/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Debounce time in milliseconds - this should be long enough to account for // sync script tags that could appear between desired meta tags const TIMEOUT_DELAY = 1000; const ACCEPTED_PROTOCOLS = ["http:", "https:"]; // Possible description tags, listed in order from least favourable to most favourable const DESCRIPTION_RULES = [ "twitter:description", "description", "og:description", ]; // Possible image tags, listed in order from least favourable to most favourable const PREVIEW_IMAGE_RULES = [ "thumbnail", "twitter:image", "og:image", "og:image:url", "og:image:secure_url", ]; /* * Checks if the incoming meta tag has a greater score than the current best * score by checking the index of the meta tag in the list of rules provided. * * @param {Array} aRules * The list of rules for a given type of meta tag * @param {String} aTag * The name or property of the incoming meta tag * @param {String} aEntry * The current best entry for the given meta tag * * @returns {Boolean} true if the incoming meta tag is better than the current * best meta tag of that same kind, false otherwise */ function shouldExtractMetadata(aRules, aTag, aEntry) { return aRules.indexOf(aTag) > aEntry.currMaxScore; } /* * Ensure that the preview image URL is safe and valid before storing * * @param {URL} aURL * A URL object that needs to be checked for valid principal and protocol * * @returns {Boolean} true if the preview URL is safe and can be stored, false otherwise */ function checkLoadURIStr(aURL) { if (!ACCEPTED_PROTOCOLS.includes(aURL.protocol)) { return false; } try { let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; let principal = ssm.createNullPrincipal({}); ssm.checkLoadURIStrWithPrincipal( principal, aURL.href, ssm.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL ); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } /* * This listens to DOMMetaAdded events and collects relevant metadata about the * meta tag received. Then, it sends the metadata gathered from the meta tags * and the url of the page as it's payload to be inserted into moz_places. */ export class ContentMetaChild extends JSWindowActorChild { constructor() { super(); // Store a mapping of the best description and preview // image collected so far for a given URL. this.metaTags = new Map(); } didDestroy() { for (let entry of this.metaTags.values()) { entry.timeout.cancel(); } } handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "DOMContentLoaded": const metaTags = this.contentWindow.document.querySelectorAll("meta"); for (let metaTag of metaTags) { this.onMetaTag(metaTag); } break; case "DOMMetaAdded": this.onMetaTag(event.originalTarget); break; default: } } onMetaTag(metaTag) { const window = metaTag.ownerGlobal; // If there's no meta tag, ignore this. Also verify that the window // matches just to be safe. if (!metaTag || !metaTag.ownerDocument || window != this.contentWindow) { return; } const url = metaTag.ownerDocument.documentURI; let name = metaTag.name; let prop = metaTag.getAttributeNS(null, "property"); if (!name && !prop) { return; } let tag = name || prop; const entry = this.metaTags.get(url) || { description: { value: null, currMaxScore: -1 }, image: { value: null, currMaxScore: -1 }, timeout: null, }; // Malformed meta tag - do not store it const content = metaTag.getAttributeNS(null, "content"); if (!content) { return; } if (shouldExtractMetadata(DESCRIPTION_RULES, tag, entry.description)) { // Extract the description entry.description.value = content; entry.description.currMaxScore = DESCRIPTION_RULES.indexOf(tag); } else if (shouldExtractMetadata(PREVIEW_IMAGE_RULES, tag, entry.image)) { // Extract the preview image let value; try { value = new URL(content, url); } catch (e) { return; } if (value && checkLoadURIStr(value)) { entry.image.value = value.href; entry.image.currMaxScore = PREVIEW_IMAGE_RULES.indexOf(tag); } } else { // We don't care about other meta tags return; } if (!this.metaTags.has(url)) { this.metaTags.set(url, entry); } if (entry.timeout) { entry.timeout.delay = TIMEOUT_DELAY; } else { // We want to debounce incoming meta tags until we're certain we have the // best one for description and preview image, and only store that one entry.timeout = Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); entry.timeout.initWithCallback( () => { entry.timeout = null; this.metaTags.delete(url); // We try to cancel the timers when we get destroyed, but if // there's a race, catch it: if (!this.manager || this.manager.isClosed) { return; } // Save description and preview image to moz_places this.sendAsyncMessage("Meta:SetPageInfo", { url, description: entry.description.value, previewImageURL: entry.image.value, }); // Telemetry for recording the size of page metadata let metadataSize = entry.description.value ? entry.description.value.length : 0; metadataSize += entry.image.value ? entry.image.value.length : 0; Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("PAGE_METADATA_SIZE") .add(metadataSize); }, TIMEOUT_DELAY, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT ); } } }