# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. about-addressbook-title = Helbide-liburua ## Toolbar about-addressbook-toolbar-new-address-book = .label = Helbide-liburu berria about-addressbook-toolbar-add-carddav-address-book = .label = Gehitu CardDAV helbide-liburua about-addressbook-toolbar-add-ldap-address-book = .label = Gehitu LDAP helbide-liburua about-addressbook-toolbar-new-contact = .label = Kontaktu berria about-addressbook-toolbar-new-list = .label = Zerrenda berria about-addressbook-toolbar-import = .label = Inportatu ## Books all-address-books-row = .title = Helbide-liburu guztiak all-address-books = Helbide-liburu guztiak # Variables: # $name (String) - The name of the selected book/list. # $count (Number) - The number of contacts in the selected book/list. about-addressbook-card-count = { $name }(e)ko kontaktu guztiak: { $count } # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of contacts in all address books. about-addressbook-card-count-all = Kontaktu guztiak helbide-liburu guztietan: { $count } about-addressbook-books-context-properties = .label = Propietateak about-addressbook-books-context-edit-list = .label = Editatu zerrenda about-addressbook-books-context-synchronize = .label = Sinkronizatu about-addressbook-books-context-edit = .label = Editatu about-addressbook-books-context-print = .label = Inprimatu… about-addressbook-books-context-export = .label = Esportatu… about-addressbook-books-context-delete = .label = Ezabatu about-addressbook-books-context-remove = .label = Kendu about-addressbook-books-context-startup-default = .label = Abio direktorio lehenetsia about-addressbook-confirm-delete-book-title = Ezabatu helbide-liburua # Variables: # $name (String) - Name of the address book to be deleted. about-addressbook-confirm-delete-book = Ziur zaude { $name } eta bere kontaktu guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula? about-addressbook-confirm-remove-remote-book-title = Kendu helbide-liburua # Variables: # $name (String) - Name of the remote address book to be removed. about-addressbook-confirm-remove-remote-book = Ziur zaude{ $name } kendu nahi duzula? ## Cards # Variables: # $name (String) - Name of the address book that will be searched. about-addressbook-search = .placeholder = Bilatu { $name } about-addressbook-search-all = .placeholder = Bilatu helbide-liburu guztiak about-addressbook-sort-button2 = .title = Zerrendatu bistaratzeko aukerak about-addressbook-name-format-display = .label = Bistaratzeko izena about-addressbook-name-format-firstlast = .label = Izena, abizena about-addressbook-name-format-lastfirst = .label = Abizena, izena about-addressbook-sort-name-ascending = .label = Ordenatu izenaz (A > Z) about-addressbook-sort-name-descending = .label = Ordenatu izenaz (Z > A) about-addressbook-sort-email-ascending = .label = Ordenatu Eposta helbideaz (A > Z) about-addressbook-sort-email-descending = .label = Ordenatu Eposta helbideaz (Z > A) about-addressbook-table-layout = .label = Taula diseinua ## Card column headers ## Each string is listed here twice, and the values should match. about-addressbook-column-header-generatedname2 = Izena .title = Izenez ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-generatedname2 = .label = Izena about-addressbook-column-header-emailaddresses2 = Helbide elektronikoak .title = Helbidearen arabera ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-emailaddresses2 = .label = Helbide elektronikoak about-addressbook-column-header-nickname2 = Goitizena .title = Goitizenaren arabera ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-nickname2 = .label = Goitizena about-addressbook-column-header-phonenumbers2 = Telefono zenbakiak .title = Telefono zenbakiz ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-phonenumbers2 = .label = Telefono zenbakiak about-addressbook-column-header-addresses2 = Helbideak .title = Helbidearen arabera ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-addresses2 = .label = Helbideak about-addressbook-column-header-title2 = Titulua .title = Tituluaren arabera ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-title2 = .label = Titulua about-addressbook-column-header-department2 = Saila .title = Sailaren arabera ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-department2 = .label = Saila about-addressbook-column-header-organization2 = Erakundea .title = Erakundearen arabera ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-organization2 = .label = Erakundea about-addressbook-column-header-addrbook2 = Helbide-liburua .title = Helbide-liburuaren arabera ordenatu about-addressbook-column-label-addrbook2 = .label = Helbide-liburua about-addressbook-cards-context-write = .label = Idatzi about-addressbook-confirm-delete-mixed-title = Ezabatu kontaktuak eta posta-zerrendak # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of contacts and lists to be deleted. Always greater than 1. about-addressbook-confirm-delete-mixed = Ziur zaude kontaktu eta zerrenda hauek { $count } ezabatu nahi dituzula? # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of lists to be deleted. about-addressbook-confirm-delete-lists-title = { $count -> [one] Ezabatu zerrenda *[other] Ezabatu zerrendak } # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of lists to be deleted. # $name (String) - The name of the list to be deleted, if $count is 