# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. downloadHeadersTitlePrefix=Päiste tõmbamine downloadHeadersInfoText=Selle uudistegrupi jaoks leiti %S päist, mida tõmmata. cancelDisallowed=See ei tundu olevat sinu kiri. Sa võid loobuda oma postituste saamisest, kuid mitte teiste postitustest. cancelConfirm=Kas oled kindel, et soovid kirja tühistada? messageCancelled=Kiri tühistatud. enterUserPassTitle=Uudisteserver nõuab kasutajanime ja parooli # LOCALIZATION NOTE (enterUserPassServer): %S is the server being accessed enterUserPassServer=Sisesta uudisteserveri %S kasutajanimi ja parool: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (enterUserPassGroup): %1$S is a specific newsgroup to set # the password for; %2$S is the server from which the newsgroup is accessed enterUserPassGroup=Palun sisesta uudistegrupi %1$S (server: %2$S) kasutajanimi ja parool: okButtonText=Tõmba noNewMessages=Serveris pole uusi kirju. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (newNewsgroupHeaders): %1$S is the number of the current # header being downloaded, %2$S is the number of headers to be downloaded, and # %3$S is the newsgroup whose headers are being downloaded. newNewsgroupHeaders=Tõmmatakse päiseid uudistegrupist %3$S: %1$S/%2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (newNewsgroupFilteringHeaders): %1$S is the name of the MIME # header being filtered on, %2$S is the number of the current header being # downloaded, %3$S is the number of headers to be downloaded, and %4$S is the # newsgroup whose headers are being downloaded. newNewsgroupFilteringHeaders=Uudisgrupist %4$S hangitakse päiseid filtritele: %1$S (%2$S/%3$S) downloadingArticles=Kirjade tõmbamine %S - %S bytesReceived=Uudistegruppide allalaadimine: saabunud %S (%SKiB loetud, kiirus %SKiB/s) downloadingArticlesForOffline=Kirjade tõmbamine %S-%S serverist %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoUnsubscribeText): %1$S is the newsgroup and %2$S is the newsgroup-server it is being removed from. autoUnsubscribeText=Uudistegrupp %1$S tundub serveris %2$S puuduvat. Kas soovid selle tellimise lõpetada? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the newsgroup. autoSubscribeText=Kas soovid tellida uudistegrupi %1$S? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Error -304): In the following item, don't translate "NNTP" # Error - server error ## @name NNTP_ERROR_MESSAGE ## @loc None -304=Uudistegrupi (NNTP) viga: # Error - newsgroup scan error ## @name NNTP_NEWSGROUP_SCAN_ERROR ## @loc None -305=Uudistegrupi viga. Nimekiri kõigist uudistegruppidest pole täielik. Proovi veel kord kõiki uudistegruppe vaadata # Error - NNTP authinfo failure ## @name NNTP_AUTH_FAILED ## @loc None -260=Viga autoriseerimisel. Palun proovi sisestada oma kasutaja ja/või parool uuesti. # Error - TCP error ## @name TCP_ERROR ## @loc None -206=Viga ühenduses. Proovi uuesti. TCP viga: