# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. page-title = 排障信息 page-subtitle = 本页面包含的技术信息在您寻求解决方法时或许能帮上忙。 如果您正在寻找 { -brand-short-name } 常见问题的答案, 可以查阅我们的帮助网站。 crashes-title = 崩溃报告 crashes-id = 报告 ID crashes-send-date = 提交日期 crashes-all-reports = 全部崩溃报告 crashes-no-config = 此应用程序未被配置为显示崩溃报告。 support-addons-title = 附加组件 support-addons-name = 名称 support-addons-type = 类型 support-addons-enabled = 已启用 support-addons-version = 版本 support-addons-id = ID legacy-user-stylesheets-title = 旧版用户样式表单 legacy-user-stylesheets-enabled = 启用 legacy-user-stylesheets-stylesheet-types = 样式表 legacy-user-stylesheets-no-stylesheets-found = 未找到样式表 security-software-title = 安全软件 security-software-type = 类型 security-software-name = 名称 security-software-antivirus = 防病毒软件 security-software-antispyware = 反间谍软件 security-software-firewall = 防火墙 features-title = { -brand-short-name } 功能 features-name = 名称 features-version = 版本 features-id = ID processes-title = 远程进程 processes-type = 类型 processes-count = 数量 app-basics-title = 应用程序概要 app-basics-name = 名称 app-basics-version = 版本 app-basics-build-id = 版本 ID app-basics-distribution-id = 发行 ID app-basics-update-channel = 更新通道 # This message refers to the folder used to store updates on the device, # as in "Folder for updates". "Update" is a noun, not a verb. app-basics-update-dir = { PLATFORM() -> [linux] 更新目录 *[other] 更新文件夹 } app-basics-update-history = 更新历史 app-basics-show-update-history = 显示更新历史 # Represents the path to the binary used to start the application. app-basics-binary = 应用程序二进制文件 app-basics-profile-dir = { PLATFORM() -> [linux] 配置文件夹 *[other] 配置文件夹 } app-basics-enabled-plugins = 已启用的插件 app-basics-build-config = 构建配置 app-basics-user-agent = 用户代理 app-basics-os = 操作系统 app-basics-os-theme = 操作系统主题 # Rosetta is Apple's translation process to run apps containing x86_64 # instructions on Apple Silicon. This should remain in English. app-basics-rosetta = 由 Rosetta 转译 app-basics-memory-use = 内存使用 app-basics-performance = 性能 app-basics-service-workers = 已注册的 Service Worker app-basics-third-party = 第三方模块 app-basics-profiles = 配置文件 app-basics-launcher-process-status = 启动器进程 app-basics-multi-process-support = 多进程窗口 app-basics-fission-support = Fission 窗口 app-basics-remote-processes-count = 远程进程 app-basics-enterprise-policies = 企业策略 app-basics-location-service-key-google = Google 位置服务密钥 app-basics-safebrowsing-key-google = Google 安全浏览密钥 app-basics-key-mozilla = Mozilla 位置服务密钥 app-basics-safe-mode = 安全模式 app-basics-memory-size = 内存大小(RAM) app-basics-disk-available = 磁盘可用空间 app-basics-pointing-devices = 定点设备 # Variables: # $value (number) - Amount of data being stored # $unit (string) - The unit of data being stored (e.g. MB) app-basics-data-size = { $value } { $unit } show-dir-label = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] 在 Finder 中显示 [windows] 打开文件夹 *[other] 打开目录 } environment-variables-title = 环境变量 environment-variables-name = 名称 environment-variables-value = 值 experimental-features-title = 实验性功能 experimental-features-name = 名称 experimental-features-value = 值 modified-key-prefs-title = 修改过的重要首选项 modified-prefs-name = 名称 modified-prefs-value = 值 user-js-title = user.js 设置 user-js-description = 您的配置文件夹中有一个 user.js 文件,其中包含了一些并非由 { -brand-short-name } 所创建的首选项(偏好设置)。 locked-key-prefs-title = 已锁定的重要首选项 locked-prefs-name = 名称 locked-prefs-value = 值 graphics-title = 图像 graphics-features-title = 特性 graphics-diagnostics-title = 诊断 graphics-failure-log-title = 失败日志 graphics-gpu1-title = GPU #1 graphics-gpu2-title = GPU #2 graphics-decision-log-title = 决策日志 graphics-crash-guards-title = 被崩溃守卫禁用的功能 graphics-workarounds-title = 变通方法 graphics-device-pixel-ratios = 窗口设备像素比 # Windowing system in use on Linux (e.g. X11, Wayland). graphics-window-protocol = 窗口协议 # Desktop environment in use on Linux (e.g. GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc). graphics-desktop-environment = 桌面环境 place-database-title = Places 数据库 place-database-stats = 统计信息 place-database-stats-show = 显示统计信息 place-database-stats-hide = 隐藏统计信息 place-database-stats-entity = 实体 place-database-stats-count = 数量 place-database-stats-size-kib = 大小 (KiB) place-database-stats-size-perc = 大小 (%) place-database-stats-efficiency-perc = 效率 (%) place-database-stats-sequentiality-perc = 顺序性 (%) place-database-integrity = 完整性 place-database-verify-integrity = 验证完整性 a11y-title = 无障碍环境 a11y-activated = 已激活 a11y-force-disabled = 强制停用无障碍环境 a11y-handler-used = 采用无障碍处理程序 a11y-instantiator = 无障碍环境实例化器(Accessibility Instantiator) library-version-title = 库版本 copy-text-to-clipboard-label = 复制文本到剪贴板 copy-raw-data-to-clipboard-label = 复制原始数据到剪贴板 sandbox-title = 沙盒 sandbox-sys-call-log-title = 被拒绝的系统调用 sandbox-sys-call-index = # sandbox-sys-call-age = 秒前 sandbox-sys-call-pid = PID sandbox-sys-call-tid = TID sandbox-sys-call-proc-type = 进程类型 sandbox-sys-call-number = 系统调用 sandbox-sys-call-args = 参数 troubleshoot-mode-title = 诊断问题 restart-in-troubleshoot-mode-label = 排障模式… clear-startup-cache-title = 尝试清除启动缓存 clear-startup-cache-label = 清除启动缓存... startup-cache-dialog-title2 = 要重启 { -brand-short-name } 以清除启动缓存吗? startup-cache-dialog-body2 = 将不会更改您的设置或移除扩展。 restart-button-label = 重启 ## Media titles audio-backend = 音频后端 max-audio-channels = 最大声道 sample-rate = 首选采样率 roundtrip-latency = 往返延迟(标准差) media-title = 媒体 media-output-devices-title = 输出设备 media-input-devices-title = 输入设备 media-device-name = 名称 media-device-group = 组别 media-device-vendor = 厂商 media-device-state = 状态 media-device-preferred = 首选 media-device-format = 格式 media-device-channels = 声道 media-device-rate = 采样率 media-device-latency = 延迟 media-capabilities-title = 媒体能力 media-codec-support-info = 解码器支持信息 # List all the entries of the database. media-capabilities-enumerate = 枚举数据库 ## Codec support table media-codec-support-sw-decoding = 软件解码 media-codec-support-hw-decoding = 硬件解码 media-codec-support-codec-name = 编解码器名称 media-codec-support-supported = 已支持 media-codec-support-unsupported = 不支持 media-codec-support-error = 无法获取编解码器支持信息,请在播放媒体文件后重试。 media-codec-support-lack-of-extension = 安装扩展 ## Media Content Decryption Modules (CDM) ## See EME Spec for more explanation for following technical terms ## https://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/ media-content-decryption-modules-title = 内容解密模块信息 media-key-system-name = 密钥系统名称 media-video-robustness = 视频稳定性 media-audio-robustness = 音频稳定性 media-cdm-capabilities = 功能 # Clear Lead isn't defined in the spec, which means the the first few seconds # are not encrypted. It allows playback to start without having to wait for # license response, improving video start time and user experience. media-cdm-clear-lead = 不加密的前导段 ## intl-title = 国际化与本地化 intl-app-title = 应用程序设置 intl-locales-requested = 要求的语言环境 intl-locales-available = 可用的语言环境 intl-locales-supported = 应用程序语言环境 intl-locales-default = 默认语言环境 intl-os-title = 操作系统 intl-os-prefs-system-locales = 系统语言环境 intl-regional-prefs = 地区偏好 ## Remote Debugging ## ## The Firefox remote protocol provides low-level debugging interfaces ## used to inspect state and control execution of documents, ## browser instrumentation, user interaction simulation, ## and for subscribing to browser-internal events. ## ## See also https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/remote/ remote-debugging-title = 远程调试(Chromium 协议) remote-debugging-accepting-connections = 接受连接 remote-debugging-url = URL ## # Variables # $days (Integer) - Number of days of crashes to log report-crash-for-days = 近 { $days } 天的崩溃报告 # Variables # $minutes (integer) - Number of minutes since crash crashes-time-minutes = { $minutes } 分钟前 # Variables # $hours (integer) - Number of hours since crash crashes-time-hours = { $hours } 小时前 # Variables # $days (integer) - Number of days since crash crashes-time-days = { $days } 天前 # Variables # $reports (integer) - Number of pending reports pending-reports = 全部崩溃报告(包括 { $reports } 个待上传的指定时间范围内的崩溃) raw-data-copied = 原始数据已复制到剪贴板 text-copied = 文本已复制到剪贴板 ## The verb "blocked" here refers to a graphics feature such as "Direct2D" or "OpenGL layers". blocked-driver = 因您的显卡驱动版本而无法启用。 blocked-gfx-card = 因您显卡驱动的未解决的问题而无法启用。 blocked-os-version = 因您的操作系统版本而无法启用。 blocked-mismatched-version = 因您的注册表与 DLL 中的显卡驱动程序版本号不相符而无法启用。 # Variables # $driverVersion - The graphics driver version string try-newer-driver = 因您的显卡驱动版本而无法启用。请尝试更新您的显卡驱动程序至版本 { $driverVersion } 或更新的版本。 # "ClearType" is a proper noun and should not be translated. Feel free to leave English strings if # there are no good translations, these are only used in about:support clear-type-parameters = ClearType 参数 compositing = 合成 hardware-h264 = H264 硬件解码 main-thread-no-omtc = 主线程,无 OMTC yes = 是 no = 否 unknown = 未知 virtual-monitor-disp = 虚拟显示器 ## The following strings indicate if an API key has been found. ## In some development versions, it's expected for some API keys that they are ## not found. found = 存在 missing = 缺失 gpu-process-pid = GPUProcessPid gpu-process = GPUProcess gpu-description = 描述 gpu-vendor-id = 厂商 ID gpu-device-id = 设备 ID gpu-subsys-id = 子系统 ID gpu-drivers = 驱动程序 gpu-ram = 内存 gpu-driver-vendor = 驱动程序供应商 gpu-driver-version = 驱动程序版本 gpu-driver-date = 驱动程序日期 gpu-active = 活动 webgl1-wsiinfo = WebGL 1 驱动程序 WSI 信息 webgl1-renderer = WebGL 1 驱动程序渲染器 webgl1-version = WebGL 1 驱动程序版本 webgl1-driver-extensions = WebGL 1 驱动程序扩展 webgl1-extensions = WebGL 1 扩展 webgl2-wsiinfo = WebGL 2 驱动程序 WSI 信息 webgl2-renderer = WebGL2 渲染器 webgl2-version = WebGL 2 驱动程序版本 webgl2-driver-extensions = WebGL 2 驱动程序扩展 webgl2-extensions = WebGL 2 扩展 webgpu-default-adapter = WebGPU 默认显卡 webgpu-fallback-adapter = WebGPU 备用显卡 # Variables # $bugNumber (string) - Bug number on Bugzilla support-blocklisted-bug = 由于已知问题,被列入屏蔽列表:bug { $bugNumber } # Variables # $failureCode (string) - String that can be searched in the source tree. unknown-failure = 已列入黑名单;故障代码 { $failureCode } d3d11layers-crash-guard = D3D11 合成器 glcontext-crash-guard = OpenGL wmfvpxvideo-crash-guard = WMF VPX 视频解码器 reset-on-next-restart = 下次开启时重置 