# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. receipts-dialog-window = .title = Derbynebau Dychwelyd receipts-dialog-title = Derbynebau Dychwelyd return-receipt-checkbox-control = .label = Wrth anfon negeseuon, gofyn bob tro am dderbynneb dychwelyd .accesskey = a receipt-arrive-label = Pan fydd derbynneb yn cyrraedd: receipt-leave-radio-control = .label = Gadael yn fy Mlwch Derbyn .accesskey = G receipt-move-radio-control = .label = Symud i fy ffolder "Anfonwyd" .accesskey = S receipt-request-label = Pan fyddaf yn derbyn cais am dderbynneb dychwelyd: receipt-return-never-radio-control = .label = Peidio ag anfon derbynneb dychwelyd .accesskey = P receipt-return-some-radio-control = .label = Caniatáu derbynebau dychwelyd ar gyfer rhai negeseuon .accesskey = C receipt-not-to-cc-label = .value = Os nad wyf yn At neu Cc y neges: .accesskey = O receipt-send-never-label = .label = Byth anfon receipt-send-always-label = .label = Anfon pob tro receipt-send-ask-label = .label = Gofyn i mi sender-outside-domain-label = .value = Os yw'r anfonwr o'r tu allan i'm parth: .accesskey = s other-cases-text-label = .value = Ym mhob achos arall: .accesskey = Y