# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Encoding warnings and errors EncNoDeclarationFrame=Asettengel n tfinaɣin n isemli deg ukatar ur yettwaseɣṛu ara.Yezmer isemli ad twaliḍ s wudem nniḍen ma yella ittusken-d s war isemli i t-igebren. EncXmlDecl=Asettengel n yisekkilen n yisemli HTML yettwaseɣru s useqdec n tseddast n tseɣrut XML. Seg tama, aya ur yemṣada ara, seg tama-nniḍen aseɣru n usettengel s useqdec n tebzimt meta deg tazwara n tefrant head i iwulmen s waṭas. EncMetaTooLate=Aneεruḍ n tebzimt meta i useɣru n usettengel n yisekkilen ur yettwaf ara ɣef zik lḥal, asettengel yettwafhem-d seg ugbur deg wadeg-is. Tabzimt-a meta ahat tettwasakez deg tazwara seg tefrant head n yisemli. EncMetaTooLateFrame=Aneεruḍ n tebzimt meta i useɣru n usettengel n yisekkilen ur yettwaf ara ɣef zik lḥal, asettengel n yisemli amarraw yettwaseqdec deg wadeg-is. Tabzimt-a meta ahat tettwasakez deg tazwara seg tefrant head n yisemli. EncMetaAfterHeadInKilobyte=Tabzimt meta ideg tella tseɣrut n usettengel n yisekkilen ilaq ad tettwasakez ɣer tazwara n tefrant head n yisemli. EncNoDecl=Asettengel n yisekkilen n yisemli ur d-yettwaseɣru ara, asettengel yattwaf-d seg ugbur. Ɣef waya ilaq useɣru n usettengel n yisekkilen deg uqerru n HTTP Content-Type, s useqdec n tebzimt meta neɣ s useqdec n umatar n umyizwer n yiṭamḍanen. EncNoDeclPlain=Asettengel n yisekkilen n yisemli ur d-yettwaseɣru ara, asettengel yattwaf-d seg ugbur. Ɣef waya ilaq useɣru n usettengel n yisekkilen deg uqerru n HTTP Content-Type neɣ s useqdec n umatar n umyizwer n yiṭamḍanen. EncMetaUnsupported=Asentengel n tfinaɣin ur nettusefrak ara yettwaf deg isemli HTML s useqdec n tṛekkazt meta. Teseɣrut tettwanef. EncProtocolUnsupported=Asenttengel n tfinaɣin ur nettusefrak ara yettwaf deg uneggaf. Teseɣrut tettwanef. EncMetaUtf16=Tabzimt meta tettuseqdec deg tseɣrut n usettengel n tfinaɣt UTF-16. Aya yettwagza d taseɣrut UTF-8. EncMetaUserDefined=Tabzimt meta tettwaseqdec akked ad tasaẓ asettengel n tfinaɣt x-user-defined. Aya yettwagza am tseɣrut windows-1252 ilmend n umṣada n tsefsiyin tiqbuṛin ur yurin ara akken iwata. Yessefk asmel-a ad yuɣal ɣer Unicode. EncMetaReplacement=Tettwaseqdec tebzimt meta i useɣru n usettengel yettuneḥsaben d imihi deg usekript gar yismal. Asettengel n usemselsi yettwasenqed deg wadeg-is. EncProtocolReplacement=Asettengel yettunehsab d imihi deg usekript gar yismal ɣef uswir n uneggaf n usiweḍ. Asettengel n usemselsi yettwaseqdec deg wadeg-is. EncDetectorReload=Asettengel n yisekkilen n yisemli ur d-yettwaseɣru ara, asettengel yattwaf-d seg ugbur almi d taggara. Ɣef waya i d-yettwasuli yisemli i tikkelt-nniḍen. Asettengel n yisekkilen ilaq ad d-yettwaseɣru deg uqerru n HTTP Content-Type s useqdec n tebzimt meta neɣ s useqdec n umatar n umyizwer n yiṭamḍanen. EncDetectorReloadPlain=Asettengel n yisekkilen n yisemli ur d-yettwaseɣru ara, asettengel yattwaf-d seg ugbur almi d taggara. Ɣef waya i d-yettwasuli