gpu-process-kill-button = 终止 GPU 进程 gpu-device-reset = 设备重置 gpu-device-reset-button = 触发设备重置 uses-tiling = 使用 Tiling content-uses-tiling = 使用 Tiling(内容) off-main-thread-paint-enabled = 非主线程绘制已启用 off-main-thread-paint-worker-count = 非主线程绘制工作器数量 target-frame-rate = 目标帧率 min-lib-versions = 预期最低版本 loaded-lib-versions = 目前使用版本 has-seccomp-bpf = Seccomp-BPF(系统调用过滤) has-seccomp-tsync = Seccomp 线程同步 has-user-namespaces = 用户命名空间 has-privileged-user-namespaces = 用于特权进程的用户命名空间 can-sandbox-content = 内容进程沙盒化 can-sandbox-media = 媒体插件沙盒化 content-sandbox-level = 内容进程沙盒级别 effective-content-sandbox-level = 生效的内容进程沙盒级别 content-win32k-lockdown-state = 内容进程的 Win32k 锁定状态 support-sandbox-gpu-level = GPU 进程沙盒级别 sandbox-proc-type-content = 内容 sandbox-proc-type-file = 文件内容 sandbox-proc-type-media-plugin = 媒体插件 sandbox-proc-type-data-decoder = 数据解码器 startup-cache-title = 启动缓存 startup-cache-disk-cache-path = 磁盘缓存路径 startup-cache-ignore-disk-cache = 忽略磁盘缓存 startup-cache-found-disk-cache-on-init = 在初始化时发现磁盘缓存 startup-cache-wrote-to-disk-cache = 已写入磁盘缓存 launcher-process-status-0 = 启用 launcher-process-status-1 = 因故障而禁用 launcher-process-status-2 = 强制禁用 launcher-process-status-unknown = 未知状态 # Variables # $remoteWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows # $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows multi-process-windows = { $remoteWindows }/{ $totalWindows } # Variables # $fissionWindows (integer) - Number of remote windows # $totalWindows (integer) - Number of total windows fission-windows = { $fissionWindows }/{ $totalWindows } fission-status-experiment-control = 通过实验禁用 fission-status-experiment-treatment = 通过实验启用 fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-env = 被环境禁用 fission-status-enabled-by-env = 由环境启用 fission-status-disabled-by-env = 被环境禁用 fission-status-enabled-by-default = 默认启用 fission-status-disabled-by-default = 默认禁用 fission-status-enabled-by-user-pref = 由用户启用 fission-status-disabled-by-user-pref = 被用户禁用 fission-status-disabled-by-e10s-other = 已禁用 E10s fission-status-enabled-by-rollout = 通过分阶段推出启用 async-pan-zoom = 异步平移/缩放 apz-none = 无 wheel-enabled = 滚轮输入已启用 touch-enabled = 触摸输入已启用 drag-enabled = 滚动条拖动已启用 keyboard-enabled = 键盘已启用 autoscroll-enabled = 自动滚动已启用 zooming-enabled = 已启用平滑手势缩放 ## Variables ## $preferenceKey (string) - String ID of preference wheel-warning = 因为不支持的首选项: { $preferenceKey },已禁用异步滚轮输入 touch-warning = 因为不支持的首选项: { $preferenceKey },已禁用异步触摸输入 ## Strings representing the status of the Enterprise Policies engine. policies-inactive = 未激活 policies-active = 已激活 policies-error = 错误 ## Printing section support-printing-title = 打印 support-printing-troubleshoot = 故障排除 support-printing-clear-settings-button = 清除保存的打印设置 support-printing-modified-settings = 修改过的打印设置 support-printing-prefs-name = 名称 support-printing-prefs-value = 值 ## Normandy sections support-remote-experiments-title = 远程实验 support-remote-experiments-name = 名称 support-remote-experiments-branch = 实验分支 support-remote-experiments-see-about-studies = 欲详细了解,请参见 about:studies,包括如何禁用单个实验或禁止 { -brand-short-name } 以后运行此类实验。 support-remote-features-title = 远程功能 support-remote-features-name = 名称 support-remote-features-status = 状态 ## Pointing devices pointing-device-mouse = 鼠标 pointing-device-touchscreen = 触摸屏 pointing-device-pen-digitizer = 数位板 pointing-device-none = 无定点设备