# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Short name of the import module thunderbird-import-name = Thunderbird # Description of the import module thunderbird-import-description = Importar e-mails dad in ordinatur da profil da Thunderbird. import-from-thunderbird-zip = .label = Thunderbird (copia da segirezza exportada dal profil; datoteca zip pli pitschna che 2GB) .accesskey = z import-from-thunderbird-dir = .label = Thunderbird (ordinatur dal profil) .accesskey = T import-select-profile-zip = Tscherner in ordinatur da profil cumprimì cun zip import-select-profile-dir = Tscherner in ordinatur da profil zip-file-too-big-title = Datoteca zip memia gronda zip-file-too-big-message = La datoteca zip tschernida surpassa 2GB. L'extira l'emprim ed importescha lura ord l'ordinatur extratg. wizardpage-failed = .label = L'import n'è betg reussì wizardpage-failed-message = L'import n'è betg reussì nunspetgadamain. Ulteriuras infurmaziuns stattan eventualmain a disposiziun en la consola d'errurs.