# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (dailyEveryNth): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Daily repeat rules # #1 - number # e.g. "every 4 days" dailyEveryNth=jeden Tag;alle #1 Tage repeatDetailsRuleDaily4=jeden Werktag # LOCALIZATION NOTE (weeklyNthOnNounclass...) # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Weekly repeat rules # Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%1$S) # set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings. # Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender. # Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your # language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for # others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values # "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. # %1$S - weekday (one or more) # #2 - week interval # e.g. "every 3 weeks on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday weeklyNthOnNounclass1=jeden %1$S;alle #2 Wochen am %1$S weeklyNthOnNounclass2=jeden %1$S;alle #2 Wochen am %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (weeklyEveryNth): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Weekly repeat rules # #1 - interval # e.g. "every 5 weeks" weeklyEveryNth=jede Woche;alle #1 Wochen # LOCALIZATION NOTE ('repeatDetailsDay...' and 'repeatDetailsDay...Nounclass'): # Week days names and week days noun classes (feminine/masculine grammatical # gender) for languages that need different localization when weekdays nouns # have different noun classes (genders). # For every weekday, in 'repeatDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings write: # "nounclass1" for languages with grammatical genders -> MASCULINE gender; # for languages with noun classes -> a noun class; # for languages without noun classes or grammatical gender. # # "nounclass2" for languages with grammatical genders -> FEMININE gender; # for languages with noun classes -> a different noun class. # # "nounclass3", "nounclass4" and so on for languages that need more than two # noun classes for weekdays. In this case add corresponding # rule string with "Nounclass..." suffix and ordinal string # "repeatOrdinalxNounclass..." # Will be used rule strings with "Nounclass..." suffix corresponding to the # following strings if there is a weekday in the rule string. repeatDetailsDay1=Sonntag repeatDetailsDay1Nounclass=nounclass1 repeatDetailsDay2=Montag repeatDetailsDay2Nounclass=nounclass1 repeatDetailsDay3=Dienstag repeatDetailsDay3Nounclass=nounclass1 repeatDetailsDay4=Mittwoch repeatDetailsDay4Nounclass=nounclass1 repeatDetailsDay5=Donnerstag repeatDetailsDay5Nounclass=nounclass1 repeatDetailsDay6=Freitag repeatDetailsDay6Nounclass=nounclass1 repeatDetailsDay7=Samstag repeatDetailsDay7Nounclass=nounclass1 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsAnd) # Used to show a number of weekdays in a list # i.e. "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday " + and + " Wednesday" repeatDetailsAnd=und # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass...): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules # Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%2$S) # set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings. # Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender. # Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your # language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for # others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values # "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. # %1$S - list of weekdays with ordinal, article and noun class/gender # (ordinal and weekday of every element in the list follow the order # and the rule of ordinalWeekdayOrder string) # #2 - interval # e.g. "the first Monday and the last Friday of every 3 months" monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass1=%1$S jedes Monats;%1$S jedes #2. Monats monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass2=%1$S jedes Monats;%1$S jedes #2. Monats # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ordinalWeekdayOrder): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules # This string allows to change the order of the elements "ordinal" and # "weekday" (or to insert a word between them) for the argument %1$S of the # string monthlyRuleNthOfEveryNounclass... # Without changing this string, the order is that one required from most # languages: ordinal + weekday (e.g. "'the first' 'Monday' of every 2 months"). # %1$S - ordinal with article # %2$S - weekday noun # e.g. "'the first' 'Monday'" # DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables. ordinalWeekdayOrder=%1$S %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyEveryOfEveryNounclass...): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules # Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%1$S) # set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings. # Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender. # Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your # language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for # others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values # "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. # %1$S - list of single weekdays and/or weekdays with ordinal, article and # noun class/gender when rule contains also specific day in the month # #2 - interval # e.g. "every Monday, Tuesday and the second Sunday of