# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Message List Header Bar ## Quick Filter Bar # The tooltip to display when the user hovers over the sticky button # (currently displayed as a push-pin). When active, the sticky button # causes the current filter settings to be retained when the user changes # folders or opens new tabs. (When inactive, only the state of the text # filters are propagated between folder changes and when opening new tabs.) quick-filter-bar-sticky = .title = Išlaikyti filtrą, pereinant į kitą aplanką # The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include unread messages. quick-filter-bar-unread = .title = Rodyti tik neskaitytus laiškus # The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include unread messages. quick-filter-bar-unread-label = Neskaityti # The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages that have been starred/flagged. quick-filter-bar-starred = .title = Rodyti tik pažymėtus žvaigždute laiškus # The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages that have been starred/flagged. quick-filter-bar-starred-label = Pažymėti žvaigždute # The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages from contacts in one of the user's non-remote address # books. quick-filter-bar-inaddrbook = .title = Rodyti tik iš adresų knygoje esančių asmenų gautus laiškus # The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages from contacts in one of the user's non-remote address # books. quick-filter-bar-inaddrbook-label = Adresų knygoje # The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages with at least one tag on them. quick-filter-bar-tags = .title = Rodyti tik tuos laiškus, kuriems suteiktos gairės # The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages with at least one tag on them. quick-filter-bar-tags-label = Gairės # The tooltip for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages with attachments. quick-filter-bar-attachment = .title = Rodyti tik laiškus su priedais # The label for the filter button that causes us to filter results to only # include messages with attachments. quick-filter-bar-attachment-label = Priedai # The contents of the results box when there is a filter active but there # are no messages matching the filter. quick-filter-bar-no-results = Rezultatų nėra # This is used to populate the results box; it either displays the # number of messages found using this string, that there are no messages # (using quick-filter-bar-no-results), or the box is hidden. # Variables: # $count (Number) - The number of messages that match selected filters. quick-filter-bar-results = { $count -> [one] { $count } laiškas [few] { $count } laiškai *[other] { $count } laiškų } # Keyboard shortcut for the text search box. # This should match quick-filter-bar-show in messenger.ftl. quick-filter-bar-textbox-shortcut = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] ⇧ ⌘ F *[other] Vald+Lyg2+F } # This is the empty text for the text search box. # The goal is to convey to the user that typing in the box will filter # the messages and that there is a hotkey they can press to get to the # box faster. quick-filter-bar-textbox = .placeholder = Filtruoti šiuos laiškus <{ quick-filter-bar-textbox-shortcut }> # Tooltip of the Any-of/All-of tagging mode selector. quick-filter-bar-boolean-mode = .title = Gairių filtro veiksena # The Any-of tagging mode. quick-filter-bar-boolean-mode-any = .label = Bet kuri .title = Filtrą tenkina laiškai, turintys bent vieną iš pažymėtų gairių # The All-of tagging mode. quick-filter-bar-boolean-mode-all = .label = Visos .title = Filtrą tenkina laiškai, turintys visas pažymėtas gaires # This label explains what the sender/recipients/subject/body buttons do. # This string should ideally be kept short because the label and the text # filter buttons share their bar (that appears when there is text in the text # filter box) with the list of tags when the tag filter is active, and the # tag sub-bar wants as much space as possible. (Overflow is handled by an # arrow scroll box.) quick-filter-bar-text-filter-explanation = Filtruoti pagal: # The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message # sender for the string. quick-filter-bar-text-filter-sender = Siuntėjas # The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message # recipients (to, cc) for the string. quick-filter-bar-text-filter-recipients = Gavėjai # The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message # subject for the string. quick-filter-bar-text-filter-subject = Tema # The button label that toggles whether the text filter searches the message # body for the string. quick-filter-bar-text-filter-body = Laiško tekstas # The first line of the panel popup that tells the user we found no matches # but we can convert to a global search for them. quick-filter-bar-gloda-upsell-line1 = Vykdyti paiešką visuose aplankuose # The second line of the panel popup that tells the user we found no matches. # Variables: # $text (String) - What the user has typed so far. quick-filter-bar-gloda-upsell-line2 = Spauskite „Įvesti“, kad būtų pratęsta paieška: { $text } ## Folder pane folder-pane-get-all-messages-menuitem = .label = Atsiųsti visus laiškus .accesskey = s folder-pane-mode-context-toggle-compact-mode = .label = Rodyti glaustai .accesskey = R ## Message thread pane threadpane-column-header-select = .title = Perjungti visų laiškų pažymėjimą threadpane-column-label-select = .label = Pažymėti laiškus threadpane-column-label-thread = .label = Gija threadpane-column-header-flagged = .title = Rikiuoti pagal žvaigždutę threadpane-column-label-flagged = .label = Žvaigždutė threadpane-column-header-attachments = .title = Rikiuoti pagal priedus threadpane-column-label-attachments = .label = Priedai threadpane-column-header-sender = Siuntėjas .title = Rikiuoti pagal siuntėją threadpane-column-label-sender = .label = Siuntėjas threadpane-column-header-recipient = Gavėjas .title = Rikiuoti pagal gavėją threadpane-column-label-recipient = .label = Gavėjas threadpane-column-header-correspondents = Korespondentai .title = Rikiuoti pagal korespondentus threadpane-column-label-correspondents = .label = Korespondentai threadpane-column-header-subject = Tema .title = Rikiuoti pagal temą threadpane-column-label-subject = .label = Tema threadpane-column-header-date = Data ir laikas .title = Rikiuoti pagal datą threadpane-column-label-date = .label = Data ir laikas threadpane-column-header-received = Gauta .title = Rikiuoti pagal gavimo datą threadpane-column-label-received = .label = Gauta threadpane-column-header-status = Būsena .title = Rikiuoti pagal būseną threadpane-column-label-status = .label = Būsena threadpane-column-header-size = Dydis .title = Rikiuoti pagal dydį threadpane-column-label-size = .label = Dydis threadpane-column-header-tags = Gairė .title = Rikiuoti pagal gaires threadpane-column-label-tags = .label = Gairė threadpane-column-header-account = Paskyra .title = Rikiuoti pagal paskyrą threadpane-column-label-account = .label = Paskyra threadpane-column-header-priority = Prioritetas .title = Rikiuoti pagal prioritetą threadpane-column-label-priority = .label = Prioritetas threadpane-column-header-unread = Neskaitytas .title = Neskaitytų laiškų šioje gijoje skaičius threadpane-column-label-unread = .label = Neskaitytas threadpane-column-header-total = Iš viso .title = Bendras laiškų šioje gijoje skaičius threadpane-column-label-total = .label = Iš viso threadpane-column-header-location = Vieta .title = Rikiuoti pagal vietą threadpane-column-label-location = .label = Vieta threadpane-column-header-id = Gavimo eilė .title = Rikiuoti pagal gavimo eilę threadpane-column-label-id = .label = Gavimo eilė threadpane-column-header-delete = .title = Pašalinti laišką threadpane-column-label-delete = .label = Pašalinti ## Message state variations apply-columns-to-menu = .label = Pritaikyti šį išdėstymą… apply-current-view-to-folder = .label = Aplankui… apply-current-view-to-folder-children = .label = Aplankui ir jo poaplankiams… ## Apply columns confirmation dialog # Variables: # $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to. apply-current-columns-to-folder-message = Ar pritaikyti šio aplanko stulpelių išdėstymą aplankui „{ $name }“? # Variables: # $name (String): The name of the folder to apply to. apply-current-columns-to-folder-with-children-message = Ar pritaikyti šio aplanko stulpelių išdėstymą aplankui „{ $name }“ ir visiems jo poaplankiams?