# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. password-quality-meter = Valitaziun da la qualitad dal pled-clav ## Change Password dialog change-device-password-window = .title = Midar il pled-clav # Variables: # $tokenName (String) - Security device of the change password dialog change-password-token = Modul da criptografia: { $tokenName } change-password-old = Pled-clav actual: change-password-new = Pled-clav nov: change-password-reenter = Pled-clav nov (repeter): pippki-failed-pw-change = Impussibel da midar il pled-clav. pippki-incorrect-pw = Ti n'has betg endatà il dretg pled-clav actual. Emprova anc ina giada. pippki-pw-change-ok = Midà cun success il pled-clav. pippki-pw-empty-warning = Tes pleds-clav memorisads e tias clavs privatas na vegnan betg protegids. pippki-pw-erased-ok = Ti has stizzà tes pled-clav. { pippki-pw-empty-warning } pippki-pw-not-wanted = Attenziun! Ti has decidì da betg utilisar in pled-clav. { pippki-pw-empty-warning } pippki-pw-change2empty-in-fips-mode = Ti es actualmain en il modus FIPS. FIPS pretenda in pled-clav (betg vid). ## Reset Primary Password dialog reset-primary-password-window2 = .title = Redefinir il pled-clav universal .style = min-width: 50em reset-password-button-label = .label = Redefinir reset-primary-password-text = Sche tes pled-clav universal vegn redefinì, perdas ti tut tes pleds-clav memorisads da web e dad e-mail, tes certificats persunals e tias clavs privatas. Vuls ti propi redefinir tes pled-clav universal? pippki-reset-password-confirmation-title = Redefinir il pled-clav universal pippki-reset-password-confirmation-message = Tes pled-clav universal è vegnì redefinì. ## Downloading cert dialog download-cert-window2 = .title = Telechargiar il certificat .style = min-width: 46em download-cert-message = Ti es vegnì dumandà da fidar ad in nov post da certificaziun (CA). download-cert-trust-ssl = .label = Fidar a questa CA per identifitgar websites. download-cert-trust-email = .label = Fidar a questa CA per identifitgar utilisaders dad e-mail. download-cert-message-desc = Avant che fidar a questa CA per mintga intent, duessas ti controllar il certificat e sias directivas e proceduras (sche avant maun). download-cert-view-cert = .label = Mussar download-cert-view-text = Controllar il certificat CA ## Client Authorization Ask dialog ## Client Authentication Ask dialog client-auth-window = .title = Dumonda d'identifitgar l'utilisader client-auth-site-description = Questa website pretenda che ti t'identifitgeschias cun in certificat: client-auth-choose-cert = Tscherna in certificat che vegn mussà sco identificaziun: client-auth-send-no-certificate = .label = Betg trametter in certificat # Variables: # $hostname (String) - The domain name of the site requesting the client authentication certificate client-auth-site-identification = «{ $hostname }» pretenda che ti t'identifitgeschias cun in certificat: client-auth-cert-details = Detagls dal certificat tschernì: # Variables: # $issuedTo (String) - The subject common name of the currently-selected client authentication certificate client-auth-cert-details-issued-to = Emess a: { $issuedTo } # Variables: # $serialNumber (String) - The serial number of the certificate (hexadecimal of the form "AA:BB:...") client-auth-cert-details-serial-number = Numer da seria: { $serialNumber } # Variables: # $notBefore (String) - The date before which the certificate is not valid (e.g. Apr 21, 2023, 1:47:53 PM UTC) # $notAfter (String) - The date after which the certificate is not valid client-auth-cert-details-validity-period = Valaivel dals { $notBefore } enfin ils { $notAfter } # Variables: # $keyUsages (String) - A list of already-localized key usages for which the certificate may be used client-auth-cert-details-key-usages = Utilisaziun da la clav: { $keyUsages } # Variables: # $emailAddresses (String) - A list of email addresses present in the certificate client-auth-cert-details-email-addresses = Adressas d'e-mail: { $emailAddresses } # Variables: # $issuedBy (String) - The issuer common name of the certificate client-auth-cert-details-issued-by = Emess da: { $issuedBy } # Variables: # $storedOn (String) - The name of the token holding the certificate (for example, "OS Client Cert Token (Modern)") client-auth-cert-details-stored-on = Memorisà sin: { $storedOn } client-auth-cert-remember-box = .label = Memorisar questa decisiun ## Set password (p12) dialog set-password-window = .title = Tscherna in pled-clav per il pled-clav da segirezza dal certificat set-password-message = Il pled-clav da segirezza dal certificat che ti defineschas qua protegia la datoteca da segirezza che ti vuls crear. Ti stos definir quest pled-clav per cuntinuar cun la copia da segirezza. set-password-backup-pw = .value = Pled-clav da segirezza dal certificat: set-password-repeat-backup-pw = .value = Pled-clav da segirezza dal certificat (repeter): set-password-reminder = Impurtant: sche ti emblidas tes pled-clav da segirezza dal certificat, na pos ti pli tard betg pli restaurar questa copia da segirezza. Al notescha per plaschair en in lieu segir. ## Protected authentication alert # Variables: # $tokenName (String) - The name of the token to authenticate to (for example, "OS Client Cert Token (Modern)") protected-auth-alert = T'autentifitgescha per plaschair tar il token «{ $tokenName }». Co quai funcziuna dependa dal token (per exempel cun agid dad in lectur d'improntas dal det u cun endatar in code cun agid dad ina tastatura).