every month" monthlyEveryOfEveryNounclass1=jeden %1$S jedes Monats;jeden %1$S jedes #2. Monats monthlyEveryOfEveryNounclass2=jeden %1$S jedes Monats;jeden %1$S jedes #2. Monats # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyDaysOfNth_day): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules # %1$S - day of month or a sequence of days of month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol # (depending on the string dayOrdinalSymbol in dateFormat.properties) separated with commas; # e.g. "days 3, 6 and 9" or "days 3rd, 6th and 9th" monthlyDaysOfNth_day=am Tag %1$S;an den Tagen %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyDaysOfNth): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules # %1$S - it's the string monthlyDaysOfNth_day: day of month or a sequence of days # of month, possibly followed by an ordinal symbol, separated with commas; # #2 - monthly interval # e.g. "days 3, 6, 9 and 12 of every 3 months" monthlyDaysOfNth=%1$S jedes Monats;%1$S jedes #2. Monats # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyLastDayOfNth): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules # %1$S - day of month # #2 - month interval # e.g. "the last day of every 3 months" monthlyLastDayOfNth=am letzten Tag des Monats; am letzten Tag jedes #1. Monats # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyEveryDayOfNth): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Monthly repeat rules # #2 - month interval # e.g. "every day of the month every 4 months" monthlyEveryDayOfNth=jeden Tag jedes Monats;jeden Tag jedes #2. Monats # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatOrdinal...Nounclass...): # Ordinal numbers nouns for every noun class (grammatical genders) of weekdays # considered in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. For languages that need # localization according to genders or noun classes. # Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender. # Add 'repeatOrdinal...Nounclass' strings with suffix 3, 4 and so on for # languages with more than two noun classes for weekdays. In this case # must be added corresponding rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and # corresponding values "nounclass..." must be written in # 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. repeatOrdinal1Nounclass1=am ersten repeatOrdinal2Nounclass1=am zweiten repeatOrdinal3Nounclass1=am dritten repeatOrdinal4Nounclass1=am vierten repeatOrdinal5Nounclass1=am fünften repeatOrdinal-1Nounclass1=am letzten repeatOrdinal1Nounclass2=am ersten repeatOrdinal2Nounclass2=am zweiten repeatOrdinal3Nounclass2=am dritten repeatOrdinal4Nounclass2=am vierten repeatOrdinal5Nounclass2=am fünften repeatOrdinal-1Nounclass2=am letzten # LOCALIZATION NOTE (yearlyNthOn): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules # %1$S - month name # %2$S - day of month possibly followed by an ordinal symbol (depending on the string # dayOrdinalSymbol in dateFormat.properties) # #3 - yearly interval # e.g. "every 3 years on December 14" # "every 2 years on December 8th" yearlyNthOn=jedes Jahr am %2$S %1$S;alle #3 Jahre am %2$S %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (yearlyNthOnNthOfNounclass...): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules # Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%2$S) # set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings. # Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender. # Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your # language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for # others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values # "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. # %1$S - ordinal with article and noun class/gender corresponding to weekday # %2$S - weekday # %3$S - month # #4 - yearly interval # e.g. "the second Monday of every March" # e.g "every 3 years the second Monday of March" yearlyNthOnNthOfNounclass1=jedes Jahr %1$S %2$S im %3$S;alle #4 Jahre %1$S %2$S im %3$S yearlyNthOnNthOfNounclass2=jedes Jahr %1$S %2$S im %3$S;alle #4 Jahre %1$S %2$S im %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (yearlyOnEveryNthOfNthNounclass...): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules # Translate these strings according to noun class/gender of weekday (%1$S) # set in 'repeadDetailsDay...Nounclass' strings. # Nounclass1 <-> Masculine gender; Nounclass2 <-> Feminine gender. # Add others strings with suffix 3, 4,... for others noun classes if your # language need them. In this case, corresponding strings must be added for # others rule strings with 'Nounclass...' suffix and corresponding values # "nounclass..." must be written in 'repeatDetailsDayxNounclass' strings. # %1$S - weekday # %2$S - month # #3 - yearly interval # e.g. "every Thursday of March" # e.g "every 3 years on every Thursday of March" yearlyOnEveryNthOfNthNounclass1=jeden %1$S im %2$S;alle #3 Jahre jeden %1$S im %2$S yearlyOnEveryNthOfNthNounclass2=jeden %1$S im %2$S;alle #3 Jahre jeden %1$S im %2$S #LOCALIZATION NOTE (yearlyEveryDayOf): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Yearly repeat rules # This string describes part of a yearly rule which includes every day of a month. # %1$S - month # #2 - yearly interval # e.g. "every day of December" # e.g. "every 3 years every day of December" yearlyEveryDayOf=jeden Tag im %1$S;alle #2 Jahre jeden Tag im %1$S repeatDetailsMonth1=Januar repeatDetailsMonth2=Februar