# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.*) # These will be displayed in the account manager in order to show the progress # of the connection. # (These will be displayed in account.connection.progress from # accounts.properties, which adds … at the end, so do not include # periods at the end of these messages.) connection.initializingStream=Začenjanje pretoka connection.initializingEncryption=Začenjanje šifriranja connection.authenticating=Overitev connection.gettingResource=Pridobivanje vira connection.downloadingRoster=Prenašanje seznama stikov connection.srvLookup=Iskanje zapisa SRV # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.error.*) # These will show in the account manager if an error occurs during the # connection attempt. connection.error.invalidUsername=Neveljavno uporabniško ime (vsebovati mora znak '@') connection.error.failedToCreateASocket=Ustvarjanje vtičnice je spodletelo (Ali ste brez povezave?) connection.error.serverClosedConnection=Strežnik je prekinil povezavo connection.error.resetByPeer=Soležnik je ponastavil povezavo connection.error.timedOut=Povezava je potekla connection.error.receivedUnexpectedData=Prejeti so bili nepričakovani podatki connection.error.incorrectResponse=Prejet je bil napačen odgovor connection.error.startTLSRequired=Strežnik zahteva šifriranje, vendar ste ga onemogočili connection.error.startTLSNotSupported=Strežnik ne podpira šifriranja, vendar vaše nastavitve to zahtevajo connection.error.failedToStartTLS=Začetek šifriranja je spodletel connection.error.noAuthMec=Strežnik ne nudi mehanizma za overitev connection.error.noCompatibleAuthMec=Noben od overitvenih mehanizmov, ki jih nudi strežnik, ni podprt connection.error.notSendingPasswordInClear=Strežnik podpira overitev samo s pošiljanjem gesla v čistopisu connection.error.authenticationFailure=Overitev je spodletela connection.error.notAuthorized=Dovoljenje je zavrnjeno (Ste vnesete napačno geslo?) connection.error.failedToGetAResource=Pridobitev vira je spodletela connection.error.failedMaxResourceLimit=Ta račun je povezan s preveč mesti naenkrat. connection.error.failedResourceNotValid=Vir ni veljaven. connection.error.XMPPNotSupported=Ta strežnik ne podpira XMPP-ja # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.error.notDelivered): # This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when a message # the user has sent wasn't delivered. # %S is replaced by the text of the message that wasn't delivered. conversation.error.notDelivered=Tega sporočila ni bilo mogoče dostaviti: %S # This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when joining a MUC # fails. # %S is the name of the MUC. conversation.error.joinFailed=Ni se bilo mogoče pridružiti: %S # This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when the user is # banned from a room. # %S is the name of the MUC room. conversation.error.joinForbidden=%S se ni mogoče pridružiti, ker ste bili iz te klepetalnice izločeni. conversation.error.joinFailedNotAuthorized=Zahtevana je registracija: za pridružitev tej klepetalnici niste pooblaščeni. conversation.error.creationFailedNotAllowed=Dostop je omejen: nimate dovoljenja za ustvarjanje klepetalnic. # This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when remote server # is not found. # %S is the name of MUC room. conversation.error.joinFailedRemoteServerNotFound=Klepetalnici %S se ni mogoče pridružiti, ker gostiteljskega strežnika ni mogoče doseči. conversation.error.changeTopicFailedNotAuthorized=Niste pooblaščeni za nastavitev teme te klepetalnice. # This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when the user sends # a message to a room that he is not in. # %1$S is the name of MUC room. # %2$S is the text of the message that wasn't delivered. conversation.error.sendFailedAsNotInRoom=Sporočila za %1$S ni bilo mogoče poslati, ker niste več v klepetalnici: %2$S # This is displayed in a conversation as an error message when the user sends # a message to a room that the recipient is not in. # %1$S is the jid of the recipient. # %2$S is the text of the message that wasn't delivered. conversation.error.sendFailedAsRecipientNotInRoom=Sporočila za %1$S ni bilo mogoče poslati, ker prejemnik ni več v klepetalnici: %2$S # These are displayed in a conversation as a system error message. conversation.error.remoteServerNotFound=Prejemnikovega strežnika ni mogoče doseči conversation.error.unknownSendError=Pri pošiljanju tega sporočila se je pojavila neznana napaka. # %S is the name of the message recipient. conversation.error.sendServiceUnavailable=Trenutno ni mogoče pošiljati sporočil za %S. # %S is the nick of participant that is not in room. conversation.error.nickNotInRoom=%S ni v klepetalnici. conversation.error.banCommandAnonymousRoom=Udeležencev ne morete izobčiti iz anonimnih klepetalnic. Namesto tega poskusite s /kick. conversation.error.banKickCommandNotAllowed=Za odstranitev tega udeleženca iz klepetalnice nimate zahtevanih dovoljenj. conversation.error.banKickCommandConflict=Žal sebe ne morete odstraniti iz klepetalnice. conversation.error.changeNickFailedConflict=Vašega vzdevka ni bilo mogoče spremeniti v %S, ker je že v uporabi. conversation.error.changeNickFailedNotAcceptable=Vašega vzdevka ni bilo mogoče spremeniti v %S, ker so vzdevki v tej klepetalnici zaklenjeni. conversation.error.inviteFailedForbidden=Za povabilo uporabnikov v to klepetalnico nimate zahtevanih dovoljenj. # %S is the jid of user that is invited. conversation.error.failedJIDNotFound=%S ni bilo mogoče doseči. # %S is the jid that is invalid. conversation.error.invalidJID=%S je neveljaven jid (določevalci Jabber morajo imeti obliko uporabnik@domena). conversation.error.commandFailedNotInRoom=Za uporabo tega ukaza se morate ponovno pridružiti klepetalnici. # %S is the name of the recipient. conversation.error.resourceNotAvailable=Najprej morate klepetati, ker je %S lahko povezan z več kot enim odjemalcem. