# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # The following two strings are used when prompting the user for authentication # information: ## @name AUTH_PROMPT_TITLE ## @loc none authPromptTitle=Il server LDAP pretenda in pled-clav ## @name AUTH_PROMPT_TEXT ## @loc %1$S should not be localized. It is the hostname of the LDAP server. authPromptText=Endatescha per plaschair tes pled-clav per %1$S. # These are string versions of all the errors defined in # nsILDAPErrors.idl, as well as the nsresult codes based on those # errors. See that file for the genesis of these codes, as well as # for info about how to get documentation about their precise # meanings. # These are string versions of all the errors defined in # nsILDAPErrors.idl, as well as the nsresult codes based on those # errors. See that file for the genesis of these codes, as well as # for info about how to get documentation about their precise # meanings. ## @name OPERATIONS_ERROR ## @loc none 1=Errur dad operaziuns ## @name PROTOCOL_ERROR ## @loc none 2=Errur da protocol ## @name TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED ## @loc none 3=Surpassà la limita da temp ## @name SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED ## @loc none 4=Surpassà la limita da grondezza ## @name COMPARE_FALSE ## @loc none 5=Cumparegliaziun fallada ## @name COMPARE_TRUE ## @loc none 6=Cumparegliaziun vardaivla ## @name STRONG_AUTH_NOT_SUPPORTED ## @loc none 7=Metoda d'autentificaziun betg sustegnida ## @name STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED ## @loc none 8=Autentificaziun ferma obligatoria ## @name PARTIAL_RESULTS ## @loc none 9=Recepì resultats parzials e referenza ## @name REFERRAL ## @loc none 10=Obtegnì ina referenza ## @name ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDED ## @loc none 11=Surpassà la limita administrativa ## @name UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION ## @loc none 12=Extensiun critica betg disponibla ## @name CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED ## @loc none 13=Confidenzialitad necessaria ## @name SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS ## @loc none 14=SASL-binding en progress ## @name NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE ## @loc none 16=Nagin tal attribut ## @name UNDEFINED_TYPE ## @loc none 17=Tip d'attribut nundefinì ## @name INAPPROPRIATE MATCHIN ## @loc none 18=Correspundenza inadattada ## @name CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION ## @loc none 19=Violaziun da restricziuns ## @name TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS ## @loc none 20=Il tip u la valur exista ## @name INVALID_SYNTAX ## @loc none 21=Sintaxa nunvalida ## @name NO_SUCH_OBJECT ## @loc none 32=Nagin tal object ## @name ALIAS_PROBLEM ## @loc none 33=Problem cun l'alias ## @name INVALID_DN_ SYNTAX ## @loc none 34=Sintaxa da DN nunvalida ## @name IS_LEAF ## @loc none 35=L'object è in fegl ## @name ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEM ## @loc none 36=Problem da dereferenziar l'alias ## @name INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH ## @loc none 48=Autentificaziun inadattada ## @name INVALID_CREDENTIALS ## @loc none 49=Infurmaziuns d'annunzia nunvalidas ## @name INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS ## @loc none 50=Access insuffizient ## @name BUSY ## @loc none 51=Il server LDAP è occupà ## @name UNAVAILABLE ## @loc none 52=Il server LDAP n'è betg disponibel ## @name UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM ## @loc none 53=Il server LDAP refusa dad exequir ## @name LOOP_DETECT ## @loc none 54=Scuvert in cirquit ## @name SORT_CONTROL_MISSING ## @loc none 60=La controlla da zavrada manca ## @name INDEX_RANGE_ERROR ## @loc none 61=Ils resultats da la tschertga surpassan l'interval specifitgà dals spustaments ## @name NAMING_VIOLATION ## @loc none 64=Violaziun da denominaziun ## @name OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION ## @loc none 65=Violaziun da classa d'object ## @name NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF ## @loc none 66=Operaziun betg permessa sin in betg-fegl ## @name NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN ## @loc none 67=Operaziun betg permessa sin RDN ## @name ALREADY_EXISTS ## @loc none 68=Exista gia ## @name NO_OBJECT_CLASS_MODS ## @loc none 69=Impussibel da modifitgar la classa d'object ## @name RESULTS_TOO_LARGE ## @loc none 70=Resultats memia gronds ## @name AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS ## @loc none 71=Pertutga plirs servers ## @name OTHER ## @loc none 80=Errur nunenconuschenta ## @name SERVER_DOWN ## @loc none 81=Impussibel da contactar il server LDAP ## @name LOCAL_ERROR ## @loc none 82=Errur locala ## @name ENCODING_ERROR ## @loc none 83=Errur da codaziun ## @name DECODING_ERROR ## @loc none 84=Errur da decodaziun ## @name TIMEOUT ## @loc none 85=Il server LDAP ha surpassà il temp ## @name AUTH_UNKNOWN ## @loc none 86=Metoda d'autentificaziun nunenconuschenta ## @name FILTER_ERROR ## @loc none 87=Filter da tschertga nunvalid ## @name USER_CANCELLED ## @loc none 88=L'utilisader ha interrut l'operaziun ## @name PARAM_ERROR ## @loc none 89=Parameters incorrects per ina rutina LDAP ## @name NO_MEMORY ## @loc none 90=Nagina capacitad da memorisar pli ## @name CONNECT_ERROR ## @loc none 91=Impussibel da connectar cun il server LDAP ## @name NOT_SUPPORTED ## @loc none 92=Betg sustegnì da questa versiun dal protocol LDAP ## @name CONTROL_NOT_FOUND ## @loc none 93=Betg chattà l'element da controlla LDAP dumandà ## @name NO_RESULTS_RETURNED ## @loc none 94=Returnà nagins resultats ## @name MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN ## @loc none 95=Ulteriurs resultats da returnar ## @name CLIENT_LOOP ## @loc none 96=Il client ha scuvrì in circuit ## @name REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED ## @loc none 97=Surpassà la limita da sigls da referiment