# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #these need to match nsMsgSearchAttrib interface in nsMsgSearchCore.idl #and nsMsgSearchAttribMap in nsMsgSearchAdapter.cpp Subject=Efni From=Frá Body=Meginmál Date=Dagsetning Priority=Forgangur Status=Staða To=Til Cc=Afrit ToOrCc=Til eða afrit AgeInDays=Aldur í dögum SizeKB=Stærð (KB) Tags=Merki # for AB and LDAP AnyName=Eitthvað nafn DisplayName=Birtingarnafn Nickname=Gælunafn ScreenName=Skjáheiti Email=Tölvupóstur AdditionalEmail=Auka tölvupóstfang AnyNumber=Eitthvað númer WorkPhone=Vinnusími HomePhone=Heimasími Fax=Fax Pager=Símboði Mobile=Farsími City=Borg/Sveitarfélag Street=Gata Title=Titill Organization=Fyrirtæki/Stofnun Department=Deild # more mailnews FromToCcOrBcc=Frá, Til, Afrit eða Falið afrit JunkScoreOrigin=Uppruni stigafjölda ruslpósts JunkPercent=Ruslpóstsprósenta AttachmentStatus=Staða viðhengis JunkStatus=Rusl staða Label=Merki Customize=Sérsníða… MissingCustomTerm=Vantar sérsniðið leitarskilyrði