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.error.version.*): # %S is the name of the recipient. conversation.error.version.unknown=Odjemalec %S ne podpira poizvedbe za svojo različico programske opreme. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*): # These are the titles of lines of information that will appear in # the tooltip showing details about a contact or conversation. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.status): # %S will be replaced by the XMPP resource identifier tooltip.status=Stanje (%S) tooltip.statusNoResource=Stanje tooltip.subscription=Naročnina tooltip.fullName=Polno ime tooltip.nickname=Vzdevek tooltip.email=E-pošta tooltip.birthday=Rojstni dan tooltip.userName=Uporabniško ime tooltip.title=Naziv tooltip.organization=Organizacija tooltip.locality=Kraj tooltip.country=Država tooltip.telephone=Telefonska številka # LOCALIZATION NOTE (chatRoomField.*): # These are the name of fields displayed in the 'Join Chat' dialog # for XMPP accounts. # The _ character won't be displayed; it indicates the next # character of the string should be used as the access key for this # field. chatRoomField.room=_Klepetalnica chatRoomField.server=_Strežnik chatRoomField.nick=_Vzdevek chatRoomField.password=_Geslo # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.muc.*): # These are displayed as a system message when a chatroom invitation is # received. # %1$S is the inviter. # %2$S is the room. # %3$S is the reason which is a message provided by the person sending the # invitation. conversation.muc.invitationWithReason2=%1$S vas je povabil, da se pridružite %2$S: %3$S # %3$S is the password of the room. # %4$S is the reason which is a message provided by the person sending the # invitation. conversation.muc.invitationWithReason2.password=%1$S vas je povabil, da se pridružite %2$S z geslom %3$S: %4$S conversation.muc.invitationWithoutReason=%1$S vas je povabil v %2$S # %3$S is the password of the room. conversation.muc.invitationWithoutReason.password=%1$S vas je povabil, da se pridružite %2$S z geslom %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.muc.join): # This is displayed as a system message when a participant joins room. # %S is the nick of the participant. conversation.message.join=%S je vstopil v klepetalnico. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.muc.rejoined): # This is displayed as a system message when a participant rejoins room after # parting it. conversation.message.rejoined=Ponovno ste se pridružili klepetalnici. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.parted.*): # These are displayed as a system message when a participant parts a room. # %S is the part message supplied by the user. conversation.message.parted.you=Zapustili ste klepetalnico. conversation.message.parted.you.reason=Zapustili ste klepetalnico: %S # %1$S is the participant that is leaving. # %2$S is the part message supplied by the participant. conversation.message.parted=%1$S je zapustil klepetalnico. conversation.message.parted.reason=%1$S je zapustil klepetalnico: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.invitationDeclined*): # %1$S is the invitee that declined the invitation. # %2$S is the decline message supplied by the invitee. conversation.message.invitationDeclined=%1$S je zavrnil povabilo. conversation.message.invitationDeclined.reason=%1$S je zavrnil povabilo: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.banned.*): # These are displayed as a system message when a participant is banned from # a room. # %1$S is the participant that is banned. # %2$S is the reason. # %3$S is the person who is banning. conversation.message.banned=%1$S je bil izobčen iz klepetalnice. conversation.message.banned.reason=%1$S je bil izobčen iz klepetalnice: %2$S # %1$S is the person who is banning. # %2$S is the participant that is banned. # %3$S is the reason. conversation.message.banned.actor=%1$S je izobčil %2$S iz klepetalnice. conversation.message.banned.actor.reason=%1$S je izobčil %2$S iz klepetalnice: %3$S conversation.message.banned.you=Izobčeni ste bili iz klepetalnice. # %1$S is the reason. conversation.message.banned.you.reason=Izobčeni ste bili iz klepetalnice: %1$S # %1$S is the person who is banning. # %2$S is the reason. conversation.message.banned.you.actor=%1$S vas je izobčil iz klepetalnice. conversation.message.banned.you.actor.reason=%1$S vas je izobčil iz klepetalnice: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.kicked.