# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # This is the title of the page about-logging-title = Om logning about-logging-page-title = Log-håndtering about-logging-current-log-file = Aktuel logfil: about-logging-new-log-file = Ny logfil: about-logging-currently-enabled-log-modules = Aktuelt aktiverede logmoduler: about-logging-log-tutorial = Læs HTTP Logging for vejledning til at bruge dette værktøj. # This message is used as a button label, "Open" indicates an action. about-logging-open-log-file-dir = Åbn mappe about-logging-set-log-file = Angiv logfil about-logging-set-log-modules = Angiv logmoduler about-logging-start-logging = Start logning about-logging-stop-logging = Stop logning about-logging-buttons-disabled = Logning er konfigureret med miljøvariabler, dynamisk konfiguration er ikke tilgængelig. about-logging-some-elements-disabled = Logning er konfigureret via URL, nogle indstillinger er ikke tilgængelige. about-logging-info = Info: about-logging-log-modules-selection = Valg af logmodul about-logging-new-log-modules = Nye logmoduler: about-logging-logging-output-selection = Output for logs about-logging-logging-to-file = Gemmer logs i en fil about-logging-logging-to-profiler = Logger til { -profiler-brand-name } about-logging-no-log-modules = Ingen about-logging-no-log-file = Ingen about-logging-logging-preset-selector-text = Forindstilling for logging: about-logging-with-profiler-stacks-checkbox = Aktiver stack-traces for logbeskeder. ## Logging presets about-logging-preset-networking-label = Netværk about-logging-preset-networking-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere netværksproblemer about-logging-preset-networking-cookie-label = Cookies about-logging-preset-networking-cookie-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere cookieproblemer about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-label = WebSockets about-logging-preset-networking-websocket-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere WebSocket-problemer about-logging-preset-networking-http3-label = HTTP/3 about-logging-preset-networking-http3-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere HTTP/3- og QUIC-problemer about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-label = HTTP/3-upload-hastighed about-logging-preset-networking-http3-upload-speed-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere HTTP/3-problemer med upload-hastighed about-logging-preset-media-playback-label = Medieafspilning about-logging-preset-media-playback-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere problemer med medieafspilning (ikke problemer med videokonferencer) about-logging-preset-webrtc-label = WebRTC about-logging-preset-webrtc-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere WebRTC-opkald about-logging-preset-webgpu-label = WebGPU about-logging-preset-webgpu-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere WebGPU-problemer about-logging-preset-gfx-label = Grafik about-logging-preset-gfx-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere grafikproblemer # This is specifically "Microsoft Windows". Microsoft normally doesn't localize it, and we should follow their convention here. about-logging-preset-windows-label = Windows about-logging-preset-windows-description = Logmoduler til at diagnosticere problemer med Microsoft Windows about-logging-preset-custom-label = Tilpasset about-logging-preset-custom-description = Manuelt valgte logmoduler # Error handling about-logging-error = Fejl: ## Variables: ## $k (String) - Variable name ## $v (String) - Variable value about-logging-invalid-output = Ugyldig værdi "{ $v }" for nøglen "{ $k }" about-logging-unknown-logging-preset = Ukendt forindstilling for logning: "{ $v }" about-logging-unknown-profiler-preset = Ukendt forindstilling for profilering: "{ $v }" about-logging-unknown-option = Ukendt indstilling for about:logging: "{ $k }" about-logging-configuration-url-ignored = Konfigurations-URL blev ignoreret about-logging-file-and-profiler-override = Kan ikke gennemtvinge fil-output og tilsidesætte indstillinger for profilering samtidig about-logging-configured-via-url = Valg indstillet via URL