# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # The strings in this file relate to the configuration of Mozilla accounts for sync. ## These strings are shown in a desktop notification after the user requests we resend a verification email. sync-verification-sent-title = Verificatie verzonden # Variables: # $userEmail (String) - Email address of the account used for sync. sync-verification-sent-body = Er is een verificatiekoppeling verzonden naar { $userEmail }. sync-verification-not-sent-title = Kan geen verificatie verzenden sync-verification-not-sent-body = We kunnen op dit moment geen verificatie-e-mailbericht verzenden, probeer het later opnieuw. ## These strings are shown in a confirmation dialog when the user chooses to sign out. sync-signout-dialog-title = Afmelden bij account? sync-signout-dialog-body = Gesynchroniseerde gegevens zullen in uw account blijven. sync-signout-dialog-button = Afmelden ## These strings are shown in a confirmation dialog when the user chooses to stop syncing. sync-disconnect-dialog-title = Verbinding verbreken? sync-disconnect-dialog-body = { -brand-product-name } stopt de synchronisatie, maar zal geen gegevens op dit apparaat verwijderen. sync-disconnect-dialog-button = Verbreken