# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. calendar-deactivated-notification-events = Vsi koledarji so trenutno onemogočeni. Za ustvarjanje in urejanje dogodkov omogočite obstoječi koledar ali dodajte novega. calendar-deactivated-notification-tasks = Vsi koledarji so trenutno onemogočeni. Za ustvarjanje in urejanje opravil omogočite obstoječi koledar ali dodajte novega. calendar-notifications-label = Prikazuj obvestila o prihajajočih dogodkih calendar-add-notification-button = .label = Dodaj obvestilo ## Side panel calendar-list-header = Koledarji # Variables: # $calendarName (String) - Calendar name as given by the user calendar-no-reminders-tooltip = .title = Koledar { $calendarName } je utišan calendar-enable-button = Omogoči # Variables: # $calendarName (String) - Calendar name as given by the user calendar-list-item-context-button = .title = Možnosti koledarja { $calendarName } calendar-import-new-calendar = Nov koledar … .title = Ustvarite ali se naročite na nov koledar calendar-refresh-calendars = .title = Ponovno naloži vse koledarje in sinhroniziraj spremembe calendar-new-event-primary-button = Nov dogodek calendar-new-task-primary-button = Novo opravilo ## Calendar navigation calendar-nav-button-prev-tooltip-day = .title = Prejšnji dan .accesskey = P calendar-nav-button-prev-tooltip-week = .title = Prejšnji teden .accesskey = P calendar-nav-button-prev-tooltip-multiweek = .title = Prejšnji teden .accesskey = P calendar-nav-button-prev-tooltip-month = .title = Prejšnji mesec .accesskey = P calendar-nav-button-prev-tooltip-year = .title = Prejšnje leto .accesskey = P calendar-nav-button-next-tooltip-day = .title = Naslednji dan .accesskey = N calendar-nav-button-next-tooltip-week = .title = Naslednji teden .accesskey = N calendar-nav-button-next-tooltip-multiweek = .title = Naslednji teden .accesskey = N calendar-nav-button-next-tooltip-month = .title = Naslednji mesec .accesskey = N calendar-nav-button-next-tooltip-year = .title = Naslednje leto .accesskey = N calendar-today-button-tooltip = .title = Pojdi na današnji dan calendar-view-toggle-day = Dan .title = Preklopi na dnevni pogled calendar-view-toggle-week = Teden .title = Preklopi na tedenski pogled calendar-view-toggle-multiweek = Več tednov .title = Preklopi na večtedenski pogled calendar-view-toggle-month = Mesec .title = Preklopi na mesečni pogled ## Menu on calendar control bar calendar-control-bar-menu-button = .title = Možnosti postavitve koledarja calendar-find-events-menu-option = .label = Podokno za iskanje dogodkov calendar-hide-weekends-option = .label = Le delovni dnevi calendar-define-workweek-option = .label = Določi delovne dneve calendar-show-tasks-calendar-option = .label = Prikaži opravila v koledarju ## Calendar Context Menu calendar-context-menu-previous-day = .label = Prejšnji dan .accesskey = š calendar-context-menu-previous-week = .label = Prejšnji teden .accesskey = š calendar-context-menu-previous-multiweek = .label = Prejšnji teden .accesskey = š calendar-context-menu-previous-month = .label = Prejšnji mesec .accesskey = š calendar-context-menu-next-day = .label = Naslednji dan .accesskey = s calendar-context-menu-next-week = .label = Naslednji teden .accesskey = s calendar-context-menu-next-multiweek = .label = Naslednji teden .accesskey = s calendar-context-menu-next-month = .label = Naslednji mesec .accesskey = s