# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #### Junk confirmResetJunkTrainingTitle=确认 confirmResetJunkTrainingText=您确定要重新设置自适应过滤器训练数据吗? #### Downloads desktopFolderName=桌面 myDownloadsFolderName=我的下载 chooseAttachmentsFolderTitle=选择文件夹 #### Applications fileEnding=%S 文件 saveFile=保存文件 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (useApp, useDefault): %S = Application name useApp=使用 %S useDefault=使用 %S (默认) useOtherApp=使用其他… fpTitleChooseApp=选择助手应用程序 manageApp=应用程序详细信息… alwaysAsk=一律询问 delete=删除动作 confirmDeleteTitle=删除动作 confirmDeleteText=你确实希望删除这个动作? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (typeDescriptionWithDetails): # %1$S = type description (for example "Portable Document Format") # %2$S = details (see below, for example "(application/pdf: .pdf, .pdfx)") typeDescriptionWithDetails=%1$S %2$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (typeDetailsWithTypeOrExt): # %1$S = type or extensions (for example "application/pdf", or ".pdf, .pdfx") typeDetailsWithTypeOrExt=(%1$S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (typeDetailsWithTypeAndExt): # %1$S = type (for example "application/pdf") # %2$S = extensions (for example ".pdf, .pdfx") typeDetailsWithTypeAndExt=(%1$S: %2$S) #### Sound Notifications soundFilePickerTitle=选择声音 #### Remote content imagepermissionstext=您可以指定来自哪些网站的图像等远程内容允许被加载。您也可以基于发件人的电子邮件地址允许他的所有远程内容。输入要管理的站点或电子邮件地址,然后点击“阻止”或“允许”。 imagepermissionstitle=例外 - 远程内容 #### Cookies cookiepermissionstitle=例外 - Cookie cookiepermissionstext=您可以指定一律允许或不允许哪些站点使用 Cookie。请输入站点的准确地址然后单击“阻止”、“在当前会话中允许”或者“允许”。 #### Cookie Viewer hostColon=主机: domainColon=域: forSecureOnly=仅限加密连接 forAnyConnection=任意类型的连接 expireAtEndOfSession=当会话结束时 noCookieSelected=<未选择 Cookie> cookiesAll=以下是在您的计算机上存储的 Cookie: cookiesFiltered=以下是匹配您的搜索的 Cookie: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeSelectedCookies): # Semicolon-separated list of plural forms. See: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # If you need to display the number of selected elements in your language, # you can use #1 in your localization as a placeholder for the number. # For example this is the English string with numbers: # removeSelectedCookies=Remove #1 Selected;Remove #1 Selected removeSelectedCookies=移除选中项目 defaultUserContextLabel=无 ####Preferences::Advanced::Network #LOCALIZATION NOTE: The next string is for the disk usage of the cache. # e.g., "Your cache is currently using 200 MB" # %1$S = size # %2$S = unit (MB, KB, etc.) actualDiskCacheSize=您的缓存目前已使用 %1$S %2$S 磁盘空间 actualDiskCacheSizeCalculated=正在计算缓存大小… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (labelDefaultFont): %S = font name labelDefaultFont=默认 (%S) labelDefaultFontUnnamed=默认 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (appLocale.label): %S = Name of the application locale, # e.g. English (United States) appLocale.label=应用程序语言区域:%S appLocale.accesskey=p # LOCALIZATION NOTE (rsLocale.label): %S = Name of the locale chosen in regional settings, # e.g. German (Germany) rsLocale.label=区域设置语言区域:%S rsLocale.accesskey=g applications-type-pdf = 便携式文档格式(PDF) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (previewInApp): %S = brandShortName previewInApp=在 %S 中预览