# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### Localization for about:webrtc, a troubleshooting and diagnostic page ### for WebRTC calls. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API. # The text "WebRTC" is a proper noun and should not be translated. about-webrtc-document-title = „WebRTC“ vidus # "about:webrtc" is a internal browser URL and should not be # translated. This string is used as a title for a file save dialog box. about-webrtc-save-page-dialog-title = Įrašyti „about:webrtc“ kaip ## These labels are for a disclosure which contains the information for closed PeerConnection sections ## AEC is an abbreviation for Acoustic Echo Cancellation. about-webrtc-aec-logging-msg-label = AEC įrašymas about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-label = Pradėti AEC įrašinėjimą about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-label = Baigti AEC įrašinėjimą about-webrtc-aec-logging-on-state-msg = AEC įrašinėjimas aktyvus (pakalbėkite su pašnekovu keletą minučių, o tada sustabdykite įrašymą) about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-on-state-msg = AEC įrašinėjimas aktyvus (pakalbėkite su pašnekovu keletą minučių, o tada sustabdykite įrašymą) # Variables: # $path (String) - The path to which the aec log file is saved. about-webrtc-aec-logging-toggled-off-state-msg = Įrašyti žurnalo failai yra čia: { $path } ## # The autorefresh checkbox causes the page to autorefresh its content when checked about-webrtc-auto-refresh-label = Automatinis turinio atnaujinimas # "PeerConnection" is a proper noun associated with the WebRTC module. "ID" is # an abbreviation for Identifier. This string should not normally be translated # and is used as a data label. about-webrtc-peerconnection-id-label = „PeerConnection“ ID: ## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard. ## See http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_Description_Protocol about-webrtc-sdp-heading = SDP about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading = Vietinis SDP about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-offer = Vietinis SDP (Pasiūlymas) about-webrtc-local-sdp-heading-answer = Vietinis SDP (Atsakymas) about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading = Nutolęs SDP about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-offer = Nutolęs SDP (Pasiūlymas) about-webrtc-remote-sdp-heading-answer = Nutolęs SDP (Atsakymas) about-webrtc-sdp-history-heading = SDP istorija about-webrtc-sdp-parsing-errors-heading = SDP analizės klaidos ## # "RTP" is an abbreviation for the Real-time Transport Protocol, an IETF # specification, and should not normally be translated. "Stats" is an # abbreviation for Statistics. about-webrtc-rtp-stats-heading = RTP statistika ## "ICE" is an abbreviation for Interactive Connectivity Establishment, which ## is an IETF protocol, and should not normally be translated. about-webrtc-ice-state = ICE būsena # "Stats" is an abbreviation for Statistics. about-webrtc-ice-stats-heading = ICE statistika about-webrtc-ice-restart-count-label = ICE kartojimai: about-webrtc-ice-rollback-count-label = ICE atmetimai: about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-sent = Išsiųsta baitų: about-webrtc-ice-pair-bytes-received = Gauta baitų: about-webrtc-ice-component-id = Komponento ID ## These adjectives are used to label a line of statistics collected for a peer ## connection. The data represents either the local or remote end of the ## connection. about-webrtc-type-local = Vietinis about-webrtc-type-remote = Nuotolinis ## # This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain # the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank. about-webrtc-nominated = Nominuota # This adjective is used to label a table column. Cells in this column contain # the localized javascript string representation of "true" or are left blank. # This represents an attribute of an ICE candidate. about-webrtc-selected = Pasirinkta about-webrtc-save-page-label = Įrašyti tinklalapį about-webrtc-debug-mode-msg-label = Derinimo veiksena about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-label = Įjungti derinimo veikseną about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-label = Išjungti derinimo veikseną about-webrtc-stats-heading = Seanso statistika about-webrtc-stats-clear = Išvalyti istoriją about-webrtc-log-heading = Ryšio žurnalas about-webrtc-log-clear = Išvalyti žurnalą about-webrtc-log-show-msg = rodyti žurnalą .title = spustelėkite, norėdami išskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-log-hide-msg = slėpti žurnalą .title = spustelėkite, norėdami suskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-log-section-show-msg = Rodyti žurnalą .title = Spustelėkite, norėdami išskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-log-section-hide-msg = Slėpti žurnalą .title = Spustelėkite, norėdami suskleisti šią sekciją ## These are used to display a header for a PeerConnection. ## Variables: ## $browser-id (Number) - A numeric id identifying the browser tab for the PeerConnection. ## $id (String) - A globally unique identifier for the PeerConnection. ## $url (String) - The url of the site which opened the PeerConnection. ## $now (Date) - The JavaScript timestamp at the time the report was generated. about-webrtc-connection-open = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } { $now } about-webrtc-connection-closed = [ { $browser-id } | { $id } ] { $url } (užverta) { $now } ## These are used to indicate what direction media is flowing. ## Variables: ## $codecs - a list of media codecs ## about-webrtc-local-candidate = Vietinis kandidatas about-webrtc-remote-candidate = Nuotolinis kandidatas about-webrtc-raw-candidates-heading = Visi neapdoroti kandidatai about-webrtc-raw-local-candidate = Neapdorotas vietinis kandidatas about-webrtc-raw-remote-candidate = Neapdorotas nuotolinis kandidatas about-webrtc-raw-cand-show-msg = rodyti neapdorotus kandidatus .title = spustelėkite, norėdami išskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-raw-cand-hide-msg = slėpti neapdorotus kandidatus .title = spustelėkite, norėdami suskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-show-msg = Rodyti neapdorotus kandidatus .title = Spustelėkite, norėdami išskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-raw-cand-section-hide-msg = Slėpti neapdorotus kandidatus .title = Spustelėkite, norėdami suskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-priority = Prioritetas about-webrtc-fold-show-msg = išsamiau .title = spustelėkite, norėdami išskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-fold-hide-msg = mažiau .title = spustelėkite, norėdami suskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-fold-default-show-msg = Išsamiau .title = Spustelėkite, norėdami išskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-fold-default-hide-msg = Mažiau .title = Spustelėkite, norėdami suskleisti šią sekciją about-webrtc-dropped-frames-label = Dingę kadrai: about-webrtc-discarded-packets-label = Išmesti paketiniai duomenys: about-webrtc-decoder-label = Iškoduotuvas about-webrtc-encoder-label = Koduotuvas about-webrtc-show-tab-label = Rodyti kortelę about-webrtc-current-framerate-label = Kadras about-webrtc-width-px = Plotis (px) about-webrtc-height-px = Aukštis (px) about-webrtc-consecutive-frames = Kadrai iš eilės about-webrtc-time-elapsed = Trukmė (s) about-webrtc-estimated-framerate = Numatomas kadrų dažnis about-webrtc-rotation-degrees = Pasukimas (laipsniai) about-webrtc-first-frame-timestamp = Pirmo kadro gavimo laiko žyma about-webrtc-last-frame-timestamp = Paskutinio kadro gavimo laiko žyma ## SSRCs are identifiers that represent endpoints in an RTP stream # This is an SSRC on the local side of the connection that is receiving RTP about-webrtc-local-receive-ssrc = Vietinis gaunamas SSRC # This is an SSRC on the remote side of the connection that is sending RTP about-webrtc-remote-send-ssrc = Nuotolinis siunčiamas SSRC ## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the ## PeerConnection configuration disclosure ## # An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having been # provided about-webrtc-configuration-element-provided = Pateikta # An option whose value will not be displayed but instead noted as having not # been provided about-webrtc-configuration-element-not-provided = Nepateikta # The options set by the user in about:config that could impact a WebRTC call about-webrtc-custom-webrtc-configuration-heading = Naudotojo nustatytos „WebRTC“ parinktys # Section header for estimated bandwidths of WebRTC media flows about-webrtc-bandwidth-stats-heading = Numatomas pralaidumas # The ID of the MediaStreamTrack about-webrtc-track-identifier = Takelio identifikatorius # The estimated bandwidth available for sending WebRTC media in bytes per second about-webrtc-send-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Siuntimo pralaidumas (baitai/sek) # The estimated bandwidth available for receiving WebRTC media in bytes per second about-webrtc-receive-bandwidth-bytes-sec = Gavimo pralaidumas (baitas/sek) # Maximum number of bytes per second that will be padding zeros at the ends of packets about-webrtc-max-padding-bytes-sec = Didžiausias užpildymas (baitai/sek) # The amount of time inserted between packets to keep them spaced out about-webrtc-pacer-delay-ms = Tempo delsa (ms) # The amount of time it takes for a packet to travel from the local machine to the remote machine, # and then have a packet return about-webrtc-round-trip-time-ms = RTT (ms) # This is a section heading for video frame statistics for a MediaStreamTrack. # see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MediaStreamTrack. # Variables: # $track-identifier (String) - The unique identifier for the MediaStreamTrack. about-webrtc-frame-stats-heading = Vaizdo kadrų statistika – „MediaStreamTrack“ ID: { $track-identifier } ## These are paths used for saving the about:webrtc page or log files so ## they can be attached to bug reports. ## Variables: ## $path (String) - The path to which the file is saved. about-webrtc-save-page-msg = tinklalapis įrašytas į: { $path } about-webrtc-debug-mode-off-state-msg = vykdymo sekimo žurnalas yra čia: { $path } about-webrtc-debug-mode-on-state-msg = derinimo veiksena aktyvi, vykdymo sekimo žurnalas čia: { $path } about-webrtc-aec-logging-off-state-msg = įrašyti žurnalo failai yra čia: { $path } about-webrtc-save-page-complete-msg = Tinklalapis įrašytas į: { $path } about-webrtc-debug-mode-toggled-off-state-msg = Vykdymo sekimo žurnalas yra čia: { $path } about-webrtc-debug-mode-toggled-on-state-msg = Derinimo veiksena aktyvi, vykdymo sekimo žurnalas čia: { $path } ## # This is the total number of packets received on the PeerConnection. # Variables: # $packets (Number) - The number of packets received. about-webrtc-received-label = { $packets -> [one] Gautas { $packets } duomenų paketas [few] Gauti { $packets } duomenų paketai *[other] Gauta { $packets } duomenų paketų } # This is the total number of packets lost by the PeerConnection. # Variables: # $packets (Number) - The number of packets lost. about-webrtc-lost-label = { $packets -> [one] Pradingęs { $packets } duomenų paketas [few] Pradingę { $packets } duomenų paketai *[other] Pradingę { $packets } duomenų paketų } # This is the total number of packets sent by the PeerConnection. # Variables: # $packets (Number) - The number of packets sent. about-webrtc-sent-label = { $packets -> [one] Išsiųstas { $packets } duomenų paketas [few] Išsiųsti { $packets } duomenų paketai *[other] Išsiųsta { $packets } duomenų paketų } # Jitter is the variance in the arrival time of packets. # See: https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-stats/#dom-rtcreceivedrtpstreamstats-jitter # Variables: # $jitter (Number) - The jitter. about-webrtc-jitter-label = Virpėjimas { $jitter } # ICE candidates arriving after the remote answer arrives are considered trickled # (an attribute of an ICE candidate). These are highlighted in the ICE stats # table with light blue background. about-webrtc-trickle-caption-msg = Vėlesni („trickled“) kandidatai (atvykstantys po atsakymo) yra paryškinti mėlyna spalva ## "SDP" is an abbreviation for Session Description Protocol, an IETF standard. ## See http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Session_Description_Protocol # This is used as a header for local SDP. # Variables: # $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set. about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-local = Nustatyti „Vietinis SDP“ ties laiko žyma { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } # This is used as a header for remote SDP. # Variables: # $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set. about-webrtc-sdp-set-at-timestamp-remote = Nustatyti „Nutolęs SDP“ ties laiko žyma { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } # This is used as a header for an SDP section contained in two columns allowing for side-by-side comparisons. # Variables: # $timestamp (Number) - The Unix Epoch time at which the SDP was set. # $relative-timestamp (Number) - The timestamp relative to the timestamp of the earliest received SDP. about-webrtc-sdp-set-timestamp = Laiko žymė: { NUMBER($timestamp, useGrouping: "false") } (+ { $relative-timestamp } ms) ## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the SDP information disclosure ## These are displayed on the button that shows or hides the Media Context information disclosure. ## The Media Context is the set of preferences and detected capabilities that informs ## the negotiated CODEC settings. ##