repeatDetailsMonth3=März repeatDetailsMonth4=April repeatDetailsMonth5=Mai repeatDetailsMonth6=Juni repeatDetailsMonth7=Juli repeatDetailsMonth8=August repeatDetailsMonth9=September repeatDetailsMonth10=Oktober repeatDetailsMonth11=November repeatDetailsMonth12=Dezember # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatCount): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link # %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # %3$S - event start time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM)) # %4$S - event end time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM)) # #5 - event occurrence times: number # e.g. with monthlyRuleNthOfEvery: # "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month # only on 1/1/2009" # from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM" # "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month # effective 1/1/2009 for 5 times # from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM" repeatCount=Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S für #5 Wiederholungen\nvon %3$S to %4$S.;Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S für #5 Wiederholungen\nvon %3$S bis %4$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatCountAllDay): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link # %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # #3 - event occurrence times: number # e.g. with monthlyRuleNthOfEvery: # "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month # only on 1/1/2009" # "Occurs the first Sunday of every 3 month # effective 1/1/2009 for 5 times" repeatCountAllDay=Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S für #3 Wiederholung.;Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S für #3 Wiederholungen. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsUntil): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link # %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # %3$S - event end date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # %4$S - event start time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM)) # %5$S - event end time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM)) # e.g. with weeklyNthOn: # "Occurs every 2 weeks on Sunday and Friday # effective 1/1/2009 until 1/1/2010 # from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM" repeatDetailsUntil=Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S bis %3$S\nvon %4$S bis %5$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsUntilAllDay): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link # %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # %3$S - event end date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # e.g. with monthlyDaysOfNth and all day event: # "Occurs day 3 of every 5 month # effective 1/1/2009 until 1/1/2010" repeatDetailsUntilAllDay=Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S bis %3$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsInfinite): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link # %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # %3$S - event start time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM)) # %4$S - event end time (e.g. hh:mm (PM/AM)) # e.g. with monthlyDaysOfNth: # "Occurs day 3 of every 5 month # effective 1/1/2009 # from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM" repeatDetailsInfinite=Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S\nvon %3$S bis %4$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsInfiniteAllDay): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # %1%$ - A rule string (see above). This is the first line of the link # %2%$ - event start date (e.g. mm/gg/yyyy) # e.g. with monthlyDaysOfNth and all day event: # "Occurs day 3 of every 5 month # effective 1/1/2009" repeatDetailsInfiniteAllDay=Wiederholt sich %1$S\nab dem %2$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (monthlyLastDay): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # A monthly rule with one or more days of the month (monthlyDaysOfNth) and the # string "the last day" of the month. # e.g.: "Occurs day 15, 20, 25 and the last day of every 3 months" monthlyLastDay=am letzten Tag # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ruleTooComplex): # This string is shown in the repeat details area if our code can't handle the # complexity of the recurrence rule yet. ruleTooComplex=Für Details hier klicken # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ruleTooComplexSummary): # This string is shown in the event summary dialog if our code can't handle the # complexity of the recurrence rule yet. ruleTooComplexSummary=Wiederholungsdetails unbekannt # differences between the dialog for an Event or a Task newEvent=Neuer Termin newTask=Neue Aufgabe itemMenuLabelEvent=Termin itemMenuAccesskeyEvent2=m itemMenuLabelTask=Aufgabe itemMenuAccesskeyTask2=u emailSubjectReply=Re: %1$S # Link Location Dialog specifyLinkLocation=Bitte geben Sie die Link-Adresse an enterLinkLocation=Bitte geben Sie eine Webseite oder den Speicherort eines Dokuments ein. summaryDueTaskLabel=Fällig: # Attach File Dialog attachViaFilelink=Datei mit %1$S selectAFile=Bitte anzuhängende Datei(en) auswählen removeCalendarsTitle=Anhänge löschen # LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeAttachmentsText): Semi-colon list of plural forms for # prompting attachment removal. # See http://developer.mozilla.org/en/Localization_and_Plurals