*): # These are displayed as a system message when a participant is kicked from # a room. # %1$S is the participant that is kicked. # %2$S is the reason. conversation.message.kicked=%1$S je bil izločen iz klepetalnice. conversation.message.kicked.reason=%1$S je bil izločen iz klepetalnice: %2$S # %1$S is the person who is kicking. # %2$S is the participant that is kicked. # %3$S is the reason. conversation.message.kicked.actor=%1$S je izločil %2$S iz klepetalnice. conversation.message.kicked.actor.reason=%1$S je izločil %2$S iz klepetalnice: %3$S conversation.message.kicked.you=Izločeni ste bili iz klepetalnice. # %1$S is the reason. conversation.message.kicked.you.reason=Izločeni ste bili iz klepetalnice: %1$S # %1$S is the person who is kicking. # %2$S is the reason. conversation.message.kicked.you.actor=%1$S vas je izločil iz klepetalnice. conversation.message.kicked.you.actor.reason=%1$S vas je izločil iz klepetalnice: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.removedNonMember.*): # These are displayed as a system message when a participant is removed from # a room because the room has been changed to members-only. # %1$S is the participant that is removed. # %2$S is the person who changed the room configuration. conversation.message.removedNonMember=%1$S je bil odstranjen iz klepetalnice, ker je bila njena nastavitev spremenjena na samo za člane. conversation.message.removedNonMember.actor=%1$S je bil odstranjen iz klepetalnice, ker je bila %2$S spremenjena na samo za člane. conversation.message.removedNonMember.you=Odstranjeni ste bili iz kleptalnice, ker je bila njena nastavitev spremenjena na samo za člane. # %1$S is the person who changed the room configuration. conversation.message.removedNonMember.you.actor=Odstranjeni ste bili iz kleptalnice, ker je bila %1$S spremenjena na samo za člane. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.MUCShutdown): # These are displayed as a system message when a participant is removed from # a room because of a system shutdown. conversation.message.mucShutdown=Odstranjeni ste bili iz kleptalnice zaradi zaustavitve sistema. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (conversation.message.version*): # %1$S is the name of the user whose version was requested. # %2$S is the client name response from the client. # %3$S is the client version response from the client. # %4$S is the operating system(OS) response from the client. conversation.message.version=%1$S uporablja "%2$S %3$S". conversation.message.versionWithOS=%1$S uporablja "%2$S %3$S" na %4$S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.*): # These are the protocol specific options shown in the account manager and # account wizard windows. options.resource=Vir options.priority=Prednost options.connectionSecurity=Varnost povezave options.connectionSecurity.requireEncryption=Zahteva šifriranje options.connectionSecurity.opportunisticTLS=Uporabi šifriranje, če je na voljo options.connectionSecurity.allowUnencryptedAuth=Dovoli pošiljanje gesla v nešifrirani obliki options.connectServer=Strežnik options.connectPort=Vrata options.domain=Domena # LOCALIZATION NOTE (*.protocolName) # This name is used whenever the name of the protocol is shown. gtalk.protocolName=Google Talk odnoklassniki.protocolName=Odnoklassniki # LOCALIZATION NOTE (gtalk.usernameHint): # This is displayed inside the accountUsernameInfoWithDescription # string defined in imAccounts.properties when the user is # configuring a Google Talk account. gtalk.usernameHint=E-poštni naslov # LOCALIZATION NOTE (gtalk.disabled): # It is reported that Google Talk will be disabled on June 16, 2022. The message # below is being pre-emptively included so a localized error message can be # displayed to users if this happens. gtalk.disabled=Klepet Google Talk ni več podprt, ker je Google onemogočil prehod XMPP. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (odnoklassniki.usernameHint): # This is displayed inside the accountUsernameInfoWithDescription # string defined in imAccounts.properties when the user is # configuring a Odnoklassniki account. odnoklassniki.usernameHint=ID profila # LOCALZIATION NOTE (command.*): # These are the help messages for each command. command.join3=%S [<klepetalnica>[@<strežnik>][/<vzdevek>]] [<geslo>]: Pridruži se klepetalnici z izbirno navedbo drugega strežnika, vzdevka ali gesla klepetalnice. command.part2=%S [<sporočilo>]: Zapusti trenutno klepetalnico, po želji s sporočilom. command.topic=%S [<nova tema>]: Nastavi temo te klepetalnice. command.ban=%S <vzdevek>[<sporočilo>]: Izobči nekoga iz klepetalnice. Za to morate biti njen skrbnik. command.kick=%S <vzdevek>[<sporočilo>]: Izobči nekoga iz klepetalnice. Za to morate biti njen moderator. command.invite=%S <jid>[<sporočilo>]: Povabi uporabnika, da se pridruži trenutni klepetalnici z izbirnim sporočilom. command.inviteto=%S <JID klepetalnice>[<geslo>]: Povabi sogovornika, da se pridruži klepetalnici skupaj z geslom, če je zahtevano. command.me=%S <dejanje za izvedbo>: Izvedi dejanje. command.nick=%S <nov vzdevek>: Spremeni vzdevek. command.msg=%S <vzdevek> <sporočilo>: Pošlji zasebno sporočilo udeležencu klepetalnice. command.version=%S: Zahtevaj podatke o odjemalcu, ki ga uporablja sogovornik.