# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. CertPasswordPrompt=Endatescha per plaschair il pled-clav per il token PKCS#11 %S. CertPasswordPromptDefault=Endatescha p.pl. tes pled-clav universal. # The following strings have special requirements: they must fit in a 32 or 64 # bytes buffer after being encoded to UTF-8. # # It's possible to verify the length of a translation using the Browser Console # in Firefox and evaluating the following code: # # (new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('YOURSTRING')).length # # Simply replace YOURSTRING with your translation. # # If it's not possible to produce an understandable translation within these # limits, keeping the English text is an acceptable workaround. # The following strings have special requirements: they must fit in a 32 or 64 # bytes buffer after being encoded to UTF-8. # # It's possible to verify the length of a translation using the Browser Console # in Firefox and evaluating the following code: # # (new TextEncoder().encode('YOURSTRING')).length # # Simply replace YOURSTRING with your translation. # # If it's not possible to produce an understandable translation within these # limits, keeping the English text is an acceptable workaround. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (RootCertModuleName): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes RootCertModuleName=Moduls da ragisch integrads # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ManufacturerID): string limit is 32 bytes after conversion # to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes ManufacturerID=Mozilla.org # LOCALIZATION NOTE (LibraryDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes LibraryDescription=Servetschs da cripto interns PSM # LOCALIZATION NOTE (TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes TokenDescription=Servetschs da cripto generals # LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateTokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes PrivateTokenDescription=Modul da segirezza da software # LOCALIZATION NOTE (SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after conversion # to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes SlotDescription=Servetschs da criptografia a l'intern da PSM # LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateSlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes PrivateSlotDescription=Clavs privatas PSM # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes Fips140TokenDescription=Modul da segirezza software FIPS # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes Fips140SlotDescription=FIPS 140 Servetschs da criptografia, clavs e certificats # LOCALIZATION NOTE (nick_template): $1s is the common name from a cert (e.g. "Mozilla"), $2s is the CA name (e.g. VeriSign) nick_template=%2$s ID da %1$s CertDumpKUSign=signesch CertDumpKUNonRep=Non-repudiation CertDumpKUEnc=Criptadi da la clav CertDumpKUDEnc=Criptadi da las datas CertDumpKUKA=Cunvegna davart las clavs CertDumpKUCertSign=Firmatari dal certificat CertDumpKUCRLSigner=Firmatari da la CRL PSMERR_SSL_Disabled=Impussibel da realisar ina connexiun segira, perquai ch'il protocol SSL è vegnì deactivà. PSMERR_SSL2_Disabled=Impussibel da realisar ina connexiun segira, perquai che la website utilisescha ina versiun pli veglia e malsegira dal protocol SSL. PSMERR_HostReusedIssuerSerial=Ti has retschavì in certificat nunvalid. Contactescha per plaschair l'administratur dal server u il correspundent dad e-mail e dà vinavant las suandantas infurmaziuns:\n\nVoss certificat cuntegna il medem numer da seria sco in auter certificat dal medem post da certificaziun. Cumprai per plaschair in nov certificat cun in numer da seria exact. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2): %1$S is the host string, %2$S is more detailed information (localized as well). SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2=Ina errur è succedida durant ina connexiun cun %1$S. %2$S\n certErrorIntro=%S utilisescha in certificat da segirezza nunvalid. certErrorTrust_SelfSigned=I na vegn betg fidà al certificat, perquai ch'el è vegnì suttascrit sez. certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer=I na vegn betg fidà al certificat, perquai ch'il certificat da l'emettur n'è betg enconuschent. certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer2=Eventualmain na trametta il server betg ils certificats intermediars corrects. certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer3=Eventualmain sto in ulteriur certificat da ragisch vegnir importà. certErrorTrust_CaInvalid=I na vegn betg fidà al certificat, perquai ch'el è vegnì emess d'in certificat d'in post da certificaziun nunvalid. certErrorTrust_Issuer=I na vegn betg fidà al certificat, perquai ch'i na vegn betg fidà al certificat da l'emettur. certErrorTrust_SignatureAlgorithmDisabled=Da quest certificat na vegn betg fidà perquai ch'el è vegnì suttascrit cun in algoritmus da suttascriver ch'è vegnì deactivà perquai ch'el n'è betg segir. certErrorTrust_ExpiredIssuer=I na vegn betg fidà al certificat, perquai ch'il certificat da l'emettur è scrudà. certErrorTrust_Untrusted=Il certificat na deriva betg d'ina funtauna degna da confidenza. certErrorTrust_MitM=Ti connexiun vegn controllada dad in proxy TLS. Al deinstallescha sche pussaivel u configurescha tes apparat uschia ch'el sa fida dal certificat da ragisch. certErrorMismatch=Il certificat na vala betg per il num %S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix): %S is replaced by the domain for which the certificate is valid certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix=Il certificat è mo valid per %S. certErrorMismatchMultiple=Il certificat vala sulettamain per ils suandants nums: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorExpiredNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time of expired certificate) or %2$S (current date+time) certErrorExpiredNow=Il certificat è scrudà ils %1$S. Ussa èsi ils %2$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorNotYetValidNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time certificate will become valid) or %2$S (current date+time) certErrorNotYetValidNow=Il certificat vala pir a partir dals %1$S. Ussa èsi ils %2$S. certErrorMitM=Websites cumprovan lur identitad cun certificats che vegnan emess dad autoritads da certificaziun. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM2): %S is brandShortName certErrorMitM2=%S vegn sustegnì da l'organisaziun senza finamira da profit Mozilla che administrescha ina banca da datas cumplettamain averta per autoritads da certificaziun (CA). Questa banca da datas gida a garantir che las autoritads da certificaziun resguardian las directivas da segirezza per proteger ils clients. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM3): %S is brandShortName certErrorMitM3=Per verifitgar ch'ina connexiun saja segira utilisescha %S la banca da datas da Mozilla (CA store) per autoritads da certificaziun empè da certificats mess a disposiziun dal sistem operativ da l'utilisader. Sche in program antivirus u ina rait s'intermettan en ina connexiun cun in certificat emess dad ina autoritad da certificaziun che n'è betg en la banca da datas da Mozilla per autoritads da certificaziun vegn la connexiun considerada sco betg segirada. certErrorSymantecDistrustAdministrator=Ti pos infurmar l'administratur da la website davart quest problem. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorCodePrefix3): %S is replaced by the error code. certErrorCodePrefix3=Code d'errur: %S P12DefaultNickname=Certificat importà CertUnknown= CertNoEmailAddress=(nagina adressa dad e-mail) CaCertExists=Quest certificat è gia installà sco post da certificaziun. NotACACert=Quai n'è betg in certificat per in post da certificaziun e na po perquai betg vegnir importà en la glista da posts da certificaziun. UserCertIgnoredNoPrivateKey=Impussibel d'installar quest certificat persunal, perquai che ti na possedas betg la clav privata necessaria ch'è vegnida creada cun dumandar il certificat. UserCertImported=Tes certificat persunal è vegnì installà. Ti duessas tegnair en salv ina copia da segirezza da quest certificat. CertOrgUnknown= CertNotStored=(betg memorisà) CertExceptionPermanent=Duraivel CertExceptionTemporary=Temporarmain