yisemli i tikkelt-nniḍen. Asettengel n yisekkilen ilaq ad d-yettwaseɣru deg uqerru n HTTP Content-Type neɣ s useqdec n umatar n umyizwer n yiṭamḍanen. EncError=Asuddem n yitamḍanen yecceḍ alaḥsab n usettengel n yisekkilen i d-yettwaseɣrun. Taseɣrut n usettengel n yisekkilen yezmer d tarameɣtut. EncErrorFrame=Asuddem n yiṭamḍanen yecceḍ alaḥsab n usettengel n yisekkilen i d-yekkan seg yisemli amarraw. Ɣef waya ilaq useɣru n usettengel n yisekkilen deg uqerru n HTTP Content-Type, s useqdec n tebzimt meta neɣ s useqdec n umatar n umyizwer n yiṭamḍanen. EncErrorFramePlain=Asuddem n yiṭamḍanen yecceḍ alaḥsab n usettengel n yisekkilen i d-yekkan seg yisemli amarraw. Ɣef waya ilaq useɣru n usettengel n yisekkilen deg uqerru n HTTP Content-Type neɣ s useqdec n umatar n umyizwer n yiṭamḍanen. EncSpeculationFailMeta=Tazwara n yisemli yettwasleḍ i tikkelt-nniḍen, acku ttwafen yisekkilen mačči n ASCII send tabzimt meta i d-iseɣran asettengel. Tabzimt-a ilaq d nettat ara yilin d mmi-s n head amezwaru s war asezwer n yiwenniten ur nelli n ASCII. EncSpeculationFailXml=Tazwara n yisemli tettwasleḍ i tikkelt-nniḍen, acku ttwafen yisekkilen ur nelli n ASCII deg uḥric n yisemli anida anadi n tebzimt meta ur yeddi ara akken ilaq, send tuɣalin ɣer tseddast n tseɣrut XML. Tabzimt meta deg tazwara n tefrant head ilaq d nettat ara yettwasqedcen mačči d taseddast n tseɣrut XML. # The audience of the following message isn't the author of the document but other people debugging browser behavior. EncSpeculationFail2022=Tazwara n yisemli yettwasekyed i tikkalt-nniḍen, acku ISO-2022-JP ur yemṣada ara akked ASCII. # The bulk of the messages below are derived from # https://hg.mozilla.org/projects/htmlparser/file/1f633cef7de7/src/nu/validator/htmlparser/impl/ErrorReportingTokenizer.java # which is available under the MIT license. # Tokenizer errors errGarbageAfterLtSlash=Isefka arimeɣta deffir n “” Yettwaf. Ahat tamentilt: “<” ( “<”) neɣ tabzimt n tagara tarameɣtut. errCharRefLacksSemicolon=Tamsisɣelt n tfinaɣt ur tfuk ara s wagaz-ticcert. errNoDigitsInNCR=Ulac azwil deg temsisɣelt n tfinaɣt tumḍint. errGtInSystemId=“>” deg usulay n unagraw. errGtInPublicId=“>” deg usulay azayez. errNamelessDoctype=doctype war isem. errConsecutiveHyphens=Tizdiyin yemseḍfaṛen ur nemdil ara awennit. “--” ur yettwasireg ara deg ugensu n uwennit, acukan “- -” ih. errPrematureEndOfComment=Tagara tuzwirt n uwennit. Seqdec “-->” akken ad tmedleḍ awennit akken iwata. errBogusComment=Awennit arameɣtu. errUnquotedAttributeLt=“<” n wazal n imyerr s war talast n snat tuccar. Ahat: “>” ulac-it send imir. errUnquotedAttributeGrave=“`” deg azal n imyerr s war tallast n snat n tuccar. Ahat : Yir aseqdec n tfinaɣt am ticcert. errUnquotedAttributeQuote=Snat n tuccar deg azal n imyerr war talast. Ahat: imeyrren yennekcamen neɣ azrir n tuttra URL deg azal n imyerr war talast s snat n tuccar. errUnquotedAttributeEquals=“=” deg azal n imyerr war talast. Ahat: imeyrren yennekcamen neɣ azrir n tuttra URL deg azal n imyerr war talast s snat n tuccar. errSlashNotFollowedByGt=Aṣlac ur t-id-yeḍfiṛ ara “>”. errNoSpaceBetweenAttributes=Ulac tallunt gar imyerren. errUnquotedAttributeStartLt=“<” di tazwara n wazal n imyerr s war talast n snat n tuccar. Ahat: “>” ulac-it send imir. errUnquotedAttributeStartGrave=“<” deg tazwara n wazal n imyerr s war talast n snat n tuccar. Ahat: yir aseqdec n tfinaɣt am ticcert. errUnquotedAttributeStartEquals=“=” di tazwara n wazal n imyerr s war talast n snat n tuccar. Ahat: “>” azamul = nniḍen ur yettwarǧi ara. errAttributeValueMissing=Isem n imyerr yettwattu. errBadCharBeforeAttributeNameLt=“<” yettwaf acukan isem n imyerr yettwarǧa. Ahat : “>” ulac-it send imir. errEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName=\u0020“=” yettwaf deg umḍiq n yisem n iyerr. Ahat: isem n imyerr ulac-it. errBadCharAfterLt=Yir tafinaɣt seld “<”. Ahat “<” ur tensir ara. Ɛreḍ asenser s “<”. errLtGt=“<>” Yettwaf . Ahat tamentilt: “<” ( “<”) neɣ tabzimt n tagara tarameɣtut. errProcessingInstruction=“” ulac-it send imir. errQuoteInAttributeName=Ticcert deg isem n imyer. Ahat: Ticcert ilaqen tettwattu send di tengalt. errExpectedPublicId=Asulay azayez itturaju, acukan doctype imdel. errBogusDoctype=doctype mačči d ameɣtu. maybeErrAttributesOnEndTag=Tabzimt n tagara ɣuṛ-s imyerr. maybeErrSlashInEndTag=“/” ur netturaju deg tagara n tebzimt n tagara. errNcrNonCharacter=Tamsisɣelt n tfinaɣt tettusemselsi s uzamul ur nelli ara d tafinaɣt. errNcrSurrogate=Tamsisɣelt n tfinɣt tettusemselsi s tazunt n tfinaɣt (surrogate). errNcrControlChar=Tamsisɣelt n tfinaɣt tettusemselsi s tfinaɣt n usenqed. errNcrCr=Tamsisɣelt n tfinaɣt tumḍint tettusemselsi s tfinaɣt n tuɣalin ɣeṛ deffir. errNcrInC1Range=Tamsisɣelt n tfinaɣt tumḍint tettusemselsi s uzilal n usenqed C1. errEofInPublicId=Tagara n ufaylu deg usulay azayez. errEofInComment=Tagara n ufaylu deg uwennit. errEofInDoctype=Tagara n ufaylu deg ugensu n tewsit n isemli doctype. errEofInAttributeValue=Tebbeḍ-d tagara n ufaylu deg ugensu n wazal n imyerr. Taṛekkazt t-ţwanef. errEofInAttributeName=Tebbeḍ tagara n ufaylu deg ugensu n yisem n imyerr. Taṛekkazt teţwanef. errEofWithoutGt=Tagara n ufaylu tebḍed acu kan tarekkazt tfuk s “>”. Tabzimt tettwanef. errEofInTagName=Tebbeḍ-d tagara n ufaylu deg unadi n n yisem n tṛekkazt. Taṛekkazt tettwanef. errEofInEndTag=Tewweḍ-d tagara n ufaylu deg ugensu n tebzimt n tagara. Tabzimt tettwanef. errEofAfterLt=Tagara n ufaylu deffir n“<”. errNcrOutOfRange=Tamsisɣelt n tfinaɣt tezga-d deg uzɣaray n uzilal ittusirgen. errNcrUnassigned=Tamsisɣelt n tfinaɣt tettwasemselsi s tneqqiṭ n tengalt ur nettuwennez ara. errDuplicateAttribute=Imyerr iţusleg. errEofInSystemId=Tagara n ufaylu deg ugensu n usulay anagrawan. errExpectedSystemId=Asulay n unagraw itturaju, acukan doctype imdel. errMissingSpaceBeforeDoctypeName=Ulac tallunt send isem n doctype. errNestedComment=Tiltin n “