# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ## Send Format compose-send-format-menu = .label = Oblika pošiljanja .accesskey = O compose-send-auto-menu-item = .label = Samodejno .accesskey = a compose-send-both-menu-item = .label = HTML in navadno besedilo .accesskey = i compose-send-html-menu-item = .label = Samo HTML .accesskey = H compose-send-plain-menu-item = .label = Samo navadno besedilo .accesskey = n ## Addressing widget # $type (String) - the type of the addressing row remove-address-row-button = .title = Odstrani polje { $type } # $type (String) - the type of the addressing row # $count (Number) - the number of address pills currently present in the addressing row address-input-type-aria-label = { $count -> [0] { $type } [one] { $type } z enim naslovom, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da ga izberete. [two] { $type } z { $count } naslovoma, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da ju izberete. [few] { $type } s { $count } naslovi, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da jih izberete. *[other] { $type } s { $count } naslovi, uporabite tipko leve puščice, da jih izberete. } # $email (String) - the email address # $count (Number) - the number of address pills currently present in the addressing row pill-aria-label = { $count -> [one] { $email }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev [two] { $email }, 1 od { $count }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev [few] { $email }, 1 od { $count }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev *[other] { $email }, 1 od { $count }: pritisnite Enter za urejanje ali Delete za odstranitev } # $email (String) - the email address pill-tooltip-invalid-address = { $email } ni veljaven e-poštni naslov # $email (String) - the email address pill-tooltip-not-in-address-book = Naslova { $email } ni v vašem imeniku pill-action-edit = .label = Uredi naslov .accesskey = U # $type (String) - the type of the addressing row, e.g. Cc, Bcc, etc. pill-action-select-all-sibling-pills = .label = Izberi vse naslove v { $type } .accesskey = v pill-action-select-all-pills = .label = Izberi vse naslove .accesskey = s pill-action-move-to = .label = Premakni v Za .accesskey = Z pill-action-move-cc = .label = Premakni v Kp .accesskey = K pill-action-move-bcc = .label = Premakni v Skp .accesskey = S pill-action-expand-list = .label = Razširi seznam .accesskey = š ## Attachment widget ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] ⇧ ⌘{ " " } *[other] Ctrl+Shift+ } trigger-attachment-picker-key = A toggle-attachment-pane-key = M menuitem-toggle-attachment-pane = .label = Podokno za priponke .accesskey = p .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key } toolbar-button-add-attachment = .label = Pripni .tooltiptext = Dodaj priponko ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key }) add-attachment-notification-reminder2 = .label = Dodaj priponko … .accesskey = p .tooltiptext = { toolbar-button-add-attachment.tooltiptext } menuitem-attach-files = .label = Datoteke … .accesskey = D .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key } context-menuitem-attach-files = .label = Pripni datoteke … .accesskey = d .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ trigger-attachment-picker-key } # Note: Do not translate the term 'vCard'. context-menuitem-attach-vcard = .label = Moja vizitka vCard .accesskey = C context-menuitem-attach-openpgp-key = .label = Moj javni ključ OpenPGP .accesskey = k # $count (Number) - the number of attachments in the attachment bucket attachment-bucket-count-value = { $count -> [one] { $count } priponka [two] { $count } priponki [few] { $count } priponke *[other] { $count } priponk } attachment-area-show = .title = Prikaži podokno s priponkami ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) attachment-area-hide = .title = Skrij podokno s priponkami ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ toggle-attachment-pane-key }) ## Variables: ## $count (Number) - Number of files being dropped onto the composer. drop-file-label-attachment = { $count -> [one] Dodaj kot priponko [two] Dodaj kot priponki [few] Dodaj kot priponke *[other] Dodaj kot priponke } drop-file-label-inline = { $count -> [one] Dodaj v vrstico [two] Dodaj v vrstico [few] Dodaj v vrstico *[other] Dodaj v vrstico } ## Reorder Attachment Panel move-attachment-first-panel-button = .label = Premakni na začetek move-attachment-left-panel-button = .label = Premakni levo move-attachment-right-panel-button = .label = Premakni desno