# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. accounts-title = Konta za e-mejl a diskusijne skupiny show-private-data-main-text = Kontowe mjena zapřijeć show-private-data-explanation-text = (informacije, kotrež snadź identifikuja) accounts-ID = ID accounts-name = Mjeno accounts-incoming-server = Dochadny serwer accounts-outgoing-servers = Wuchadne serwery accounts-server-name = Mjeno accounts-conn-security = Zwiskowa wěstota accounts-auth-method = Awtentifikaciska metoda accounts-default = Standard? identity-name = Identita send-via-email = Přez e-mejl pósłać app-basics-telemetry = Telemetrijne daty app-basics-cache-use = Wužiće pufrowaka mail-libs-title = Biblioteki libs-table-heading-library = Biblioteka libs-table-heading-expected-version = Wočakowana minimalna wersija libs-table-heading-loaded-version = Wužita wersija libs-table-heading-path = Šćežka libs-table-heading-status = Status libs-rnp-status-ok = W porjadku libs-rnp-status-load-failed = Začitanje njeje so poradźiło. OpenPGP njebudźe fungować. libs-rnp-status-incompatible = Inkompatibelna wersija. OpenPGP so njefunguje. libs-rnp-status-unofficial = Njeoficielna wersija. OpenPGP snano kaž wočakowany njefunguje. libs-otr-status-ok = W porjadku libs-otr-status-error = Začitanje njeje so poradźiło. Chatowe zaklučowanje OTR njebudźe fungować.