# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### "FOG", "Glean", and "Glean SDK" should remain in English. -fog-brand-name = FOG -glean-brand-name = Glean glean-sdk-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } SDK glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name = { -glean-brand-name } Debug Ping 檢視器 about-glean-page-title2 = 關於 { -glean-brand-name } about-glean-header = 關於 { -glean-brand-name } about-glean-interface-description = { glean-sdk-brand-name } 是一套 { -vendor-short-name } 專案所使用的資料收集程式庫。本介面是設計來讓開發者與測試者能夠手動操作測試。 about-glean-upload-enabled = 已啟用資料上傳。 about-glean-upload-disabled = 已停用資料上傳。 about-glean-upload-enabled-local = 僅允許資料上傳至本機伺服器。 about-glean-upload-fake-enabled = 已停用資料上傳,但我們告訴 { glean-sdk-brand-name } 本功能仍然啟用,這樣才可在本機紀錄資料。註:若您設定了除錯標籤,將無視設定一律將 ping 上傳至 { glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name }。 # This message is followed by a bulleted list. about-glean-prefs-and-defines = 相關的偏好設定與軟體定義包含: # Variables: # $data-upload-pref-value (String): the value of the datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled pref. Typically "true", sometimes "false" # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-data-upload = datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled: { $data-upload-pref-value } # Variables: # $local-port-pref-value (Integer): the value of the telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port pref. Typically 0. Can be negative. # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-local-port = telemetry.fog.test.localhost_port: { $local-port-pref-value } # Variables: # $glean-android-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID define. Typically "false", sometimes "true". # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-glean-android = MOZ_GLEAN_ANDROID: { $glean-android-define-value } # Variables: # $moz-official-define-value (Boolean): the value of the MOZILLA_OFFICIAL define. # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-moz-official = MOZILLA_OFFICIAL: { $moz-official-define-value } about-glean-about-testing-header = 關於測試 # This message is followed by a numbered list. about-glean-manual-testing = 完整的操作教學文件撰寫於 { -fog-brand-name } 測試文件{ glean-sdk-brand-name } 文件中。但簡單來說,如果要手動測試您的測試工具是否正常,應該: # This message is an option in a dropdown filled with untranslated names of pings. about-glean-no-ping-label = (不送出任何 ping) # An in-line text input field precedes this string. about-glean-label-for-tag-pings = 在左方欄位填寫好記的除錯用標籤,這樣之後才能快速找到您的 ping。 # An in-line text input field precedes this string. about-glean-label-for-tag-pings-with-requirements = 設定一組好記的除錯用標籤(少於 20 個字,只接受英數字與 - 連字號),這樣之後才能找到您的 ping。 # An in-line drop down list precedes this string. # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-label-for-ping-names = 請從左方清單選擇您的測試儀器所在的位置。若位於自訂 ping,請選擇該項目;否則預設的 event 指標是 event,而其他所有指標的預設值為 metrics ping。 # An in-line check box precedes this string. about-glean-label-for-log-pings = (若您也想要在送出 Ping 時紀錄下來,請勾選左邊的選取盒,非必選。另外還需要開啟記錄。) # Variables # $debug-tag (String): The user-set value of the debug tag input on this page. Like "about-glean-kV" # An in-line button labeled "Apply settings and submit ping" precedes this string. about-glean-label-for-controls-submit = 按下上方按鈕即可將所有 { -glean-brand-name } ping 加上您的標籤,並送出選擇的 ping。(按下按鈕後直到重新啟動應用程式前所送出的 ping 都將標上 { $debug-tag }。) about-glean-li-for-visit-gdpv = 請到 { glean-debug-ping-viewer-brand-name }頁面即可檢視含有您指定標籤的 ping。按下按鈕後的幾秒鐘後 ping 就應該出現,有時會需要稍等幾分鐘。 # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-adhoc-explanation = 若需進行 ad hoc 臨時測試,也可以在 about:glean 本頁面開啟開發者主控台,使用 Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()testGetValue() API 來決定測試儀器中的特定值。 # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-adhoc-explanation2 = 若需進行 ad hoc 臨時測試,也可以在 about:glean 本頁面開啟開發者主控台,使用 Glean.metricCategory.metricName.testGetValue()testGetValue() API 來取得 metric.category.metric_name 儀器中的資訊,決定測試儀器中的特定值。 # Do not translate strings between tags. about-glean-adhoc-note = 註:您正透過開發者工具主控台使用 Glean JS API。這代表指標的分類與名稱會使用 camelCase 格式顯示,而與 Rust 及 C++ API 格式不同。 controls-button-label-verbose = 套用設定並送出 ping about-glean-about-data-header = 關於資料 about-glean-about-data-explanation = 要瀏覽收集的資料清單,請參考 { -glean-brand-name } 字典