# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### Unified Toolbar strings ## Search bar search-bar-button = .alt = Suchen search-bar-item = .label = Suchen search-bar-placeholder = Suchen… # Search bar placeholder with formatted key shortcut hint (platform dependent). # The key after the control modifier should match the key from quickSearchCmd.key # in messenger.dtd. search-bar-placeholder-with-key2 = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] { search-bar-placeholder } K *[other] { search-bar-placeholder } Ctrl + K } ## Unified toolbar context menu customize-menu-customize = .label = Anpassen… # Unified toolbar get messages button context menu toolbar-get-all-messages-menuitem = .label = Alle Konten abrufen .accesskey = A ## Unified Toolbar customization customize-title = Symbolleisten anpassen customize-space-tab-mail = E-Mail .title = E-Mail customize-space-tab-addressbook = Adressbuch .title = Adressbuch customize-space-tab-calendar = Kalender .title = Kalender customize-space-tab-tasks = Aufgaben .title = Aufgaben customize-space-tab-chat = Chat .title = Chat customize-space-tab-settings = Einstellungen .title = Einstellungen customize-restore-default = Standard wiederherstellen customize-change-appearance = Erscheinungsbild ändern… customize-button-style-label = Stil der Schaltflächen: customize-button-style-icons-beside-text-option = Symbole neben Text customize-button-style-icons-above-text-option = Symbole über dem Text customize-button-style-icons-only-option = Nur Symbole customize-button-style-text-only-option = Nur Text customize-cancel = Abbrechen customize-save = Speichern customize-unsaved-changes = Nicht gespeicherte Änderungen in anderen Bereichen customize-search-bar = .label = Schaltflächen der Suchwerkzeugleiste… customize-spaces-tabs = .aria-label = Bereiche customize-main-toolbar-target = .aria-label = Hauptsymbolleiste customize-palette-generic-title = Für alle Bereiche verfügbar customize-palette-mail-specific-title = Nur für den Mail-Bereich verfügbar customize-palette-addressbook-specific-title = Nur für den Adressbuchbereich verfügbar customize-palette-calendar-specific-title = Nur für den Kalenderbereich verfügbar customize-palette-tasks-specific-title = Nur für den Aufgabenbereich verfügbar customize-palette-chat-specific-title = Nur für den Chat-Bereich verfügbar customize-palette-settings-specific-title = Nur für den Einstellungsbereich verfügbar customize-palette-extension-specific-title = Nur für diesen Platz verfügbar ## Unified toolbar customization palette context menu # Variables: # $target (String) - Name of the target the item should be added to. customize-palette-add-to = .label = Zu { $target } hinzufügen customize-palette-add-everywhere = .label = Zu allen Symbolleisten hinzufügen ## Unified toolbar customization target context menu customize-target-forward = .label = Vorwärts bewegen customize-target-backward = .label = Rückwärts bewegen customize-target-remove = .label = Entfernen customize-target-remove-everywhere = .label = Aus allen Symbolleisten entfernen customize-target-add-everywhere = .label = Zu allen Symbolleisten hinzufügen customize-target-start = .label = Zum Anfang bewegen customize-target-end = .label = Zum Ende bewegen