removeAttachmentsText=Möchten Sie wirklich #1 Anhang löschen?;Möchten Sie wirklich #1 Anhänge löschen? # Recurrence Dialog Widget Order # LOCALIZATION NOTE: You can change the order of below params # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Repeat monthly # %1$S - ordinal with article, %2$S - weekday # e.g. "the First Saturday" # DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables. monthlyOrder=%1$S %2$S # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Repeat yearly # %1$S - day of month, %2$S - of, %3$S - month # e.g. "6 [of] September" # If you don't need %2$S in your locale - please put this on the third place. # DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables. yearlyOrder=%1$S %3$S %2$S # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence pattern -> Repeat yearly # %1$S - ordinal with article, %2$S - weekday, %3$S - of, %4$S - month # e.g. "the First Saturday of September" # If you don't need %3$S in your locale - please put this on the third place. # DONT_TRANSLATE: Make sure there are no extra words in this property, just variables. yearlyOrder2=%1$S %2$S %3$S %4$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pluralForWeekdays): # This string allows to set the use of weekdays nouns in plural form for # languages that need them in sentences like "every Monday" or "every Sunday # of March" etc. # Rule strings involved by this setting are: # - weeklyNthOn (only the first part) e.g. "every Sunday" # - monthlyEveryOfEvery # e.g. "every Monday of every month;every Monday every 2 months" # - yearlyOnEveryNthOfNth # e.g. "every Friday of March;every 2 years on every Friday of March" # In your local write: # "true" if sentences like those above need weekday in plural form; # "false" if sentences like those above don't need weekday in plural form; pluralForWeekdays=false # LOCALIZATION NOTE (repeatDetailsDayxxxPlural): # Edit recurrence window -> Recurrence details link on Event/Task dialog window # Weekdays in plural form used inside sentences like "every Monday" or # "every Sunday of May" etc. for languages that need them. # These plurals will be used inside the following rule strings only if string # 'pluralForWeekdays' (see above) is set to "true": # - weeklyNthOn (only the first part) e.g. "every Sunday" # - monthlyEveryOfEvery # e.g. "every Monday of every month;every Monday every 2 months" # - yearlyOnEveryNthOfNth # e.g. "every Friday of March;every 2 years on every Friday of March" repeatDetailsDay1Plural=Sonntag repeatDetailsDay2Plural=Montag repeatDetailsDay3Plural=Dienstag repeatDetailsDay4Plural=Mittwoch repeatDetailsDay5Plural=Donnerstag repeatDetailsDay6Plural=Freitag repeatDetailsDay7Plural=Samstag # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventRecurrenceForeverLabel): # Edit/New Event dialog -> datepicker that sets the until date. # For recurring rules that repeat forever, this labels appears in the # datepicker, below the minimonth, as an option for the until date. eventRecurrenceForeverLabel=Keins # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventRecurrenceMonthlyLastDayLabel): # Edit dialog recurrence -> Monthly Recurrence pattern -> Monthly daypicker # The label on the monthly daypicker's last button that allows to select # the last day of the month inside a BYMONTHDAY rule. eventRecurrenceMonthlyLastDayLabel=Letzter Tag # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryAccepted) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the # email summary view after receiving a counter message # %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee counterSummaryAccepted=%1$S hat die Einladung angenommen, aber einen Gegenvorschlag gemacht: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryDeclined) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the # email summary view after receiving a counter message # %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee counterSummaryDeclined=%1$S hat die Einladung abgelehnt, aber einen Gegenvorschlag gemacht: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryDelegated) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the # email summary view after receiving a counter message # %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee counterSummaryDelegated=%1$S hat die Einladung weitergeleitet, aber einen Gegenvorschlag gemacht: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryNeedsAction) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the # email summary view after receiving a counter message # %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee counterSummaryNeedsAction=%1$S hat sich noch nicht zur Teilnahme geäußert und einen Gegenvorschlag gemacht: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterSummaryTentative) - this is only visible when opening the dialog from the # email summary view after receiving a counter message # %1$S - the name or email address of the replying attendee counterSummaryTentative=%1$S hat eine vorläufige Zusage zur Teilnahme gegeben und einen Gegenvorschlag gemacht: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterOnPreviousVersionNotification) - this is only visible when opening the # dialog from the email summary view after receiving a counter message counterOnPreviousVersionNotification=Dies ist ein Gegenvorschlag für eine ältere Version des Termins. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (counterOnCounterDisallowedNotification) - this is only visible when opening the # dialog from the email summary view after receiving a counter message counterOnCounterDisallowedNotification=Sie haben das Einreichen von Gegenvorschlägen beim Senden der Einladung verboten. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventAccepted) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has accepted the event invitation eventAccepted=Sie haben die Einladung angenommen. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventTentative) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has accepted the event invitation tentatively eventTentative=Sie haben eine vorläufige Zusage zur Teilnahme gegeben. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventDeclined) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has declined the event invitation eventDeclined=Sie haben die Einladung abgelehnt. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventDelegated) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has delegated his/her participation to one # or more other participants (without attending / working on it his/herself) eventDelegated=Sie haben die Einladung weitergeleitet. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventNeedsAction) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user hasn't yet responded to an invitation eventNeedsAction=Sie haben sich noch nicht zur Teilnahme geäußert. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskAccepted) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has accepted the assigned task taskAccepted=Sie haben zugesagt, diese Aufgabe zu übernehmen. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskTentative) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has accepted tentatively the assigned task taskTentative=Sie haben vorläufig zugesagt, diese Aufgabe zu übernehmen. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDeclined) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has declined the assigned task taskDeclined=Sie haben abgelehnt, diese Aufgabe zu übernehmen. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskDelegated) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has delegated his/her assignment to one or # more others (without attending / working on it his/herself) taskDelegated=Sie haben die Übernahme dieser Aufgabe weitergeleitet. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskNeedsAction) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user hasn't yet responded to the task assignment taskNeedsAction=Sie haben sich noch nicht zur Übernahme dieser Aufgabe geäußert. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskInProgress) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user is working on an assigned task taskInProgress=Sie haben mit der Arbeit an dieser durch Sie verantworteten Aufgabe begonnen. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (taskCompleted) - this will be displayed as notification # in the summary dialog if the user has completed the work on this assigned task taskCompleted=Sie haben die Arbeit an dieser durch Sie verantworteten Aufgabe abgeschlossen. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendandcloseButtonLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for # event.toolbar.saveandclose.label in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees # will be notified on saving & closing sendandcloseButtonLabel=Senden und schließen # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendandcloseButtonTooltip) - this is a runtime replacement for # event.toolbar.saveandclose.tooltip in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees # will be notified on saving & closing sendandcloseButtonTooltip=Teilnehmer benachrichtigen und schließen # LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveandsendButtonLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for # event.toolbar.save.label2 in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees # will be notified on saving saveandsendButtonLabel=Senden und speichern # LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveandsendButtonTooltip) - this is a runtime replacement # for event.toolbar.save.tooltip2 in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees # will be notified on saving saveandsendButtonTooltip=Speichern und Teilnehmer benachrichtigen # LOCALIZATION NOTE (saveandsendMenuLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for # event.menu.item.save.label in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees # will be notified on saving saveandsendMenuLabel=Senden und speichern # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sendandcloseMenuLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for # event.menu.item.saveandclose.label in the event dialog/tab toolbar if attendees # will be notified on saving sendandcloseMenuLabel=Senden und schließen # LOCALIZATION NOTE (attendeesTabLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for # event.attendees.label defined in calendar-event-dialog.dtd and used in the # event dialog/tab as attendee tab label if an event has at least one attendee # %1$S - the number of attendee (1-n) attendeesTabLabel=Teilnehmer (%1$S): # LOCALIZATION NOTE (attachmentsTabLabel) - this is a runtime replacement for # event.attachments.label defined in calendar-event-dialog.dtd and used in the # event dialog/tab as attendee tab label if an event has at least one attachment # %1$S - the number of attachments (1-n) attachmentsTabLabel=Anhänge (%1$S):