# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (commands): # %S is a comma separated list of command names. commands=Taq nuk'uj: %S.\nTokisäx /help <nuk'uj> richin ch'aqa' chik etamab'äl. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (noCommand, noHelp): # %S is the command name the user typed. noCommand=Majun '%S' nuk'uj. noHelp=Majun rutzijol to'ïk richin ri '%S' nuk'uj, ¡takuyu'! sayHelpString=tib'ïx <tzijol>: titaq jun tzijol akuchi' man kesamajïx taq nuk'uj. rawHelpString=raw <tzijol>: titaq jun rutzijol akuchi' man tik'o pa kiwi' HTML taq b'anikil. helpHelpString=help <b'i'aj>: nuk'üt rutzijol to'ïk richin ri <rub'i'> nuk'uj, o ri kicholb'al taq nuk'uj toq man ye'okisäx ta tikirel koköj etab'äl. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (statusCommand): # %1$S is replaced with a status command name # (one of "back", "away", "busy", "dnd", or "offline"). # %2$S is replaced with the localized version of that status type # (one of the 5 strings below). statusCommand=%1$S <rub'anikil tzijol>: xtiya' retal b'anikil rik'in %2$S jun cha'oj rub'anikil tzijol. back=wachel away=man k'o ta busy=man wachel ta dnd=man wachel ta offline=chupül