move-attachment-last-panel-button = .label = Premakni na konec button-return-receipt = .label = Povratnica .tooltiptext = Zahtevaj potrdilo o prejemu za to sporočilo ## Encryption encryption-menu = .label = Varnost .accesskey = a encryption-toggle = .label = Šifriraj .tooltiptext = Za to sporočilo uporabi šifriranje od konca do konca encryption-options-openpgp = .label = OpenPGP .tooltiptext = Preglejte ali spremenite nastavitve šifriranja OpenPGP encryption-options-smime = .label = S/MIME .tooltiptext = Preglejte ali spremenite nastavitve šifriranja S/MIME signing-toggle = .label = Podpiši .tooltiptext = Za to sporočilo uporabi digitalni podpis menu-openpgp = .label = OpenPGP .accesskey = O menu-smime = .label = S/MIME .accesskey = S menu-encrypt = .label = Šifriraj .accesskey = Š menu-encrypt-subject = .label = Šifriraj zadevo .accesskey = z menu-sign = .label = Digitalno podpiši .accesskey = i menu-manage-keys = .label = Pomočnik za ključe .accesskey = P menu-view-certificates = .label = Prikaži digitalna potrdila prejemnikov .accesskey = g menu-open-key-manager = .label = Upravitelj ključev .accesskey = U openpgp-key-issue-notification-one = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključem za { $addr } openpgp-key-issue-notification-many = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključi za { $count } prejemnikov. smime-cert-issue-notification-one = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $addr } smime-cert-issue-notification-many = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $count } prejemnikov. # Variables: # $addr (String) - Email address (which related to the currently selected # from address) which isn't set up to end-to-end encryption. openpgp-key-issue-notification-from = Vaše nastavitve niso pripravljene za pošiljanje od konca do konca šifriranih sporočil z naslova { $addr }. # Variables: # $addr (String) - Email address with key issues. openpgp-key-issue-notification-single = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključi za { $addr }. # Variables: # $count (Number) - Number of recipients with key issues. openpgp-key-issue-notification-multi = { $count -> [one] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključi za { $count } prejemnika. [two] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključi za { $count } prejemnika. [few] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključi za { $count } prejemnike. *[other] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave s ključi za { $count } prejemnikov. } # Variables: # $addr (String) - mail address with certificate issues. smime-cert-issue-notification-single = Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $addr } # Variables: # $count (Number) - Number of recipients with certificate issues. smime-cert-issue-notification-multi = { $count -> [one] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $count } prejemnika. [two] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $count } prejemnika. [few] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $count } prejemnike. *[other] Za uporabo šifriranja od konca do konca je treba razrešiti težave z digitalnim potrdilom za { $count } prejemnikov. } key-notification-disable-encryption = .label = Ne šifriraj .accesskey = N .tooltiptext = Onemogoči šifriranje od konca do konca key-notification-resolve = .label = Razreši … .accesskey = R .tooltiptext = Odpri pomočnika za ključe OpenPGP can-encrypt-smime-notification = Možno je šifriranje od konca do konca S/MIME. can-encrypt-openpgp-notification = Možno je šifriranje od konca do konca OpenPGP. can-e2e-encrypt-button = .label = Šifriraj .accesskey = Š ## Addressing Area to-address-row-label = .value = Za # $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field show-to-row-main-menuitem = .label = Polje Za .accesskey = Z .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key } # No acceltext should be shown. # The label should match the show-to-row-button text. show-to-row-extra-menuitem = .label = Za .accesskey = Z # $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field show-to-row-button = Za .title = Prikaži polje Za ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }) cc-address-row-label = .value = Kp # $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field show-cc-row-main-menuitem = .label = Polje Kp .accesskey = K .