# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. calendar-invitation-panel-status-new = თქვენ მოწვეული ხართ ამ ღონისძიებაზე. calendar-invitation-panel-status-processed = ღონისძიება უკვე დამატებულია თქვენს კალენდარში. calendar-invitation-panel-status-updateminor = გზავნილი შეიცავს სიახლეს ამ ღონისძიების შესახებ. calendar-invitation-panel-status-updatemajor = გზავნილი შეიცავს სიახლეს ამ ღონისძიების შესახებ. კვლავ უნდა დაადასტუროთ დასწრების თანხმობა. calendar-invitation-panel-status-cancelled = გზავნილი შეიცავს ღონისძიების გაუქმების ცნობას. calendar-invitation-panel-status-cancelled-notfound = გზავნილი შეიცავს იმ ღონისძიების გაუქმების ცნობას, რომელიც არ იძებნება თქვენს კალენდარში. # Variables: # $organizer (String) - The participant that cancelled the invitation. calendar-invitation-panel-intro-cancel = { $organizer } – გაუქმებულია: # Variables: # $summary (String) - A short summary or title of the event. calendar-invitation-panel-title = { $summary } calendar-invitation-panel-view-button = ჩვენება calendar-invitation-panel-update-button = განახლება calendar-invitation-panel-delete-button = წაშლა calendar-invitation-panel-accept-button = დიახ calendar-invitation-panel-decline-button = არა calendar-invitation-panel-tentative-button = შესაძლოა calendar-invitation-panel-more-button = სხვა calendar-invitation-panel-menu-item-save-copy = .label = კალენდარზე დატანა calendar-invitation-panel-menu-item-toggle-changes = .label = ცვლილებების ჩვენება calendar-invitation-panel-prop-title-when = როდის: calendar-invitation-panel-prop-title-location = მისამართი: # Example: Friday, September 16, 2022 # Variables: # $startDate (String) - The date (without time) the event starts on. calendar-invitation-interval-all-day = { $startDate } # Example: September 16, 2022 – September 16, 2023 # Variables: # $startMonth (String) - The month the interval starts. # $startDay (String) - The day of the month the interval starts. # $startYear (String) - The year the interval starts. # $endMonth (String) - The month the interval ends. # $endDay (String) - The day of the month the interval ends. # $endYear (String) - The year the interval ends. calendar-invitation-interval-all-day-between-years = { $startDay } { $startMonth }, { $startYear } – { $endDay } { $endMonth }, { $endYear } # Example: September 16 – 20, 2022 # Variables: # $month (String) - The month the interval is in. # $startDay (String) - The day of the month the interval starts. # $endDay (String) - The day of the month the interval ends. # $year (String) - The year the interval is in. calendar-invitation-interval-all-day-in-month = { $startDay } { $month } – { $endDay }, { $year } # Example: September 16 – October 20, 2022 # Variables: # $startMonth (String) - The month the interval starts. # $startDay (String) - The day of the month the interval starts. # $endMonth (String) - The month the interval ends. # $endDay (String) - The day of the month the interval ends. # $year (String) - The year the interval is in. calendar-invitation-interval-all-day-between-months = { $startDay } { $startMonth } – { $endDay } { $endMonth }, { $year } # Example: Friday, September 16, 2022 15:00 America/Port of Spain # Variables: # $startDate (String) - The date the interval starts. # $startTime (String) - The time the interval starts. # $timezone (String) - The timezone the interval is in. calendar-invitation-interval-same-date-time = { $startDate }{ $startTime } { $timezone } # Example: Friday, September 16, 2022 14:00 – 16:00 America/Port of Spain # Variables: # $startDate (String) - The date the interval starts. # $startTime (String) - The time the interval starts. # $endTime (String) - The time the interval ends. # $timezone (String) - The timezone the interval is in. calendar-invitation-interval-same-day = { $startDate } { $startTime }{ $endTime } { $timezone } # Example: Friday, September 16, 2022 14:00 – Tuesday, September 20, 2022 16:00 America/Port of Spain # Variables: # $startDate (String) - The date the interval starts. # $startTime (String) - The time the interval starts. # $endDate (String) - The date the interval ends. # $endTime (String) - The time the interval ends. # $timezone (String) - The timezone the interval is in. calendar-invitation-interval-several-days = { $startDate } { $startTime } – { $endDate } { $endTime } { $timezone } calendar-invitation-panel-prop-title-recurrence = გამეორება: calendar-invitation-panel-prop-title-attendees = დამსწრეები: calendar-invitation-panel-prop-title-description = აღწერილობა: # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of attendees with the "ACCEPTED" participation status. calendar-invitation-panel-partstat-accepted = { $count } დიახ # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of attendees with the "DECLINED" participation status. calendar-invitation-panel-partstat-declined = { $count } არა # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of attendees with the "TENTATIVE" participation status. calendar-invitation-panel-partstat-tentative = { $count } შესაძლოა # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of attendees with the "NEEDS-ACTION" participation status. calendar-invitation-panel-partstat-needs-action = { $count } ელოდება # Variables: # $count (Number) - The total number of attendees. calendar-invitation-panel-partstat-total = { $count } დაესწრება calendar-invitation-panel-prop-title-attachments = დანართები: calendar-invitation-change-indicator-removed = მოცილებული calendar-invitation-change-indicator-added = ახალი calendar-invitation-change-indicator-modified = შეცვლილი