. | dis | dis. | diss | diss. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.weekday.*): # used to derive end date based on weekdays mentioned # can be a list of values, separate variants by | # LOCALIZATION NOTE (until.weekday.0): # Regardless of what the first day of the week is in your country, 0 is Sunday here. until.weekday.0 = until.weekday.1 = until.weekday.2 = until.weekday.3 = until.weekday.4 = until.weekday.5 = until.weekday.6 = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (number.*): # used within other patterns to understand dates where day of month isn't written with digits # can be a list of values, separate variants by | number.0 = zero number.1 = u | un | una | uns | unes | primer | primera | primers | primeres number.2 = dos | dues | segon | segona | segons | segones number.3 = tres | tercer | tercera | tercers | terceres number.4 = quatre | quart | quarta | quarts | quartes number.5 = cinc | cinquè | cinquena | cinquens | cinquenes | cinqué | quint | quinta number.6 = sis | sisè | sisena | sisens | sisenes | sisé number.7 = set | setè | setena | setens | setenes | seté number.8 = vuit | vuitè | vuitena | vuitens | vuitenes | vuité number.9 = nou | novè | novena | novens | novenes | nové number.10 = deu | desè | desena | desens | desenes | desé number.11 = onze | onzè | onzena | onzens | onzenes | onzé number.12 = dotze | dotzè | dotzena | dotzens | dotzenes | dotzé number.13 = tretze | tretzè | tretzena | tretzens | tretzenes | tretzé number.14 = catorze | catorzè | catorzena | catorzens | catorzenes | catorzé number.15 = quinze | quinzè | quinzena | quinzens | quinzenes | quinzé number.16 = setze | setzè | setzena | setzens | setzenes | setzé number.17 = disset | dissetè | dissetena | dissetens | dissetenes | disseté number.18 = divuit | divuitè | divuitena | divuitens | divuitenes | divuité | dihuit | dihuité | dihuitè number.19 = dinou | dinovè | dinovena | dinovens | dinovenes | dinové number.20 = vint | vintè | vintena | vintens | vintenes | vinté number.21 = vint-i-u | vint-i-un | vint-i-una | vint-i-unè | vint-i-unena | vint-i-uné number.22 = vint-i-dos | vint-i-dues | vint-i-dosè | vint-i-dosena | vint-i-dosé number.23 = vint-i-tres | vint-i-tresè | vint-i-tresena | vint-i-tresé number.24 = vint-i-quatre | vint-i-quatrè | vint-i-quatrena | vint-i-quatré number.25 = vint-i-cinc | vint-i-cinquè | vint-i-cinquena | vint-i-cinqué number.26 = vint-i-sis | vint-i-sisè | vint-i-sisena | vint-i-sisé number.27 = vint-i-set | vint-i-setè | vint-i-setena | vint-i-seté number.28 = vint-i-vuit | vint-i-vuitè | vint-i-vuitena | vint-i-vuité | vint-i-huit | vint-i-huitè | vint-i-huité number.29 = vint-i-nou | vint-i-novè | vint-i-novena | vint-i-nové number.30 = trenta | trentè | trentena | trentens | trentenes | trenté number.31 = trenta-u | trenta-un | trenta-una | trenta-unè | trenta-unena | trenta-uné # LOCALIZATION NOTE (alphabet): # list all lower and uppercase letters if your language has an alphabet # otherwise leave it empty alphabet = abcçdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCÇDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