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key } # No acceltext should be shown. # The label should match the show-cc-row-button text. show-cc-row-extra-menuitem = .label = Kp .accesskey = K # $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field show-cc-row-button = Kp .title = Prikaži polje Kp ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }) bcc-address-row-label = .value = Skp # $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field show-bcc-row-main-menuitem = .label = Polje Skp .accesskey = S .acceltext = { ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key } # No acceltext should be shown. # The label should match the show-bcc-row-button text. show-bcc-row-extra-menuitem = .label = Skp .accesskey = S # $key (String) - the shortcut key for this field show-bcc-row-button = Skp .title = Prikaži polje Skp ({ ctrl-cmd-shift-pretty-prefix }{ $key }) extra-address-rows-menu-button = .title = Druga polja za naslavljanje, ki naj bodo prikazana # $count (Number) - the count of addresses in the "To" and "Cc" fields. many-public-recipients-notice = { $count -> [one] Sporočilo ima javnega prejemnika. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp. [two] Prejemnika v poljih Za in Kp bosta videla naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp. [few] { $count } prejemniki v poljih Za in Kp bodo videli naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp. *[other] { $count } prejemnikov v poljih Za in Kp bo videlo naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete tako, da uporabite polje Skp. } public-recipients-notice-single = Sporočilo ima javnega prejemnika. Razkritju prejemnika se lahko izognete z uporabo polja Skp. # Variables: # $count (Number) - the count of addresses in the "To" and "Cc" fields. public-recipients-notice-multi = { $count -> [one] { "" } [two] Prejemnika v poljih Za in Kp ({ $count }) bosta videla naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete z uporabo polja Skp. [few] Prejemniki v poljih Za in Kp ({ $count }) bodo videli naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete z uporabo polja Skp. *[other] Prejemniki v poljih Za in Kp ({ $count }) bodo videli naslove drug drugega. Prejemnike lahko prikrijete z uporabo polja Skp. } many-public-recipients-bcc = .label = Raje uporabi Skp .accesskey = S many-public-recipients-ignore = .label = Naj bodo prejemniki javni .accesskey = N many-public-recipients-prompt-title = Preveč javnih prejemnikov # $count (Number) - the count of addresses in the public recipients fields. many-public-recipients-prompt-msg = { $count -> [one] Sporočilo ima javnega prejemnika. Če to ogroža njegovo zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da ga premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp. [two] Sporočilo ima { $count } javna prejemnika. Če to ogroža njuno zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da ju premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp. [few] Sporočilo ima { $count } javne prejemnike. Če to ogroža njihovo zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da jih premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp. *[other] Sporočilo ima { $count } javnih prejemnikov. Če to ogroža njihovo zasebnost, se lahko temu izognete tako, da jih premaknete iz polja Za/Kp v Skp. } many-public-recipients-prompt-cancel = Prekliči pošiljanje many-public-recipients-prompt-send = Vseeno pošlji ## Notifications # Variables: # $identity (string) - The name of the used identity, most likely an email address. compose-missing-identity-warning = Edinstvene identitete za naslov v polju Od ni bilo mogoče najti. Sporočilo bo poslano z uporabo trenutnega polja Od in nastavitev za identiteto { $identity }. encrypted-bcc-warning = Ko pošiljate šifrirano sporočilo, prejemniki skrite kopije niso popolnoma skriti. Morda jih bodo lahko prepoznali vsi prejemniki. encrypted-bcc-ignore-button = Razumem auto-disable-e2ee-warning = Šifriranje od konca do konca je bilo za to sporočilo samodejno onemogočeno. ## Editing # Tools compose-tool-button-remove-text-styling = .tooltiptext = Odstrani oblikovanje besedila ## Filelink # A text used in a tooltip of Filelink attachments, whose account has been # removed or is unknown. cloud-file-unknown-account-tooltip = Naloženo v neznan račun Filelink. # Placeholder file # Title for the html placeholder file. # $filename - name of the file cloud-file-placeholder-title = { $filename } – priponka Filelink # A text describing that the file was attached as a Filelink and can be downloaded # from the link shown below. # $filename - name of the file cloud-file-placeholder-intro = Datoteka { $filename } je priložena kot Filelink. Prenesete jo lahko s spodnje povezave. # Template # A line of text describing how many uploaded files have been appended to this # message. Emphasis should be on sharing as opposed to attaching. This item is # used as a header to a list, hence the colon. # Variables: # $count (Number) - Number of files. cloud-file-count-header = { $count -> [one] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datoteko: [two] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datoteki: [few] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datoteke: *[other] S tem e-poštnim sporočilom sem povezal { $count } datotek: } # A text used in a footer, instructing the reader where to find additional # information about the used service provider. # $link (string) - html a-tag for a link pointing to the web page of the provider cloud-file-service-provider-footer-single = Več o ponudniku { $link }. # A text used in a footer, instructing the reader where to find additional # information about the used service providers. Links for the used providers are # split into a comma separated list of the first n-1 providers and a single entry # at the end. # $firstLinks (string) - comma separated list of html a-tags pointing to web pages # of the first n-1 used providers # $lastLink (string) - html a-tag pointing the web page of the n-th used provider cloud-file-service-provider-footer-multiple = Več o ponudnikih { $firstLinks } in { $lastLink }. # Tooltip for an icon, indicating that the link is protected by a password. cloud-file-tooltip-password-protected-link = Z geslom zaščitena povezava # Used in a list of stats about a specific file # Service - the used service provider to host the file (Filelink Service: BOX.com) # Size - the size of the file (Size: 4.2 MB) # Link - the link to the file (Link: https://some.provider.com) # Expiry Date - stating the date the link will expire (Expiry Date: 12.12.2022) # Download Limit - stating the maximum allowed downloads, before the link becomes invalid # (Download Limit: 6) cloud-file-template-service-name = Storitev Filelink: cloud-file-template-size = Velikost: cloud-file-template-link = Povezava: cloud-file-template-password-protected-link = Z geslom zaščitena povezava: cloud-file-template-expiry-date = Datum poteka: cloud-file-template-download-limit = Omejitev prenosa: # Messages cloud-file-connection-error-title = Napaka v povezavi # Variables: # $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error cloud-file-connection-error = { -brand-short-name } je brez povezave. Ni se bilo mogoče povezati s storitvijo { $provider }. # Variables: # $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error # $filename (string) - name of the file that was uploaded and caused the error cloud-file-upload-error-with-custom-message-title = Nalaganje { $filename } na { $size } je spodletelo cloud-file-rename-error-title = Napaka pri preimenovanju # Variables: # $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error # $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error cloud-file-rename-error = Pri preimenovanju datoteke { $filename } v storitvi { $provider } je prišlo do težave. # Variables: # $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error # $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error cloud-file-rename-error-with-custom-message-title = Preimenovanje datoteke { $filename } v storitvi { $provider } je spodletelo # Variables: # $provider (string) - name of the online storage service that reported the error cloud-file-rename-not-supported = { $provider } ne omogoča preimenovanja že naloženih datotek. cloud-file-attachment-error-title = Napaka priponke Filelink # Variables: # $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error cloud-file-attachment-error = Priponke Filelink { $filename } ni bilo mogoče posodobiti, ker je bila krajevno shranjena datoteka premaknjena ali izbrisana. cloud-file-account-error-title = Napaka računa Filelink # Variables: # $filename (string) - name of the file that was renamed and caused the error cloud-file-account-error = Priponke Filelink { $filename } ni bilo mogoče posodobiti, ker je bil račun za Filelink izbrisan. ## Link Preview link-preview-title = Predogled povezave link-preview-description = { -brand-short-name } lahko pri lepljenju povezav doda vdelan predogled. link-preview-autoadd = Samodejno dodajaj predoglede povezav, kadar je to mogoče link-preview-replace-now = Želite dodati predogled za to povezavo? link-preview-yes-replace = Da ## Dictionary selection popup spell-add-dictionaries = .label = Dodaj slovarje … .accesskey = D