# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # In case you are looking for the note about different declensions on date # formats, here it is. If your language doesn't use different declensions of # month names, you shouldn't have much work. Just leave the *.monthFormat # string on "nominative" and the string month.*.name will be filled in. # # If you need a different form for a string, you can change the # *.monthFormat to a different value. Supported values are currently: # nominative (default), genitive # The modified month name form will then be filled in accordingly. If this # system does not suit your needs, please file a bug! # In case you are looking for the note about different declensions on date # formats, here it is. If your language doesn't use different declensions of # month names, you shouldn't have much work. Just leave the *.monthFormat # string on "nominative" and the string month.*.name will be filled in. # # If you need a different form for a string, you can change the # *.monthFormat to a different value. Supported values are currently: # nominative (default), genitive # The modified month name form will then be filled in accordingly. If this # system does not suit your needs, please file a bug! # LOCALIZATION NOTE (month.*.name): # Some languages require different declensions of month names. # These values will be used if *.monthFormat is set to "nominative" or in places # where using a different declension is not yet supported. month.1.name=Січень month.2.name=Лютий month.3.name=Березень month.4.name=Квітень month.5.name=Травень month.6.name=Червень month.7.name=Липень month.8.name=Серпень month.9.name=Вересень month.10.name=Жовтень month.11.name=Листопад month.12.name=Грудень # LOCALIZATION NOTE (month.*.genitive): # Some languages require different declensions of month names. # These values will be used if *.monthFormat is set to "genitive" # If your language doesn't use different declensions, just set the same # values as for month.*.name. month.1.genitive=січня month.2.genitive=лютого month.3.genitive=березня month.4.genitive=квітня month.5.genitive=травня month.6.genitive=червня month.7.genitive=липня month.8.genitive=серпня month.9.genitive=вересня month.10.genitive=жовтня month.11.genitive=листопада month.12.genitive=грудня month.1.Mmm=Січ month.2.Mmm=Лют month.3.Mmm=Бер month.4.Mmm=Кві month.5.Mmm=Тра month.6.Mmm=Чер month.7.Mmm=Лип month.8.Mmm=Сер month.9.Mmm=Вер month.10.Mmm=Жов month.11.Mmm=Лис month.12.Mmm=Гру day.1.name=Неділя day.2.name=Понеділок day.3.name=Вівторок day.4.name=Середа day.5.name=Четвер day.6.name=П'ятниця day.7.name=Субота day.1.Mmm=НД day.2.Mmm=ПН day.3.Mmm=ВТ day.4.Mmm=СР day.5.Mmm=ЧТ day.6.Mmm=ПТ day.7.Mmm=СБ # Can someone tell me why we're not counting from zero? day.1.short=НД day.2.short=ПН day.3.short=ВТ day.4.short=СР day.5.short=ЧТ day.6.short=ПТ day.7.short=СБ # Localizable day's date day.1.number=1 day.2.number=2 day.3.number=3 day.4.number=4 day.5.number=5 day.6.number=6 day.7.number=7 day.8.number=8 day.9.number=9 day.10.number=10 day.11.number=11 day.12.number=12 day.13.number=13 day.14.number=14 day.15.number=15 day.16.number=16 day.17.number=17 day.18.number=18 day.19.number=19 day.20.number=20 day.21.number=21 day.22.number=22 day.23.number=23 day.24.number=24 day.25.number=25 day.26.number=26 day.27.number=27 day.28.number=28 day.29.number=29 day.30.number=30 day.31.number=31 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (dayOrdinalSymbol): # Allows to insert a string, a character or a symbol after the number of a # monthday in order to give it the meaning of ordinal number e.g. 1 -> 1st etc. # It's mainly used when formatting dates with both monthday and month name. It # affects the following localizable strings that hence must be localized *without* # any ordinal symbol for the monthday number: # dayHeaderLabel, monthlyDaysOfNth_day, # yearlyNthOn, daysIntervalBetweenYears, # daysIntervalBetweenMonths, daysIntervalInMonth. # Write only a single string if the ordinal symbol is the same for every monthday, otherwise # write a sequence of _31_ strings (one for each monthday) separated with commas. # If your language doesn't require that in the mentioned strings, leave it empty. # e.g. # dayOrdinalSymbol=. # -> daysIntervalInMonth: 'March 3. - 9., 2008' # dayOrdinalSymbol=st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,th, # th,th,th,th,th,st,nd,rd,th,th,th,th,th,th,th,st # -> daysIntervalBetweenMonths: 'September 29th - November 1st, 2008' dayOrdinalSymbol= noon=опівдні midnight=опівночі AllDay=Цілий день Repeating=(Повторюється)