# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### This file contains the entities needed to use the Find Bar. findbar-next = .tooltiptext = Bilatu esaldiaren hurrengo parekatzea findbar-previous = .tooltiptext = Bilatu esaldiaren aurreko parekatzea findbar-find-button-close = .tooltiptext = Itxi bilaketa barra findbar-highlight-all2 = .label = Nabarmendu guztiak .accesskey = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] N *[other] a } .tooltiptext = Nabarmendu esaldiaren agerpen guztiak findbar-case-sensitive = .label = Bereizi maiuskulak/minuskulak .accesskey = B .tooltiptext = Bilatu maiuskulak/minuskulak bereiziz findbar-match-diacritics = .label = Bereizi diakritikoak .accesskey = i .tooltiptext = Bereizi azentu-ikurdun letren eta hauen oinarri-letren artean (adibidez, "resume" bilatzean, "résumé" ez da bat etorriko) findbar-entire-word = .label = Hitz osoak .accesskey = o .tooltiptext = Bilatu hitz osoak soilik findbar-not-found = Ez da esaldia aurkitu findbar-wrapped-to-top = Orriaren bukaera heldu da, hasieratik jarraitzen findbar-wrapped-to-bottom = Orriaren hasiera heldu da, bukaeratik jarraitzen findbar-normal-find = .placeholder = Bilatu orrian findbar-fast-find = .placeholder = Bilaketa azkarra findbar-fast-find-links = .placeholder = Bilaketa azkarra (loturak soilik) findbar-case-sensitive-status = .value = (Maiuskula/minuskula errespetatuz) findbar-match-diacritics-status = .value = (Diakritikoak bereizten) findbar-entire-word-status = .value = (Hitz osoak soilik) # Variables: # $current (Number): Index of the currently selected match # $total (Number): Total count of matches findbar-found-matches = .value = { $total -> [one] { $total }/{ $current }. bat-etortzea *[other] { $total }/{ $current }. bat-etortzea } # Variables: # $limit (Number): Total count of matches allowed before counting stops findbar-found-matches-count-limit = .value = { $limit -> [one] Bat datorren bat baino gehiago *[other] Bat datozen { $limit } baino gehiago }