# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. about-reader-loading = Kargatzen... about-reader-load-error = Huts egin du artikulua orritik kargatzean about-reader-color-scheme-light = Argia .title = Kolore-eskema argia about-reader-color-scheme-dark = Iluna .title = Kolore-eskema iluna about-reader-color-scheme-sepia = Sepia .title = Kolore-eskema sepia about-reader-color-scheme-auto = Automatikoa .title = Kolore-eskema automatikoa # An estimate for how long it takes to read an article, # expressed as a range covering both slow and fast readers. # Variables: # $rangePlural (String): The plural category of the range, using the same set as for numbers. # $range (String): The range of minutes as a localised string. Examples: "3-7", "~1". about-reader-estimated-read-time = { $rangePlural -> [one] { $range } minutu *[other] { $range } minutu } ## These are used as tooltips in Type Control about-reader-toolbar-minus = .title = Txikiagotu letra-tipoaren tamaina about-reader-toolbar-plus = .title = Handiagotu letra-tipoaren tamaina about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthminus = .title = Txikiagotu edukiaren zabalera about-reader-toolbar-contentwidthplus = .title = Handiagotu edukiaren zabalera about-reader-toolbar-lineheightminus = .title = Txikiagotu lerroaren altuera about-reader-toolbar-lineheightplus = .title = Handiagotu lerroaren altuera ## These are the styles of typeface that are options in the reader view controls. about-reader-font-type-serif = Serif about-reader-font-type-sans-serif = Sans-serif ## Reader View toolbar buttons about-reader-toolbar-close = Itxi irakurtzeko ikuspegia about-reader-toolbar-type-controls = Tipografia-kontrolak about-reader-toolbar-savetopocket = Gorde hemen: { -pocket-brand-name }