# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Download Messages Prompt downloadMessagesWindowTitle1=Llwytho Negeseuon i Lawr downloadMessagesLabel1=Hoffech chi lwytho negeseuon i lawr ar gyfer defnydd all-lein cyn mynd all-lein? downloadMessagesCheckboxLabel1=Gofyn pob tro fyddaf yn mynd all-lein downloadMessagesNow2=&Llwytho i Lawr Nawr # Send Messages Prompt sendMessagesWindowTitle1=Negeseuon heb eu Hanfon sendMessagesLabel2=Hoffech chi anfon y negeseuon sydd heb eu hanfon? sendMessagesCheckboxLabel1=Gofyn pob tro cyn i mi fynd ar-lein sendMessagesNow2=&Anfon Nawr processMessagesLater2=&Hwyrach # GetMessages While Offline Prompt getMessagesOfflineWindowTitle1=Estyn Negeseuon getMessagesOfflineLabel1=Rydych all-lein. Hoffech chi fynd ar-lein i estyn negeseuon newydd? # Send Messages Offline Prompt sendMessagesOfflineWindowTitle1=Negeseuon heb eu Hanfon sendMessagesOfflineLabel1=Rydych all-lein ar hyn o bryd. Hoffech chi fynd ar-lein ac anfon negeseuon sydd heb eu hanfon? offlineTooltip=Rydych all-lein. onlineTooltip=Rydych ar-lein.