# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (twitter.protocolName) # This name is used whenever the name of the protocol is shown. twitter.protocolName=Twitter # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error.*): # These are errors that will be shown to the user in conversation. error.tooLong=Status är över 140 tecken. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error.general, error.retweet, error.delete): # %1$S will be either the error string returned by the twitter server, # in English, inside parenthesis, or the empty string if we have no specific # message for the error. # %2$S is the message that caused the error. error.general=Ett fel %1$S uppstod när följande skickades: %2$S error.retweet=Ett fel %1$S uppstod när följande retweetades: %2$S error.delete=Ett fel %1$S uppstod när följande togs bort: %2$S error.like=Ett fel %1$S uppstod när följande gillades: %2$S error.unlike=Ett fel %1$S uppstod när följande ogillades: %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (error.descriptionTooLong) # %S is the truncated string that was sent to the server. error.descriptionTooLong=Beskrivning är över den maximala längden (160 tecken), den förkortades automatiskt till: %S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (timeline): # This is the title of the conversation tab, %S will be replaced by # @. timeline=%S tidslinje # LOCALIZATION NOTE (action.*): # This will be an action in the context menu of displayed tweets. action.copyLink=Kopiera länk till Tweet action.retweet=Retweeta action.reply=Svara action.delete=Ta bort # LOCALIZATION NOTE (action.follow, action.stopFollowing): # %S will be replaced by the screen name of a twitter user. action.follow=Följ %S action.stopFollowing=Sluta följa %S action.like=Gilla action.unlike=Ta bort Gilla # LOCALIZATION NOTE (event.follow, event.unfollow, event.followed): # This will be displayed in system messages inside the timeline conversation. # %S will be replaced by the screen name of a twitter user. event.follow=Du följer nu %S. event.unfollow=Du följer inte längre %S. event.followed=%S följer nu dig. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (event.deleted): # %S will be replaced by the text of the deleted tweet. event.deleted=Du har tagit bort tweeten: "%S". # LOCALIZATION NOTE (replyingToStatusText): # This will be visible in the status bar of the conversation window # while the user is typing a reply to a tweet. # %S will be replaced by the text of the tweet the user is replying to. replyingToStatusText=Svara till: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.*): # These will be displayed in the account manager in order to show the progress # of the connection. # (These will be displayed in account.connection.progress from # accounts.properties, which adds … at the end, so do not include # periods at the end of these messages.) connection.initAuth=Startar autentiseringsprocess connection.requestAuth=Väntar på din autentisering connection.requestAccess=Slutför autentisering connection.requestTimelines=Begär användarens tidslinjer # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.error.*): # These will show in the account manager if an error occurs during the # connection attempt. connection.error.userMismatch=Användarnamn matchar inte. connection.error.failedToken=Misslyckades att hämta begärt tecken. connection.error.authCancelled=Du avbröt autentiseringsprocessen. connection.error.authFailed=Misslyckades att hämta autentisering. connection.error.noNetwork=Det finns ingen nätverksanslutning tillgänglig. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (authPrompt): # This is the prompt in the browser window that pops up to authorize us # to use a Twitter account. It is shown in the title bar of the authorization # window. authPrompt=Lämna tillstånd att använda ditt Twitter-konto # LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.*): # These are the protocol specific options shown in the account manager and # account wizard windows. options.track=Spårade sökord # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*): # These are the Twitter information that will appear in the tooltip # for each participant on the home timeline. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.created_at): the date the user joined. tooltip.created_at=Användare sedan tooltip.location=Plats tooltip.lang=Språk tooltip.time_zone=Tidszon tooltip.url=Hemsida # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.protected): # whether the user's tweets are publicly visible. tooltip.protected=Skyddade tweets # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.following): # whether you are subscribed to the user's tweets. tooltip.following=Följer nu tooltip.name=Namn tooltip.description=Beskrivning # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*_count): # Please see the right side of the official Twitter website UI. tooltip.friends_count=Följer tooltip.statuses_count=Tweets tooltip.followers_count=Följare tooltip.listed_count=Listad # LOCALIZATION NOTE (yes, no): # These are used to turn true/false values into a yes/no response. yes=Ja no=Nej command.follow=%S <användarnamn>[ <användarnamn>]*: Börja följa användare. command.unfollow=%S <användarnamn>[ <användarnamn>]*: Sluta följa användare. twitter.disabled=Twitter stöds inte längre på grund av att Twitter inaktiverar deras strömningsprotokoll.