1. about-addressbook-confirm-delete-lists = { $count -> [one] Ziur zaude { $name } zerrenda ezabatu nahi duzula? *[other] Ziur zaude { $name } zerrendak ezabatu nahi dituzula? } # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be removed. about-addressbook-confirm-remove-contacts-title = { $count -> [one] Kendu kontaktua *[other] Kendu kontaktuak } # Variables: # $name (String) - The name of the contact to be removed. # $list (String) - The name of the list that contacts will be removed from. about-addressbook-confirm-remove-contacts-single = Ziur zaude{ $name } kendu nahi duzula { $list }(e)tik? # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be removed. # $list (String) - The name of the list that contacts will be removed from. about-addressbook-confirm-remove-contacts-multi = { $count -> [one] Ziur zaude kontaktu { $count } ezabatu nahi duzula { $list } zerrendatik? *[other] Ziur zaude { $count } kontaktu ezabatu nahi dituzula { $list } zerrendatik? } # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be deleted. about-addressbook-confirm-delete-contacts-title = { $count -> [one] Ezabatu kontaktua *[other] Ezabatu kontaktuak } # Variables: # $name (String) - The name of the contact to be deleted. about-addressbook-confirm-delete-contacts-single = Ziur zaude { $name }kontaktua ezabatu nahi duzula? # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of contacts to be deleted. about-addressbook-confirm-delete-contacts-multi = { $count -> [one] Ziur zaude { $name } kontaktua ezabatu nahi duzula? *[other] Ziur zaude { $name } kontaktu hauek ezabatu nahi dituzula? } ## Card list placeholder ## Shown when there are no cards in the list about-addressbook-placeholder-empty-book = Ez dago kontakturik erabilgarri about-addressbook-placeholder-new-contact = Kontaktu berria about-addressbook-placeholder-search-only = Helbide-liburu honek kontaktuak bilaketa baten ondoren bakarrik erakusten ditu about-addressbook-placeholder-searching = Bilatzen… about-addressbook-placeholder-no-search-results = Ez da kontakturik aurkitu ## Details # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of selected items (will never be fewer than 2). about-addressbook-selection-mixed-header2 = { $count -> [one] Helbide liburu sarrera { $count } hautatua *[other] { $count } helbide liburu sarrera hautatuak } # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of selected contacts about-addressbook-selection-contacts-header2 = { $count -> [one] Kontaktu { $count } hautatua *[other] { $count } kontaktu hautatuak } # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of selected lists about-addressbook-selection-lists-header2 = { $count -> [one] { $count } zerrenda hautatua *[other] { $count } zerrenda hautatuak } about-addressbook-details-edit-photo = .title = Editatu kontaktuaren argazkia about-addressbook-new-contact-header = Kontaktu berria about-addressbook-prefer-display-name = Hobetsi bistaratzeko izena mezuaren goiburuaren aurretik about-addressbook-write-action-button = Idatzi about-addressbook-event-action-button = Gertaera about-addressbook-search-action-button = Bilatu about-addressbook-new-list-action-button = Zerrenda berria about-addressbook-begin-edit-contact-button = Editatu about-addressbook-delete-edit-contact-button = Ezabatu about-addressbook-cancel-edit-contact-button = Utzi about-addressbook-save-edit-contact-button = Gorde about-addressbook-add-contact-to = Gehitu hona: about-addressbook-details-email-addresses-header = Helbide elektronikoak about-addressbook-details-phone-numbers-header = Telefono zenbakiak about-addressbook-details-addresses-header = Helbideak about-addressbook-details-notes-header = Oharrak about-addressbook-details-impp-header = Berehalako mezularitza about-addressbook-details-websites-header = Webguneak about-addressbook-details-other-info-header = Bestelako informazioa about-addressbook-entry-type-work = Lana about-addressbook-entry-type-home = Etxea about-addressbook-entry-type-fax = Faxa # Or "Mobile" about-addressbook-entry-type-cell = Mugikorra: about-addressbook-entry-type-pager = Bilagailua about-addressbook-entry-name-birthday = Urtebetetzea about-addressbook-entry-name-anniversary = Urteurrena about-addressbook-entry-name-title = Titulua about-addressbook-entry-name-role = Zeregina: about-addressbook-entry-name-organization = Erakundea about-addressbook-entry-name-website = Webgunea about-addressbook-entry-name-time-zone = Ordu-zona about-addressbook-entry-name-custom1 = Pertsonalizatua 1 about-addressbook-entry-name-custom2 = Pertsonalizatua 2 about-addressbook-entry-name-custom3 = Pertsonalizatua 3 about-addressbook-entry-name-custom4 = Pertsonalizatua 4 about-addressbook-unsaved-changes-prompt-title = Gorde gabeko aldaketak about-addressbook-unsaved-changes-prompt = Aldaketak gorde nahi dituzu editatze ikuspegitik irten aurretik? # Photo dialog about-addressbook-photo-drop-target = Arrastatu edo itsatsi argazki bat hemen edo klik fitxategi bat aukeratzeko. about-addressbook-photo-drop-loading = Argazkia kargatzen… about-addressbook-photo-drop-error = Huts egin du argazkia kargatzeak. about-addressbook-photo-filepicker-title = Hautatu irudi-fitxategia about-addressbook-photo-discard = Baztertu dagoen argazkia about-addressbook-photo-cancel = Utzi about-addressbook-photo-save = Gorde # Keyboard shortcuts about-addressbook-new-contact-key = B