# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### Localization for about:webauthn, a security token management page # Page title # 'WebAuthn' is a protocol name and should not be translated about-webauthn-page-title = O WebAuthn ## Section titles about-webauthn-info-section-title = Podatki o napravi ## Info field texts ## Results label about-webauthn-results-pin-too-short-error = Napaka: Vneseni PIN je prekratek. about-webauthn-results-pin-too-long-error = Napaka: Vneseni PIN je predolg. about-webauthn-results-pin-auth-blocked-error = Napaka: Zaradi preveč zaporednih neuspešnih poskusov je overjanje s kodo PIN začasno blokirano. Svojo napravo morate izključiti iz napajanja in jo znova priključiti. about-webauthn-results-cancelled-by-user-error = Napaka: Dejanje je preklical uporabnik. ## Labels about-webauthn-new-pin-label = Nov PIN: about-webauthn-repeat-pin-label = Ponovite novi PIN: about-webauthn-current-pin-label = Trenutni PIN: about-webauthn-pin-required-label = Vnesite svoj PIN: ## Buttons about-webauthn-current-set-pin-button = Nastavi PIN about-webauthn-current-change-pin-button = Spremeni PIN about-webauthn-cancel-button = Prekliči about-webauthn-send-pin-button = V redu about-webauthn-delete-button = Izbriši ## Authenticator options fields ## Option fields correspond to the CTAP2 option IDs and definitions found in https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.1-ps-20210615/fido-client-to-authenticator-protocol-v2.1-ps-20210615.html#option-id about-webauthn-auth-option-uv = Preverjanje uporabnika # Shows when boolean value for an option is True. True should not be translated. about-webauthn-auth-option-true = True # Shows when boolean value of an option is False. False should not be translated. about-webauthn-auth-option-false = False # If the value is missing (null), it means a certain feature is not supported. about-webauthn-auth-option-null = Ni podprto ## Authenticator info fields ## Info fields correspond to the CTAP2 authenticatorGetInfo field member name and definitions found in https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-v2.1-ps-20210615/fido-client-to-authenticator-protocol-v2.1-ps-20210615.html#authenticatorGetInfo about-webauthn-auth-info-algorithms = Algoritmi about-webauthn-auth-info-max-msg-size = Največja velikost sporočila # AAGUID should not be translated. about-webauthn-auth-info-aaguid = AAGUID about-webauthn-auth-info-extensions = Razširitve about-webauthn-auth-info-versions = Različice # Shows when boolean value for an info field is True. True should not be translated. about-webauthn-auth-info-true = True # Shows when boolean value for an info field is False. False should not be translated. about-webauthn-auth-info-false = False about-webauthn-auth-info-null = Ni podprto